This plugin provides integration with the CodePush service, allowing you to easily update your React Native application to enable live app updates.
- iOS
- Android
A React Native application's assets (JavaScript code and other resources) are traditionally bundled up as a .jsbundle
file which is loaded from the application installation location on the target device during runtime. After you submit an update to the store, the user downloads the update, and those assets will be replaced with the new assets.
CodePush is here to simplify this process by allowing you to instantly update your application's assets without having to submit a new update to the store. We do this by allowing you to upload and manage your React Native app bundles on our CodePush server. In the application, we check for the presence of updated bundles on the server. If they are available, we will install and persist them to the internal storage of the device. If a new bundle is installed, the application will reload from the updated package location.
For an easy way to get started, please see our demo application and our getting started guide.
npm install --save react-native-code-push
After installing the React Native CodePush plugin, open your project in Xcode. Open the react-native-code-push
in Finder, and drag the CodePush.xcodeproj
into the Libraries folder of Xcode.
In Xcode, click on your project, and select the "Build Phases" tab of your project configuration. Drag libCodePush.a from Libraries/CodePush.xcodeproj/Products
into the "Link Binary With Libraries" secton of your project's "Build Phases" configuration.
Under the "Build Settings" tab of your project configuration, find the "Header Search Paths" section and edit the value.
Add a new value, $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-code-push
and select "recursive" in the dropdown.
Finally, edit your project's AppDelegate.m
At the top of the file, add the following line to import the CodePush headers.
#import "CodePush.h"
Then, find the following code:
jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true"];
Replace it with this:
jsCodeLocation = [CodePush getBundleUrl];
This change allows CodePush to load the updated app location after an update has been applied. Before any updates are installed, CodePush will load your app from the bundled "main.jsbundle" file. After updates are installed, CodePush will load your app from the writable user directory, where the update has been downloaded.
npm install --save react-native-code-push
Edit settings.gradle
include ':app', ':react-native-code-push'
project(':react-native-code-push').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-code-push/android/app')
Edit build.gradle to include the library dependency
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-code-push')
Next, register the library in your onCreate()
method of your
// Tell CodePush where to write and find new downloaded updates
SoLoader.init(this, false);
// Initialize the CodePushReactRootView
mReactRootView = new CodePushReactRootView(this);
mReactInstanceManager = CodePushReactInstanceManager.builder()
// Load main bundle called "" from the assets folder
// Set app version and deployment key
.addPackage(new CodePush.CodePushReactPackage(BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME,
- checkForUpdate: Checks the service for updates
- notifyApplicationReady: Notifies the plugin that the update operation succeeded. Note: currently only supported in iOS.
- getCurrentPackage: Gets information about the currently applied package.
- LocalPackage: Contains information about a locally installed package.
- RemotePackage: Contains information about an updated package available for download.
Add the plugin to your app
Open your app's
and add a "CodePushDeploymentKey" entry with your app's deployment key -
In your app's
make sure your "CFBundleShortVersionString" value is a valid semver version. -
To publish an update for your app, run
react-native bundle
, and then publishiOS/main.jsbundle
using the CodePush CLI.
- Clone this repository
- From the root of this project, run
npm install
- From this demo app folder, run
npm install
- Open
and fill in the value for CodePushDeploymentKey - Run
npm start
to launch the packager - Open
in Xcode - Launch the project
- Open
in Xcode - Navigate to the test explorer (small grey diamond near top left)
- Click on the 'play' button next to CodePushDemoAppTests
- After the tests are completed, green ticks should appear next to the test cases to indicate success
Contains details about an update package that has been downloaded locally or already applied (currently installed package).
- deploymentKey: Deployment key of the package. (String)
- description: Package description. (String)
- label: Package label. (String)
- appVersion: The native version of the application this package update is intended for. (String)
- isMandatory: Flag indicating if the update is mandatory. (Boolean)
- packageHash: The hash value of the package. (String)
- packageSize: The size of the package, in bytes. (Number)
- apply(rollbackTimeout): Promise: Applies this package to the application. The application will be reloaded with this package and on every application launch this package will be loaded. If the rollbackTimeout parameter is provided, the application will wait for a codePush.notifyApplicationReady() for the given number of milliseconds. If codePush.notifyApplicationReady() is called before the time period specified by rollbackTimeout, the apply operation is considered a success. Otherwise, the apply operation will be marked as failed, and the application is reverted to its previous version. Note: Rollbacks are currently only supported in iOS.
Contains details about an update package that is available for download.
- deploymentKey: Deployment key of the package. (String)
- description: Package description. (String)
- label: Package label. (String)
- appVersion: The native version of the application this package update is intended for. (String)
- isMandatory: Flag indicating if the update is mandatory. (Boolean)
- packageHash: The hash value of the package. (String)
- packageSize: The size of the package, in bytes. (Number)
- downloadUrl: The URL at which the package is available for download. (String)
- download(): Promise: Downloads the package update from the CodePush service. Returns a Promise that resolves with the LocalPackage.
Queries the CodePush server for updates.
codePush.checkForUpdate(): Promise<RemotePackage>;
returns a Promise that resolves when the server responds with an update.
codePush.checkForUpdate().then((update) => {
codePush.getCurrentPackage(): Promise<LocalPackage>;
Get the currently installed package information. Returns a Promise that resolves with the local package.
codePush.notifyApplicationReady(): Promise<void>;
Notifies the plugin that the update operation succeeded.
Calling this function is required if a rollbackTimeout parameter is passed to your LocalPackage.apply
If automatic rollback was not used, calling this function is not required and will result in a noop.