galaxyline is a light-weight and Super Fast statusline plugin. Galaxyline componentizes Vim's statusline by having a provider for each text area.
This means you can use the api provided by galaxyline to create the statusline that you want, easily.
IMPORTANT: galaxyline requires neovim 0.5 onwards
- packer.nvim
-- your statusline
config = function()
-- some optional icons
requires = { "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons", opt = true }
The type of all of these section variables:
some special filetypes that show a short statusline likeLuaTree defx coc-explorer vista
etc. -
the statusline left section. -
the statusline mid section. -
the stautsline right section. -
the statusline left section when filetype is inshort_line_list
and for inactive window -
statusline right section when filetype is inshort_line_list
and for inactive window
Example of a FileSize component in the left section:
require("galaxyline").section.left[1] = {
FileSize = {
provider = "FileSize",
condition = function()
return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand("%:t")) ~= 1
icon = " ",
highlight = {, colors.purple },
separator = "",
separator_highlight = { colors.purple, colors.darkblue },
can be a string, function or table. When it's a string, it will match
the default provider group. If it doesn't match an existing group you will get
an error. You can also use multiple default providers in provider
. If you are
using multiple then you must provide an array table for provider
---- source provider functions
-- Code diagnostics
local diagnostic = require("galaxyline.providers.diagnostic")
-- Version control
local vcs = require("galaxyline.providers.vcs")
-- Core files information
local fileinfo = require("galaxyline.providers.fileinfo")
-- Extensions, aka plugins
local extension = require("galaxyline.providers.extensions")
-- Neovim highlighting
local colors = require("galaxyline.highlighting")
-- Buffer information, e.g. corresponding icon
local buffer = require("galaxyline.providers.buffer")
-- Search results
local search = require("")
-- Spacing
local whitespace = require("galaxyline.providers.whitespace")
-- Active language server information
local lspclient = require("galaxyline.providers.lsp")
---- Providers
BufferIcon = buffer.get_buffer_type_icon
BufferNumber = buffer.get_buffer_number
FileTypeName = buffer.get_buffer_filetype
-- Git Provider
GitBranch = vcs.get_git_branch
DiffAdd = vcs.diff_add -- support vim-gitgutter vim-signify gitsigns
DiffModified = vcs.diff_modified -- support vim-gitgutter vim-signify gitsigns
DiffRemove = vcs.diff_remove -- support vim-gitgutter vim-signify gitsigns
-- Search Provider
SearchResults = search.get_results,
-- File Provider
LineColumn = fileinfo.line_column
FileFormat = fileinfo.get_file_format
FileEncode = fileinfo.get_file_encode
FileSize = fileinfo.get_file_size
FileIcon = fileinfo.get_file_icon
FileName = fileinfo.get_current_file_name
LinePercent = fileinfo.current_line_percent
ScrollBar = extension.scrollbar_instance
VistaPlugin = extension.vista_nearest
-- Whitespace
Whitespace = whitespace.get_item
-- Diagnostic Provider
DiagnosticError = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_error
DiagnosticWarn = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_warn
DiagnosticHint = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_hint
DiagnosticInfo = diagnostic.get_diagnostic_info
-- LSP
GetLspClient = lspclient.get_lsp_client
---- Public libs
-- Get file icon color
-- Custom file icon with color
local my_icons = require("galaxyline.providers.fileinfo").define_file_icon()
my_icons['your file type here'] = { color code, icon}
-- If your filetype does is not defined in neovim you can use file extensions
my_icons['your file ext in here'] = { color code, icon}
---- built-in conditions
local condition = require("galaxyline.condition")
-- if buffer not empty return true else false
-- if winwidth(0)/ 2 > 40 true else false
-- find git root, you can use this to check if the project is a git workspace
---- built-in theme
local colors = require("galaxyline.themes.colors").default
--- Palette:
-- bg = "#202328"
-- fg = "#bbc2cf"
-- yellow = "#ECBE7B"
-- cyan = "#008080"
-- darkblue = "#081633"
-- green = "#98be65"
-- orange = "#FF8800"
-- violet = "#a9a1e1"
-- magenta = "#c678dd"
-- blue = "#51afef"
-- red = "#ec5f67"
Do you want to use other themes than default or even make your own? Please refer to!
You can also use the source of the provider function.
is a function that must return a boolean. If it returns true then it will load the component. -
is a string that will be added to the head of the provider result. It can also be a function that returns a string. -
is a string, function or table that can be used in two ways. The first is to pass three elements: the first element isfg
, the second isbg
, and the third isgui
. The second method is to pass a highlight group as a string (such asIncSearch
) that galaxyline will link to. -
is a string, function or table. notice that table type only work in mid section, It is not just a separator. Any statusline item can be defined here, like%<
, and so on. -
same as highlight -
type is string. You configure a plugin's event that will reload the statusline.
- author: glepnir
- author: ChristianChiarulli
- author: BenoitPingris
- author: Th3Whit3Wolf
- author: voitd
You can find more custom galaxyline examples here