Simple case detection and conversion for strings.
$ component install ianstormtaylor/case
Case detection:
var Case = require('case');
Case('thisIsAString'); // "camel"
Case('This Is A String'); // "capital"
Case('THIS_IS_A_STRING'); // "constant"
Case(''); // "dot"
Case('this is a string.'); // "lower"
Case('This is a string.'); // "sentence"
Case('this-is-a-string'); // "slug"
Case('this_is_a_string'); // "snake"
Case('this is a string'); // "space"
Case('This Is a String'); // "title"
Case('THIS IS A STRING'); // "upper"
Case conversion:
var Case = require('case');
Case.camel('what_the_heck'); // "whatTheHeck"'what the heck'); // "What The Heck"
Case.constant('whatTheHeck'); // "WHAT_THE_HECK"'whatTheHeck'); // "what.the.heck"
Case.inverse('whaT tHe HeCK'); // "WHAt ThE HeCK"
Case.lower('whatTheHeck'); // "what the heck"
Case.sentence('WHAT THE HECK.'); // "What the heck."
Case.slug('whatTheHeck'); // "what-the-heck"
Case.snake('whatTheHeck'); // "what_the_heck"'what.the.heck'); // "what the heck"
Case.title('what the heck'); // "What the Heck"
Case.upper('whatTheHeck'); // "WHAT THE HECK"