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This is a Vue.JS mixin that intends to make API data requests easier for the Directus API with much fewer lines of code.
getContents(url, requestType="fetchCollection", collection, param = null)
- url: String
- collection: String
- requestType: String (fetchCollection - fetchById - filter - search - sort)
- param: not mandatory, only needed for fetchById - filter - search - sort
If requestType = "filter", "param" will accept an {object} with the filter options:
---------> filter: contains | equals
---------> field: api content field to filter
---------> string: the string to search
If requestType = "sort", "param" will accept an {object} or [array] of {objects} with the filter options:
---------> sortField: will be equal to the field name to sort
---------> sortType: ascending | descending
1 - Create a file called "api.js" and paste the contents of this snippet to the file.
2 - Save the file in your Vue.JS app folder in the following directory: ./src/assets/js/api.js
3 - Import the file to the "View" or "Component" where you want to have access to this library's functions using the following code inside the <script>
import api from "./src/assets/js/api.js";
4 - Then include the mixin in your export default object, like you see below:
export default {
mixins: [api], //add this parameter to introduce the mixin to the file..
data() {
return {
//data will be returned here
Below you will find the API calls reference guide that you can make with this mixin.
All requests made by this API calls are saved to a variable / data property called globalContents
So that it the data property / variable you will be using in your "Views" or "Components".
<div v-for="item in globalContents" :key="item">
this.getContents("https://url.directus.app", "fetchCollection", "blogposts");
As the most standard fetch for data is usually an entire collection, I have created a reduced version of the function that takes only two parameters: "url" and "collection". This will translate into a "fetchCollection" requestType by default
this.getContents("https://url.directus.app", "fetchById", "blogposts", "3");
this.getContents("https://url.directus.app", "filter", "blogposts", {filter:"equals", field:"title", string:"beautiful code snippet"});
this.getContents("https://url.directus.app", "search", "blogposts", "string to search");
With Single Sort Field
this.getContents("https://url.directus.app","yourCollection","sort",{sortField: "name", sortType:"ascending"});
With Multiple Sort Fields
this.getContents("https://url.directus.app","yourCollection","sort",[{sortField: "name", sortType:"ascending"}, {sortField: "date", sortType:"descending"}]);
Tiago Galvão a.k.a Slaveworx | Released under the MIT License - 2022