While studying information security, I develop for macOS and iOS using SwiftUI. I focus mainly on writing more optimal programs for older versions of the system. I experiment with OpenCore on my Thinkpad X260. I recently completed Find-A-Cat, a cat pedigree management program, but I'm currently more interested in user-friendly solutions like NocoDB
- extensions built on existing systems make more sense to me than development from scratch. I've been building websites using Svelte for five years and in my thesis I'm researching honeypots in network security. I prefer native applications and Python over Electron. Safari is my main browser for its balance of performance and battery life, on Linux it's Firefox. I recommend Edge to Windows users. For organization, I use Todoist and Apple Calendar linked with Google Calendar. FSNotes
via iCloud suits me better than Apple Notes. For research writing, I choose Markdown with Pandoc wkhtmltopdf
export instead of LaTeX, for development Zed Editor and quick edits vim
See my portfolio at iairu.com