iafon's a framework or not.
Basically, iafon is a http router written in go. But it's not only a http router, it support middlewares, controllers, route groups, route parameters, custom http error handlers. It's a lightweight http framework, not a web framework yet.
the following example will illuminate all iafon's features.
package main
import (
func main() {
s := iafon.NewServer(":8090")
// we can set prefix on server, which will be applied to all routes
// but usually we do not set prefix to all routes
// s.SetPrefix("/api")
// zero or more middleware could be used
// the second parameter is execution order of middleware, default is 0
// if execution order is negative, the middleware will be executed after route main handler
// middlewares is executed according to order from high to low
// for the same execution order, middlewares will be executed according to adding order
// if a Middleware return false, the middlewares and main handler after this middleware will not be executed
// these two middlewares is used to all routes, because server is the top group contain all routes
s.UseMiddleware(&BMiddleware{}, 100)
// main handler as iafon.Handler
s.GET("/handler", &IafonHandler{})
// main handler as iafon.HandlerFunc
s.GET("/handler/:param_name", func (c *iafon.Context) {
// Now, iafon.Context has the following field
// type Context struct {
// Rsp http.ResponseWriter
// Req *http.Request
// // parameter in route pattern
// Param map[string]string
// // we can put any thing in this map for passing through middlewares and main handler
// Udata map[string]interface{}
// }
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from iafon.HandlerFunc. param: %s\n", c.Param["param_name"])
// main handler as http.Handler
// both "/handler" and "/handler/" could be handled
// if only handle "/handler/", "/handler" will auto redirect to "/handler/"
s.GET("/handler/", &HttpHandler{})
// main handler as http.HandlerFunc
// "/handler/http" has higher priority than "/handler/:param_name"
s.GET("/handler/http", func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello from http.HandlerFunc\n")
// main handler as controller method
// "/user" will redirect to "/user/"
s.GET("/user/", (*AController).Index)
// equivalent to s.Handle("GET", "/user/:id", (*AController).Show)
s.GET("/user/:id", (*AController).Show)
s.POST("/user/", (*AController).Store)
s.PUT("/user/:id", (*AController).Update)
s.DELETE("/user/:id", (*AController).Destroy)
// handle request to this route in specified http methods
s.Some([]string{"POST", "PUT"}, "/user/test", func (c *iafon.Context) {
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from handle some\n")
// handle request to this route in any http method
// equivalent to s.Handle("*", "/", func (c *iafon.Context) {})
s.Any("/", func (c *iafon.Context) {
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from handle any\n")
// create a sub group of routes
// using group, we can set group prefix and middlewares
// s on left hand of ':=' is a new variable in this sub scope
// the first parameter of Group method is group prefix
s := s.Group("/admin")
// this middleware is use to routes in this group
// the full path will be "/admin/user/"
s.GET("/user/", (*BController).Index)
// the full path will be "/admin/user/:id"
s.GET("/user/:id", (*BController).Show)
s.POST("/user/", (*BController).Store)
s.PUT("/user/:id", (*BController).Update)
// WAINING: if route pattern is not start with '/',
// the first path node "x.org" will be treat as host name
s := s.Group("x.org/admin")
// if we request "http://x.org/admin/user/", (*CController).Index will handle the request.
// if we request "http://y.org/admin/user/", (*BController).Index will handle the request.
s.GET("/user/", (*CController).Index)
rn := s.DELETE("/user/:id", (*CController).Destroy)
// a single route could also use middleware
// if we want middleware to be executed after route main handler,
// then we should provide the second parameter as negative integer
rn.UseMiddleware(&DMiddleware{}, -1)
// we could customize the following three http error handler
// route not found
// error handler as iafon.Handler
s.HandleError(404, &ErrorHandler404{})
// route found but http method is not allowed
// error handler as iafon.HandlerFunc
s.HandleError(405, func (c *iafon.Context) {
http.Error(c.Rsp, "405 method not allowed", 405)
// 500 means server panic when handle request
s.HandleError(500, func (c *iafon.Context) {
http.Error(c.Rsp, "500 internal server error", 500)
// let's print all routes added
// after we finish all routing config, run the server
// we could create multiple server, then use iafon.RunServers or iafon.RunServersWaitAll to run servers
// s1 := iafon.NewServer(":8091")
// s1.GET("/", func(*iafon.Context){})
// s2 := iafon.NewServer(":8092")
// s2.GET("/", func(*iafon.Context){})
// iafon.RunServersWaitAll(s, s1, s2)
type AMiddleware struct {
func (m *AMiddleware) Handle() bool {
// if a Middleware return false, the middlewares and main handler after this middleware will not be executed
return true
type BMiddleware struct {
func (m *BMiddleware) Handle() bool {
return true
type CMiddleware struct {
func (m *CMiddleware) Handle() bool {
return true
type DMiddleware struct {
func (m *DMiddleware) Handle() bool {
return true
type IafonHandler struct {}
func (h *IafonHandler) Handle(c *iafon.Context) {
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from iafon.Handler\n")
type ErrorHandler404 struct {}
func (h *ErrorHandler404) Handle(c *iafon.Context) {
http.Error(c.Rsp, "404 route not found", 404)
type HttpHandler struct {}
func (h *HttpHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "Hello from http.Handler\n")
func init() {
// controller must be registerd before using its method as route handler
type AController struct {
// comstom controller should embed iafon.Controller
// iafon.Context is embeded in iafon.Controller
// so we can use Controller instance as Context instance
func (c *AController) Initialize() {
// Initialize method will be executed before any controller method added as main route handler
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Initialize\n")
func (c *AController) Finalize() {
// Finalize method will be executed after any controller method added as main route handler
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Finalize\n")
// before executing Index, Initialize is executed
// after executing Index, Finalize is executed
func (c *AController) Index() {
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Index\n")
// before executing Show, Initialize is executed
// after executing Show, Finalize is executed
func (c *AController) Show() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Show. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
func (c *AController) Store() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Store\n")
func (c *AController) Update() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Update. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
func (c *AController) Destroy() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*AController).Destroy. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
type BController struct {
func (c *BController) Index() {
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*BController).Index\n")
func (c *BController) Show() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*BController).Show. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
func (c *BController) Store() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*BController).Store\n")
func (c *BController) Update() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*BController).Update. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
func (c *BController) Destroy() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*BController).Destroy. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
type CController struct {
func (c *CController) Index() {
fmt.Fprint(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*CController).Index\n")
func (c *CController) Show() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*CController).Show. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
func (c *CController) Store() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*CController).Store\n")
func (c *CController) Update() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*CController).Update. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])
func (c *CController) Destroy() {
fmt.Fprintf(c.Rsp, "Hello from (*CController).Destroy. id: %s\n", c.Param["id"])