diff --git a/harbour-berail.pro b/harbour-berail.pro
index 5b82fb5..a32cbbc 100644
--- a/harbour-berail.pro
+++ b/harbour-berail.pro
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ DISTFILES += \
qml/pages/StationListPage.qml \
qml/pages/js/util.js \
qml/pages/DatePickerPage.qml \
- qml/pages/TripPage.qml \
qml/pages/components/TripItem.qml \
qml/pages/js/trip.js \
qml/pages/TripDetailPage.qml \
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/GlassButton.qml b/qml/components/GlassButton.qml
similarity index 100%
rename from qml/pages/components/GlassButton.qml
rename to qml/components/GlassButton.qml
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/TextLabel.qml b/qml/components/TextLabel.qml
similarity index 92%
rename from qml/pages/components/TextLabel.qml
rename to qml/components/TextLabel.qml
index 361eb52..fba6e37 100644
--- a/qml/pages/components/TextLabel.qml
+++ b/qml/components/TextLabel.qml
@@ -19,13 +19,11 @@ import QtQuick 2.2
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Label {
- property string labelText
anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin }
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeMedium
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- text: labelText
Behavior on opacity {
- FadeAnimation{}
+ FadeAnimation {}
diff --git a/qml/harbour-berail.qml b/qml/harbour-berail.qml
index c3a323c..76349de 100644
--- a/qml/harbour-berail.qml
+++ b/qml/harbour-berail.qml
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-//import io.thp.pyotherside 1.3
-import org.nemomobile.configuration 1.0
+import Nemo.Configuration 1.0
+import Harbour.BeRail.API 1.0
+import Harbour.BeRail.Models 1.0
import "pages"
-import "./pages/js/util.js" as Util
+import "components"
@@ -30,9 +31,6 @@ ApplicationWindow
allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
_defaultPageOrientations: Orientation.All
- readonly property string name: "BeRail"
- readonly property string version: "1.1"
// Colors
readonly property string blue: "#3f51b5"
readonly property string red: "#f44336"
@@ -44,58 +42,21 @@ ApplicationWindow
readonly property string white: "#fffde7"
readonly property string transparent: "transparent"
- property bool pythonReady
// App settings
ConfigurationGroup {
id: settings
path: "/apps/harbour-berail/settings"
property bool rememberLiveboardStation: true
- property bool favouriteStations
- property int arriveFromGivenTime
- property string lastLiveboardStation
+ property bool favouriteStationsEnabled
property string favouriteDepartStation
property string favouriteArriveStation
+ property string savedLiveboardStation
- /*Python {
- id: python
- property bool _networkWasLost
- Component.onCompleted: {
- addImportPath(Qt.resolvedUrl("./backend")); //Add the import path for our QML/Python bridge 'app.py'
- addImportPath(Qt.resolvedUrl("./backend/berail")); //Add import path for our backend module 'sailfinder'
- importModule("platform", function() { //Add the right import path depending on the architecture of the processor
- if (evaluate("platform.machine()") == "armv7l") {
- console.info("[INFO] ARM processor detected")
- addImportPath(Qt.resolvedUrl("./backend/lib/armv7l/"));
- } else {
- console.info("[INFO] x86 processor detected")
- addImportPath(Qt.resolvedUrl("./backend/lib/i486/"));
- }
- importModule("app", function() {}); // Import "app" after we imported our platform specific modules
- Util.updatePythonLocal() // When done, pythonReady will be TRUE
- });
- //Notify user of the current network state
- setHandler("network", function (status) {
- if(!status)
- {
- toaster.previewBody = qsTr("Network down") + "!"
- toaster.publish()
- _networkWasLost = true
- }
- else if (_networkWasLost) {
- toaster.previewBody = qsTr("Network recovered") + "!"
- toaster.publish()
- _networkWasLost = false
- }
- });
- }
- onError: console.error("[ERROR] %1".arg(traceback));
- onReceived: console.info("[INFO] Message: " + JSON.stringify(data));
- }*/
+ // iRail API
+ API {
+ id: api
+ }
diff --git a/qml/pages/AboutPage.qml b/qml/pages/AboutPage.qml
index 3596937..a6f52cf 100644
--- a/qml/pages/AboutPage.qml
+++ b/qml/pages/AboutPage.qml
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
+import "../components"
Page {
SilicaFlickable {
@@ -34,23 +34,66 @@ Page {
PageHeader { title: qsTr("About %1 V%2").arg(app.name).arg(app.version) }
SectionHeader { text: qsTr("What's %1 ?").arg(app.name) }
- TextLabel { labelText: qsTr("%1 is an opensource application to plan your NMBS/SNCB railway journeys on your Sailfish OS smartphone!").arg(app.name) }
+ TextLabel {
+ text: qsTr("%1 is an opensource application to plan your NMBS/SNCB railway journeys on your Sailfish OS smartphone!").arg(app.name)
+ }
SectionHeader { text: qsTr("Privacy & licensing") }
- TextLabel { labelText: qsTr("%1 will never collect any personal information about the user, but this can't be guaranteed from any third-party company used in %1").arg(app.name) }
- TextLabel { labelText: qsTr("This application is released under GPLv3. The source code and the license is available in the Github repo of %1").arg(app.name) }
+ TextLabel {
+ text: qsTr("%1 will never collect any personal information about the user, but this can't be guaranteed from any third-party company used in %1").arg(app.name)
+ }
+ TextLabel {
+ text: qsTr("This application is released under GPLv3. The source code and the license is available in the Github repo of %1").arg(app.name)
+ }
SectionHeader { text: qsTr("Developer & source code") }
- GlassButton { link: "https://github.com/modulebaan"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-github.png"; iconText: "Dylan Van Assche"; itemScale: 0.75 }
- GlassButton { link: "https://paypal.me/minitreintje"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-paypal.png"; iconText: qsTr("Donate with %1").arg("PayPal"); itemScale: 0.75 }
- GlassButton { link: "https://github.com/iRail/harbour-berail"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-code.png"; iconText: qsTr("Source code"); itemScale: 0.75 }
- TextLabel { labelText: qsTr("%1 can be translated into your language but for that we need your help! You can translate this app on %2").arg(app.name).arg("Transifex:") }
- GlassButton { link: "https://www.transifex.com/dylanvanassche/harbour-berail"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-translate.png"; iconText: qsTr("%1 project").arg("Transifex"); itemScale: 0.75 }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://github.com/dylanvanassche"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-github.png"
+ iconText: "Dylan Van Assche"
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://paypal.me/minitreintje"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-paypal.png"
+ iconText: qsTr("Donate with %1").arg("PayPal")
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://github.com/iRail/harbour-berail"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-code.png"
+ iconText: qsTr("Source code")
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
+ TextLabel {
+ text: qsTr("%1 can be translated into your language but for that we need your help! You can translate this app on %2").arg(app.name).arg("Transifex:")
+ }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://www.transifex.com/dylanvanassche/harbour-berail"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-translate.png"
+ iconText: qsTr("%1 project").arg("Transifex")
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
SectionHeader { text: qsTr("Powered by") }
- GlassButton { link: "http://irail.be/"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-irail.png"; iconText: "iRail"; itemScale: 0.75 }
- GlassButton { link: "http://fontawesome.io/"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-fontawesome.png"; iconText: "FontAwesome icons"; itemScale: 0.75 }
- GlassButton { link: "https://twitter.com/eLtMosen"; iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-twitter.png"; iconText: qsTr("Icon by %1").arg("Timo Könnecke"); itemScale: 0.75 }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://irail.be/"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-irail.png"
+ iconText: "iRail"
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://fontawesome.io/"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-fontawesome.png"
+ iconText: "FontAwesome icons"
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
+ GlassButton {
+ link: "https://twitter.com/eLtMosen"
+ iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-twitter.png"
+ iconText: qsTr("Icon by %1").arg("Timo Könnecke")
+ itemScale: 0.75
+ }
diff --git a/qml/pages/DatePickerPage.qml b/qml/pages/DatePickerPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index f88004a..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/DatePickerPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./js/util.js" as Util
-Dialog {
- property string dateText: datePicker.day + " " + Util.covertMonth(datePicker.month-1) + " " + datePicker.year
- Column {
- width: parent.width
- DialogHeader { title: dateText; anchors {horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter} }
- DatePicker {
- id: datePicker
- date: new Date()
- delegate: MouseArea {
- width: datePicker.cellWidth
- height: datePicker.cellHeight
- onClicked: datePicker.date = new Date(year, month-1, day, 12, 0, 0)
- Label {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- text: day
- color: app.white
- font.pixelSize: month === primaryMonth ? Theme.fontSizeMedium : Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/DisturbancesPage.qml b/qml/pages/DisturbancesPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index ea240d7..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/DisturbancesPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
-import "./js/liveboard.js" as LiveBoard
-Page {
- id: page
- property string station
- property var alertsModel
- // Show detailed list of all alerts for this station
- DisturbancesView {
- height: parent.height
- header: PageHeader {
- title: qsTr("Disturbances")
- description: station
- }
- model: alertsModel
- showStation: false // Already visible in the header
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml b/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml
index b073fc6..5a22931 100644
--- a/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml
+++ b/qml/pages/FirstPage.qml
@@ -17,467 +17,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.2
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
-import "./js/util.js" as Util
-import "./js/disturbances.js" as Disturbances
-import Harbour.BeRail.API 1.0
-import Harbour.BeRail.Models 1.0
Page {
- id: page
- property string departureText: qsTr("From")
- property string arriveText: qsTr("To")
- property bool readyToPlan: departure.iconText != departureText && arrival.iconText != arriveText // Enable when the user added his stations
- property bool hasAnnoucement: true
- property bool succes: true
- //property bool _loading: alertsModel.count==0 && succes
- signal _changeStations()
- on_ChangeStations: {
- var temp = departure.iconText;
- departure.iconText = arrival.iconText;
- arrival.iconText = temp;
- }
- Component.onCompleted: Util.getHours() > 12? _changeStations(): undefined // Switch stations when in the afternoon
- API {
- id: iRail
- onDisturbancesChanged: {
- console.log("Disturbances received in QML: " + iRail.disturbances)
- //alertsView.model = iRail.disturbances.alertsListModel
- console.log(iRail.disturbances.alertListModel)
- }
- onConnectionsChanged: {
- console.log("Connections received in QML")
- connectionTest.model = iRail.connections
- }
- /*onLiveboardChanged: {
- console.log("Liveboard data from QML:")
- console.log(iRail.liveboard.station.name);
- console.log(iRail.liveboard.station.id);
- console.log(iRail.liveboard.station.location);
- }
- onStationsChanged: {
- console.log("Stations data from QML:")
- for(var i =0; i<10; i++) {
- console.log(iRail.stations[i])
- }
- }*/
- onVehicleChanged: {
- console.log("Vehicle data from QML:")
- console.log(iRail.vehicle.id)
- console.log(iRail.vehicle.date)
- console.log(iRail.vehicle.canceled)
- console.log(iRail.vehicle.occupancy)
- console.log(iRail.disturbances.alertsListModel)
- vehicleTest.model = iRail.vehicle.stopListModel
- myVehiclestop.model = iRail.vehicle.stopListModel;
- if(iRail.vehicle.occupancy == IRail.Unknown) {
- console.log("Unknown occupancy")
- }
- }
- onLiveboardChanged: {
- console.log("Liveboard data from QML:")
- console.log(iRail.liveboard.station.name)
- console.log(iRail.liveboard.alertListModel)
- console.log(iRail.liveboard.vehicleListModel)
- //liveboardTest.model = iRail.liveboard.vehicleListModel;
- //insidelist.model = iRail.liveboard.vehicleListModel.get(0).stops;
- vehicleTest2.model = iRail.liveboard.vehicleListModel;
- }
- onNetworkStateChanged: console.log("Network state: " + state)
- onBusyChanged: console.log("busy changed")
- Component.onCompleted: {
- iRail.getConnections("Mechelen", "Brugge", IRail.Departure, new Date(), IRail.All)
- iRail.getDisturbances()
- iRail.getVehicle("BE.NMBS.S11757", new Date())
- iRail.getStations()
- iRail.getLiveboard("Vilvoorde", new Date(), IRail.Departure)
- }
- onStationsChanged: {
- stationTest.model = iRail.stations;
- }
- }
- SilicaListView {
- id: connectionTest
- anchors.fill: parent
- delegate: ListItem {
- id: connectioNDelegate
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: connectionColumn.height
- property var disturbancesModelVar: model.vias // reference of the inner model is lost without this
- Component.onCompleted: console.log("Vias model:" + model.vias)
- Column {
- id: connectionColumn
- Label {
- text: model.from.station.name
- }
- Label {
- text: model.to.station.name
- }
- SilicaListView {
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge*3
- model: connectioNDelegate.disturbancesModelVar
- delegate: Label {
- text: model.station.name
- color: "red"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*SilicaListView {
- // LIVEBOARD DATA (VehicleListModel)
- id: vehicleTest2
- anchors.fill: parent
- delegate: ListItem {
- id: delegate2
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: vehicleColumn.height
- property var stoplistModelVar: model.stops // reference of the inner model is lost without this
- Column {
- id: vehicleColumn
- Label {
- text: index
- }
- Label {
- text: model.timestamp
- }
- Label {
- text: model.canceled
- }
- SilicaListView {
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge*3
- model: delegate2.stoplistModelVar
- delegate: Label {
- text: model.station.name
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }*/
- /*SilicaListView {
- id: connectionTest
- anchors.fill: parent
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge*2
- Column {
- Label {text: model.id}
- Label {text: model.from.station.name}
- Label {text: model.to.station.name}
- }
- }
- onModelChanged: console.log(count)
- }*/
- /*SilicaListView {
- id: stationTest
- anchors.fill: parent
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge*2
- Column {
- Label {text: model.id}
- Label {text: model.name}
- }
- }
- onModelChanged: console.log(count)
- }*/
- /*SilicaListView {
- id: vehicleTest
- anchors.fill: parent
- delegate: ListItem {
- id: mydelegateIndexshit
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: mydelegate.height + Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
- Column {
- id: mydelegate
- Label {text: model.platform}
- Label {text: model.departureDelay/60}
- Label {text: model.scheduledDepartureTime}
- Label {text: model.left}
- Label {text: model.station.name}
- Label {text: "INDEX=" + index}
- Repeater {
- id: myVehiclestop
- width: parent.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge*2
- model: model.getStops(mydelegateIndexshit.index)
- Label {text: model.id}
- onModelChanged: console.log("Innermodel=" + count)
- }
- }
- }
- onModelChanged: console.log(count)
- }*/
- /*SilicaListView {
- id: liveboardTest
- anchors.fill: parent
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge*2
- /*Column {
- Label {text: model.id}
- SilicaListView {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- model: liveboardTest.model.stops
- }
- Label {text: model.timestamp}
- Label {text: model.canceled}
- }*/
- /*ListView {
- anchors.fill: parent;
- model: liveboardTest.model.stops
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
- Label {
- text: model.station.name
- }
- Label {
- text: model.platform
- }
- Component.onCompleted: console.log(model.station.name)
- }
- onModelChanged: console.log(count)
- }
- Column {
- Label {
- text: model.id
- }
- Repeater {
- id: stopsTest
- model: liveboardTest.model.stops
- onModelChanged: console.log("STOPS MODEL COUNT=" + count)
- }
- }
- }
- onModelChanged: stopsTest.model = model.stops
- }*/
- /*ListModel {
- id: fruitModel
- ListElement {
- name: "Apple"
- cost: 2.45
- }
- ListElement {
- name: "Orange"
- cost: 3.25
- }
- ListElement {
- name: "Banana"
- cost: 1.95
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: delegate2
- Item {
- width: 100
- height: col2.childrenRect.height
- Column {
- id: col2
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.right: parent.right
- Text {
- id: name1
- text: model.name
- color: "green"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*SilicaFlickable {
- anchors { fill: parent }
- contentHeight: column.height
- PullDownMenu {
- busy: _loading
- MenuItem {
- text: qsTr("About")
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AboutPage.qml"))
- enabled: !_loading
- }
- MenuItem {
- text: qsTr("Settings")
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SettingsPage.qml"))
- enabled: !_loading
- }
- MenuItem {
- text: qsTr("Liveboard")
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("LiveboardPage.qml"))
- enabled: !_loading
- }
- }
- Column {
- id: column
- width: page.width
- spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
- PageHeader {
- title: qsTr("BeRail")
- description: qsTr("The official iRail app")
- BusyIndicator {
- anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; left: parent.left; leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin }
- size: BusyIndicatorSize.Small
- running: _loading
- }
- }
- Row {
- width: parent.width
- Column {
- width: parent.width-Theme.itemSizeMedium
- GlassButton {
- id: departure
- link: Qt.resolvedUrl("StationListPage.qml")
- type: 1
- iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-train.png"
- iconText: settings.favouriteStations? settings.favouriteDepartStation: departureText
- itemScale: 0.75
- }
- GlassButton {
- id: arrival
- link: Qt.resolvedUrl("StationListPage.qml")
- type: 1
- iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-train.png"
- iconText: settings.favouriteStations? settings.favouriteArriveStation: arriveText
- itemScale: 0.75
- }
- }
- BackgroundItem {
- width: Theme.itemSizeMedium
- height: parent.height
- enabled: readyToPlan
- opacity: enabled? 1.0: 0.25
- onClicked: _changeStations()
- Image {
- width: Theme.itemSizeSmall/1.75
- height: width
- anchors { centerIn: parent }
- rotation: 180
- source: "qrc:///icons/icon-switch.png"
- asynchronous: true
- }
- }
- }
- Row {
- width: parent.width
- ValueButton {
- id: date
- width: parent.width/1.75
- label: qsTr("Date")
- value: Util.getDay(true) + " " + Util.getMonth() + " " + Util.getYear().toString().substr(2,2) //Get last 2 digits of the year
- onClicked: {
- var dialog = pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("DatePickerPage.qml"), {})
- dialog.accepted.connect(function() {
- var temp; // format for iRail API
- temp = dialog.dateText.split(" ");
- value = Util.addLeadingZero(temp[0]) + " " + Util.addLeadingZero(temp[1]) + " " + temp[2].toString().substr(2,2);
- })
- }
- }
- ValueButton {
- id: time
- width: parent.width/2.25
- label: qsTr("Time")
- value: Util.getHours(true) + ":" + Util.getMinutes(true)
- onClicked: {
- var dialog = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Silica.TimePickerDialog", {
- hour: Util.getHours(),
- minute: Util.getMinutes()
- })
- dialog.accepted.connect(function() {
- value = dialog.timeText
- })
- }
- }
- }
- Button {
- anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- text: qsTr("Plan my trip")
- enabled: readyToPlan
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("TripPage.qml"), {
- from: departure.iconText,
- to: arrival.iconText,
- time: time.value,
- date: date.value
- })
- }
- DisturbancesView {
- id: alertsView
- //model: iRail.getDisturbances() //alertsModel
- }
- SilicaListView {
- id: vehicleTest
- width: parent.width
- delegate: Item {
- width: ListView.view.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- Column {
- Label {text: model.platform}
- Label {text: model.departureDelay}
- Label {text: model.scheduledDepartureTime}
- Label {text: model.left}
- }
- }
- onModelChanged: console.log(count)
- }
- ListModel {
- id: alertsModel
- }
- }
- }*/
diff --git a/qml/pages/LiveboardPage.qml b/qml/pages/LiveboardPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index fdf3c46..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/LiveboardPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
-import "./js/liveboard.js" as LiveBoard
-Page {
- id: page
- property string station: settings.lastLiveboardStation
- property string currentTime: LiveBoard.getTimeString()
- property bool succes: true
- property bool _firstLaunch: settings.lastLiveboardStation.length == 0
- property bool _loading: liveboardModel.count==0 && succes && !_firstLaunch
- on_FirstLaunchChanged: _firstLaunch? hint.start(): hint.stop()
- onStationChanged: {
- LiveBoard.load(station)
- settings.rememberLiveboardStation? settings.lastLiveboardStation = station: undefined // Only save when activated in settings
- _firstLaunch = false
- }
- Timer { // Update the clock
- running: Qt.application.active
- onTriggered: currentTime = LiveBoard.getTimeString()
- interval: 500
- triggeredOnStart: true
- repeat: true
- }
- SilicaListView {
- id: departureList
- width: parent.width; height: parent.height
- model: liveboardModel
- header: Rectangle {
- color: app.blue
- width: parent.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeHuge*1.2
- // Station name
- Label {
- id: stationLabel
- width: parent.width
- anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; top: parent.top; topMargin: Theme.paddingLarge; leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin }
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeHuge
- font.bold: true
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
- text: _firstLaunch? qsTr("Liveboard"): station
- }
- // Time
- Label {
- anchors { left: parent.left; leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; verticalCenter: alertsButton.verticalCenter } //bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: Theme.paddingMedium }
- font.bold: true
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
- text: currentTime
- }
- // Alerts indicator
- BackgroundItem {
- id: alertsButton
- width: Theme.itemSizeLarge
- anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: Theme.paddingMedium; right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin }
- onClicked: pageStack.push("DisturbancesPage.qml", { alertsModel: alertsModel, station: station });
- visible: alertsModel.count
- Label {
- id: alertsLabel;
- anchors { right: alertsIcon.left; rightMargin: Theme.paddingMedium; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- text: alertsModel.count
- }
- Image {
- id: alertsIcon
- width: Theme.iconSizeSmall
- height: width
- anchors { right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter}
- source: "qrc:///icons/icon-announcement.png"
- asynchronous: true
- }
- }
- }
- PullDownMenu {
- busy: _loading
- MenuItem {
- text: qsTr("Change station")
- enabled: !_loading
- onClicked: {
- var _page = pageStack.push("StationListPage.qml");
- _page.finished.connect(function(newStation) {
- station = newStation;
- });
- }
- }
- MenuItem {
- text: qsTr("Disturbances (%1)").arg(alertsModel.count )
- visible: alertsModel.count > 0
- enabled: !_loading
- onClicked: pageStack.push("DisturbancesPage.qml", { alertsModel: alertsModel, station: station });
- }
- }
- // Error occured
- ViewPlaceholder {
- enabled: !succes
- text: qsTr("Oops!")
- hintText: qsTr("No data available")
- }
- // When no data, show a hint and a placeholder
- InteractionHintLabel {
- anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
- opacity: _firstLaunch ? 1.0 : 0.0
- Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
- text: qsTr("Select a station")
- }
- TouchInteractionHint {
- id: hint
- loops: Animation.Infinite
- direction: TouchInteraction.Down
- }
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- contentHeight: item.height
- enabled: false // Disabled temporaly until intermediate stops are ready
- LiveBoardItem {
- id: item
- departTime: model.depart.time.time
- announcements: ["From Saturday 29/04 to 1/05, trains will not stop at Brussels-Central station following works between Brussels-Nord and Brussels-Midi. There will be major changes to the train service. Alternative train service Bruxelles-Nord/Brussel-Noord - Bruxelles-Midi/Brussel-Zuid"]
- trainName: model.depart.station
- trainType: model.depart.train
- trackChanged: model.depart.platformChanged
- trainCanceled: model.depart.canceled
- modelHasDelay: model.hasDelay
- delay: model.depart.delay
- track: model.depart.platform
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: background
- z:-1 // Make ListItem Highlight visible
- color: index%2? app.black: app.grey
- anchors { fill: parent }
- }
- onClicked: {
- if(!item.canceled) {
- pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("TripDetailPage.qml"))
- }
- }
- }
- // Show detailed list of all alerts for this station
- DisturbancesView { // TO DO: Move to seperate page or something
- id: alertsView
- anchors { top: departureList.bottom; topMargin: Theme.paddingLarge }
- model: alertsModel
- }
- }
- LoadIndicator {
- anchors { fill: parent }
- show: _loading
- }
- ListModel {
- id: liveboardModel
- }
- ListModel {
- id: alertsModel
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/SettingsPage.qml b/qml/pages/SettingsPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index b1814c2..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/SettingsPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
-import "./js/util.js" as Util
-Page {
- Component.onDestruction: { // Save the values when user is done
- settings.rememberLiveboardStation = rememberLiveboardStation.checked
- if(!rememberLiveboardStation.checked) { // reset to default
- settings.lastLiveboardStation = ""
- }
- settings.favouriteStations = favouriteStations.checked
- settings.favouriteDepartStation = favouriteStations.checked? favouriteDepartStation.iconText: "" // reset to default
- settings.favouriteArriveStation = favouriteStations.checked? favouriteArriveStation.iconText: "" // reset to default
- settings.arriveFromGivenTime = arriveFromGivenTime.currentIndex
- }
- SilicaFlickable {
- anchors.fill: parent
- contentHeight: settingsColumn.height
- VerticalScrollDecorator {}
- Column {
- id: settingsColumn
- width: parent.width
- spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
- PageHeader { title: qsTr("Settings") }
- SectionHeader { text: qsTr("Routeplanner") }
- ComboBox {
- id: arriveFromGivenTime
- width: parent.width
- label: qsTr("Time is")
- menu: ContextMenu {
- MenuItem { text: qsTr("departure") }
- MenuItem { text: qsTr("arrival") }
- }
- currentIndex: settings.arriveFromGivenTime
- description: qsTr("Select here if you want to use the given time as either the time of arrival or departure.")
- }
- TextSwitch {
- id: favouriteStations
- text: qsTr("Enable favourite stations")
- description: qsTr("Travelling from/to work or school? Then is this option for you! Select your favourite stations below.")
- checked: settings.favouriteStations
- }
- GlassButton {
- id: favouriteDepartStation
- link: Qt.resolvedUrl("StationListPage.qml")
- type: 1
- iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-train.png"
- iconText: settings.favouriteDepartStation.length > 0? settings.favouriteDepartStation: qsTr("From")
- itemScale: 0.75
- enabled: favouriteStations.checked
- opacity: enabled? 1.0: 0.2
- Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
- }
- GlassButton {
- id: favouriteArriveStation
- link: Qt.resolvedUrl("StationListPage.qml")
- type: 1
- iconSource: "qrc:///icons/icon-train.png"
- iconText: settings.favouriteArriveStation.length > 0? settings.favouriteArriveStation: qsTr("To")
- itemScale: 0.75
- enabled: favouriteStations.checked
- opacity: enabled? 1.0: 0.2
- Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
- }
- SectionHeader { text: qsTr("Liveboard") }
- TextSwitch {
- id: rememberLiveboardStation
- text: qsTr("Remember liveboard station")
- description: qsTr("Save time by automatically saving your last used station!")
- checked: settings.rememberLiveboardStation
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/StationListPage.qml b/qml/pages/StationListPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index d213e48..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/StationListPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of BeRail.
- It's a modified version of the Jolla searchPage example included in the Sailfish SDK.
- The examples are released under the following license:
- Copyright (C) 2013 Jolla Ltd.
- Contact: Thomas Perl
- All rights reserved.
- You may use this file under the terms of BSD license as follows:
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the Jolla Ltd nor the
- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./js/util.js" as Util
-Page {
- id: searchPage
- property string searchString
- property bool keepSearchFieldFocus
- signal finished(string station)
- onFinished: pageStack.pop()
- onSearchStringChanged: listModel.update()
- Component.onCompleted: listModel.update()
- Loader {
- anchors.fill: parent
- sourceComponent: listViewComponent
- }
- Column {
- id: headerContainer
- width: searchPage.width
- PageHeader { title: qsTr("Stations") }
- SearchField {
- id: searchField
- width: parent.width
- Binding {
- target: searchPage
- property: "searchString"
- value: searchField.text.toLowerCase().trim()
- }
- }
- }
- Component {
- id: listViewComponent
- SilicaListView {
- model: listModel
- anchors.fill: parent
- currentIndex: -1 // otherwise currentItem will steal focus
- header: Item {
- id: header
- width: headerContainer.width
- height: headerContainer.height
- Component.onCompleted: headerContainer.parent = header
- }
- delegate: BackgroundItem {
- id: backgroundItem
- onClicked: finished(model.name)
- ListView.onAdd: AddAnimation {
- target: backgroundItem
- }
- ListView.onRemove: RemoveAnimation {
- target: backgroundItem
- }
- Label {
- x: searchField.textLeftMargin
- anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- color: searchString.length > 0 ? (highlighted ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor)
- : (highlighted ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor)
- textFormat: Text.StyledText
- text: Theme.highlightText(model.name, searchString, Theme.highlightColor)
- }
- }
- VerticalScrollDecorator {}
- Component.onCompleted: {
- if (keepSearchFieldFocus) {
- searchField.forceActiveFocus()
- }
- keepSearchFieldFocus = false
- }
- }
- }
- ListModel {
- id: listModel
- // Static is needed to avoid load times, maybe an other method is better
- property var stations: {
- "EN": ['Aachen Hbf', 'Aalst', 'Aalst-Kerrebroek', 'Aalter', 'Aarschot', 'Aarsele', 'Acren', 'Agde', 'Aime-la-Plagne', 'Aiseau', 'Aix-en-Provence TGV', 'Albertville', 'Alken', 'Amay', 'Ampsin', 'Amsterdam CS', 'Andenne', 'Angleur', 'Annappes', 'Ans', 'Anseremme', 'Antibes', 'Antoing', 'Antwerp-Berchem', 'Antwerp-Central', 'Antwerp-East', 'Antwerp-Haven', 'Antwerp-Luchtbal', 'Antwerp-Noorderdokken', 'Antwerp-South', 'Anzegem', 'Appelterre', 'Arcaden/Arcades', 'Archennes', 'Arlon', 'Ascq', 'Asse', 'Assesse', 'Ath', 'Athus', 'Aubange', 'Auvelais', 'Avignon TGV', 'Aye', 'Aywaille', 'Aéroport Charles-de-Gaulle TGV', 'Baasrode-Zuid', 'Baisieux', 'Balegem-Dorp', 'Balegem-Zuid', 'Balen', 'Bambrugge', 'Barvaux', 'Bas-Oha', 'Basel', 'Basse-Wavre', 'Bastogne-Nord', 'Bastogne-Sud', 'Beauraing', 'Beernem', 'Beersel', 'Beervelde', 'Begijnendijk', 'Beignée', 'Bellem', 'Belsele', 'Beringen', 'Berlaar', 'Bertrange Strassen', 'Bertrix', 'Berzée', 'Beuzet', 'Beveren', 'Beverlo', 'Bierges-Walibi', 'Bierset-Awans', 'Bilzen', 'Binche', 'Bissegem', 'Blankenberge', 'Blanmont', 'Blaton', 'Bleret', 'Bockstael', 'Boechout', 'Bokrijk', 'Bomal', 'Booischot', 'Boom', 'Boondaal/Boondael', 'Boortmeerbeek', 'Bordet', 'Bornem', 'Bosvoorde/Boitsfort', 'Bourg-Saint-Maurice', 'Boussu', 'Bouwel', 'Bracquegnies', "Braine-l'Alleud", 'Braine-le-Comte', 'Bressoux', 'Brugelette', 'Brugge', 'Brugge-Sint-Pieters', 'Brussels Airport - Zaventem', 'Brussels-Central', 'Brussels-Chapelle/Brussels-Kapellekerk', 'Brussels-Congres', 'Brussels-Luxemburg/Brussels-Luxembourg', 'Brussels-North', 'Brussels-Schuman', 'Brussels-South/Brussels-Midi', 'Brussels-West', 'Buda', 'Buggenhout', 'Buizingen', 'Burst', 'Béziers', 'Callenelle', 'Cambron-Casteau', 'Cannes', 'Capellen', 'Carlsbourg', 'Carnieres', 'Ceroux-Mousty', 'Chambéry-Challes-les-Eaux', 'Chapelle-Dieu', 'Chapois', 'Charleroi-Ouest', 'Charleroi-Sud', 'Chastre', 'Château-de-Seilles', 'Châtelet', 'Chênée', 'Ciney', 'Clervaux', 'Colmar', 'Comblain-la-Tour', 'Comines', 'Coo', 'Couillet', 'Cour-sur-Heure', 'Courcelles-Motte', 'Courrière', 'Court-Saint-Étienne', 'Couvin', 'Croix Wasquehal', "Croix l'Allumette", 'Dave-Saint-Martin', 'De Hoek', 'De Panne', 'De Pinte', 'Deinze', 'Delta', 'Den Haag HS', 'Denderleeuw', 'Dendermonde', 'Diegem', 'Diepenbeek', "Diesdelle/Vivier d'Oie", 'Diest', 'Diksmuide', 'Dilbeek', 'Dinant', 'Dolhain-Gileppe', 'Dordrecht', 'Dortmund Hbf', 'Drauffelt', 'Drongen', 'Duffel', 'Duinbergen', 'Duisburg Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Flughafen Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Hbf', 'Ebbsfleet International', 'Ede', 'Eeklo', 'Eichem', 'Eijsden', 'Eine', 'Eke-Nazareth', 'Ekeren', 'Enghien', 'Engis', 'Eppegem', 'Erbisoeul', 'Erembodegem', 'Ernage', 'Erpe-Mere', 'Erps-Kwerps', 'Erquelinnes', 'Erquelinnes-Village', 'Esneux', 'Essen', 'Essen Hbf', 'Essene-Lombeek', 'Ettelbréck', 'Etterbeek', 'Eupen', 'Evere', 'Evergem', 'Ezemaal', 'Familleureux', 'Farciennes', 'Faux', 'Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher', 'Flawinne', 'Flemalle-Grande', 'Flemalle-Haute', 'Fleurus', 'Floreffe', 'Florenville', 'Florival', 'Florée', 'Fontaine-Valmont', 'Forchies', 'Forrières', 'Fraipont', 'Frameries', 'Franchimont', 'Franière', 'Frankfurt am Main Airport', 'Frankfurt am Main Hbf', 'Froyennes', 'Galmaarden', 'Gastuche', 'Gavere-Asper', 'Gedinne', 'Geel', 'Gembloux', 'Gendron-Celles', 'Genk', 'Genly', 'Gentbrugge', 'Genval', 'Geraardsbergen', 'Ghent-Dampoort', 'Ghent-Sint-Pieters', 'Ghlin', 'Glons', 'Godarville', 'Godinne', 'Gontrode', 'Gouvy', 'Gouy-lez-Pieton', 'Graide', 'Groenendaal', 'Groot-Bijgaarden', 'Grupont', 'Haacht', 'Haaltert', 'Habay', 'Hainin', 'Halanzy', 'Halle', 'Ham-sur-Heure', 'Ham-sur-Sambre', 'Hambos', 'Hamoir', 'Hamont', 'Hansbeke', 'Harchies', 'Harelbeke', 'Haren', 'Haren-Sud/Haren-Zuid', 'Hasselt', 'Haute-Flône', 'Haute-Picardie TGV', 'Haversin', 'Havre', 'Heide', 'Heist', 'Heist-op-den-Berg', 'Heizijde', 'Hellemmes', 'Hemiksem', 'Hennuyères', 'Herent', 'Herentals', 'Hergenrath', 'Herne', 'Herseaux', 'Herstal', 'Herzele', 'Heusden', 'Hever', 'Heverlee', 'Hillegem', 'Hoboken-Polder', 'Hoeilaart', 'Hofstade', 'Holleken', 'Hony', 'Houraing', 'Hourpes', 'Houyet', 'Hove', 'Huizingen', 'Huy', 'Iddergem', 'Idegem', 'Ieper', 'Ingelmunster', 'Izegem', 'Jambes', 'Jambes-Est', 'Jamioulx', 'Jemappes', 'Rochefort-Jemelle', 'Jemeppe-sur-Meuse', 'Jemeppe-sur-Sambre', 'Jette', 'Jurbeke', 'Juslenville', 'Kalmthout', 'Kapelle-op-den-Bos', 'Kapellen', 'Kautebaach', 'Kessel', 'Kiewit', 'Kijkuit', 'Klengbetten', 'Knokke', 'Koksijde', 'Kontich-Lint', 'Kortemark', 'Kortenberg', 'Kortrijk', 'Kwatrecht', 'Köln Hbf', 'La Hulpe', 'La Louvière-Centre', 'La Louvière-Sud', 'La Roche (Brabant)', 'Labuissière', 'Landegem', 'Landelies', 'Landen', 'Landry', 'Landskouter', 'Langdorp', 'Le Campinaire', 'Lebbeke', 'Lede', 'Leignon', 'Leman', 'Lembeek', 'Lens', 'Leopoldsburg', 'Les Arcs - Draguignan', 'Lessines', 'Leuven', 'Leuze', 'Leval', 'Lezennes', 'Libramont', 'Lichtervelde', 'Liedekerke', 'Lier', 'Lierde', 'Liers', 'Ligny', 'Lille Europe', 'Lille Flandres', 'Lillois', 'Limal', 'Limburg Süd', 'Linkebeek', 'Lissewege', 'Liège-Guillemins', 'Liège-Jonfosse', 'Liège-Palais', 'Lobbes', 'Lodelinsart', 'Lokeren', 'Lommel', 'Londerzeel', 'London Saint Pancras International', 'Lonzée', 'Lot', 'Louvain-la-Neuve-Université', 'Lustin', 'Luttre', 'Lyon Part Dieu TGV', 'Lyon-Perrache TGV', 'Lyon-Saint Exupéry TGV', 'Lëtzebuerg', 'Maastricht', 'Maastricht Randwyck', 'Maffle', 'Malderen', 'Mamer', 'Mamer-Lycée', 'Manage', 'Marbehan', 'Marche-en-Famenne', 'Marche-les-Dames', 'Marche-lez-Écaussinnes', 'Marchienne-Zone', 'Marchienne-au-Pont', 'Maria-Aalter', 'Mariembourg', 'Marloie', 'Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy', 'Marseille-Saint-Charles', 'Masnuy-Saint-Pierre', 'Maubray', 'Mazy', 'Mechelen', 'Mechelen-Nekkerspoel', 'Meiser', 'Melkouwen', 'Melle', 'Melreux-Hotton', 'Melsele', 'Menen', 'Merchtem', 'Merelbeke', 'Merode', 'Mersch', 'Messancy', 'Metz', 'Mevergnies-Attre', 'Michelau', 'Milmort', 'Moensberg', 'Mol', 'Mollem', 'Momalle', 'Mons', 'Mont-Saint-Guibert', 'Montpellier', 'Moortsele', 'Morlanwelz', 'Mortsel', 'Mortsel-Deurnesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Liersesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Oude God', 'Mouscron', 'Moustier', 'Mouterij', 'Moûtiers-Salins-Brides-les-Bai', 'Muizen', 'Mulhouse', 'Munkzwalm', 'Méry', 'Namur', 'Namêche', 'Naninne', 'Narbonne', 'Natoye', 'Neerpelt', 'Neerwinden', 'Nessonvaux', 'Neufchâteau', 'Neufvilles', 'Nice Ville', 'Niel', 'Nieuwkerken-Waas', 'Nijlen', 'Nimy', 'Ninove', 'Nivelles', 'Noorderkempen', 'Nossegem', 'Nîmes', 'Obaix-Buzet', 'Obourg', 'Okegem', 'Olen', 'Oostende', 'Oostkamp', 'Opwijk', 'Ottignies', 'Oud-Heverlee', 'Oudegem', 'Oudenaarde', 'Overpelt', 'Paliseul', 'Papignies', 'Paris Nord', 'Pepinster', 'Pepinster-Cité', 'Perpignan', 'Philippeville', 'Piéton', 'Poix-Saint-Hubert', 'Pont de Bois', 'Pont-de-Seraing', 'Pont-à-Celles', 'Poperinge', 'Poulseur', 'Profondsart', 'Pry', 'Puurs', 'Pécrot', 'Péruwelz', 'Quaregnon', 'Quevy', 'Quievrain', 'Rebaix', 'Remicourt', 'Rhisnes', 'Rivage', 'Rixensart', 'Rodange', 'Roeselare', 'Ronet', 'Ronse', 'Roosendaal', 'Rotterdam CS', 'Roubaix', 'Roux', 'Ruisbroek', 'Ruisbroek-Sauvegarde', 'Saint-Denis-Bovesse', 'Saint-Ghislain', 'Saint-Louis-Haut-Rhin', 'Saint-Raphaël-Valescure', 'Sart-Bernard', 'Saverne', 'Schaarbeek/Schaerbeek', 'Scheldewindeke', 'Schelle', 'Schellebelle', 'Schendelbeke', 'Schiphol', 'Schoonaarde', 'Schulen', 'Sclaigneaux', 'Sclessin', 'Selestat', 'Serskamp', 'Siegburg', 'Silly', 'Simonis', 'Sinaai', 'Sint-Agatha-Berchem/Berchem-Sainte-Agathe', 'Sint-Denijs-Boekel', 'Sint-Genesius-Rode', 'Sint-Gillis-Dendermonde', 'Sint-Job', 'Sint-Joris-Weert', 'Sint-Katelijne-Waver', 'Sint-Mariaburg', 'Sint-Martens-Bodegem', 'Sint-Niklaas', 'Sint-Truiden', 'Sleidinge', 'Soignies', 'Solre-sur-Sambre', 'Spa', 'Spa-Géronstère', 'Statte', 'Stockem', 'Strasbourg', 'Sy', 'Sète', 'Tamines', 'Temse', 'Terhagen', 'Ternat', 'Testelt', 'Theux', 'Thieu', 'Thionville', 'Thuin', 'Thulin', 'Thurn en Taxis', 'Tielen', 'Tielt', 'Tienen', 'Tilff', 'Tilly', 'Tollembeek', 'Tongeren', 'Torhout', 'Toulon', 'Tourcoing', 'Tournai', 'Trois-Ponts', 'Troisvierges', 'Trooz', 'Tubize', 'Turnhout', 'Ukkel-Kalevoet/Uccle-Calevoet', 'Ukkel-Stalle/Uccle-Stalle', 'Valence TGV', 'Veltem', 'Vertrijk', 'Verviers-Central', 'Verviers-Palais', 'Veurne', 'Viane-Moerbeke', 'Vichte', 'Vielsalm', 'Vijfhuizen', 'Ville-Pommerœul', 'Villers-la-Ville', 'Vilvoorde', 'Virton', 'Visé', 'Viville', 'Voroux', 'Vorst-Oost/Forest-Est', 'Vorst-Zuid/Forest-Midi', 'Waarschoot', 'Walcourt', 'Waregem', 'Waremme', 'Waterloo', 'Watermaal/Watermael', 'Wavre', 'Weerde', 'Welkenraedt', 'Welle', 'Wervik', 'Wespelaar-Tildonk', 'Wetteren', 'Wevelgem', 'Wezemaal', 'Wichelen', 'Wijgmaal', 'Wildert', 'Willebroek', 'Wilwerwiltz', 'Wolfstee', 'Wondelgem', 'Yves-Gomezée', 'Yvoir', 'Zandbergen', 'Zaventem', 'Zedelgem', 'Zeebrugge-Dorp', 'Zeebrugge-Strand', 'Zele', 'Zellik', 'Zichem', 'Zingem', 'Zolder', 'Zonhoven', 'Zottegem', 'Zwankendamme', 'Zwijndrecht', 'Ecaussinnes'],
- "NL": ["'s Gravenbrakel", 'Aalst', 'Aalst-Kerrebroek', 'Aalter', 'Aarlen', 'Aarschot', 'Aarsele', 'Aat', 'Agde', 'Aime-la-Plagne', 'Aiseau', 'Aix-en-Provence TGV', 'Aken Hbf', 'Akren', 'Albertville', 'Alken', 'Amay', 'Ampsin', 'Amsterdam CS', 'Andenne', 'Angleur', 'Annappes', 'Ans', 'Anseremme', 'Antibes', 'Antoing', 'Antwerpen-Berchem', 'Antwerpen-Centraal', 'Antwerpen-Haven', 'Antwerpen-Luchtbal', 'Antwerpen-Noorderdokken', 'Antwerpen-Oost', 'Antwerpen-Zuid', 'Anzegem', 'Appelterre', 'Arcaden', 'Ascq', 'Asse', 'Assesse', 'Athus', 'Aubange', 'Auvelais', 'Avignon TGV', 'Aye', 'Aywaille', 'Aéroport Charles-de-Gaulle TGV', 'Baasrode-Zuid', 'Baisieux', 'Balegem-Dorp', 'Balegem-Zuid', 'Balen', 'Bambrugge', 'Barvaux', 'Bas-Oha', 'Basse-Wavre', 'Bastenaken-Noord', 'Bastenaken-Zuid', 'Bazel', 'Beauraing', 'Beernem', 'Beersel', 'Beervelde', 'Begijnendijk', 'Beignée', 'Bellem', 'Belsele', 'Bergen', 'Beringen', 'Berlaar', 'Bertrange Strassen', 'Bertrix', 'Berzée', 'Beuzet', 'Beveren', 'Beverlo', 'Bierges-Walibi', 'Bierset-Awans', 'Bilzen', 'Binche', 'Bissegem', 'Blankenberge', 'Blanmont', 'Blaton', 'Bleret', 'Bockstael', 'Boechout', 'Bokrijk', 'Bomal', 'Booischot', 'Boom', 'Boondaal', 'Boortmeerbeek', 'Bordet', 'Borgworm', 'Bornem', 'Bosvoorde', 'Bourg-Saint-Maurice', 'Boussu', 'Bouwel', 'Bracquegnies', 'Bressoux', 'Brugelette', 'Brugge', 'Brugge-Sint-Pieters', 'Brussel-Centraal', 'Brussel-Congres', 'Brussel-Kapellekerk', 'Brussel-Luxemburg', 'Brussel-Noord', 'Brussel-Schuman', 'Brussel-West', 'Brussel-Zuid', 'Brussels Airport - Zaventem', 'Buda', 'Buggenhout', 'Buizingen', 'Burst', 'Béziers', 'Callenelle', 'Cambron-Casteau', 'Cannes', 'Capellen', 'Carlsbourg', 'Carnieres', 'Ceroux-Mousty', 'Chambéry-Challes-les-Eaux', 'Chapelle-Dieu', 'Chapois', 'Charleroi-West', 'Charleroi-Zuid', 'Chastre', 'Château-de-Seilles', 'Châtelet', 'Chênée', 'Ciney', 'Clervaux', 'Colmar', 'Comblain-la-Tour', 'Coo', 'Couillet', 'Cour-sur-Heure', 'Courcelles-Motte', 'Courrière', 'Court-Saint-Étienne', 'Couvin', 'Croix Wasquehal', "Croix l'Allumette", 'Dave-Saint-Martin', 'De Hoek', 'De Panne', 'De Pinte', 'Deinze', 'Delta', 'Den Haag HS', 'Denderleeuw', 'Dendermonde', 'Diegem', 'Diepenbeek', 'Diesdelle', 'Diest', 'Diksmuide', 'Dilbeek', 'Dinant', 'Dolhain-Gileppe', 'Doornik', 'Dordrecht', 'Dortmund Hbf', 'Drauffelt', 'Drongen', 'Duffel', 'Duinbergen', 'Duisburg Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Flughafen Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Hbf', 'Ebbsfleet International', 'Ede', 'Edingen', 'Eeklo', 'Eerken', 'Eichem', 'Eigenbrakel', 'Eijsden', 'Eine', 'Eke-Nazareth', 'Ekeren', 'Engis', 'Eppegem', 'Erbisoeul', 'Erembodegem', 'Ernage', 'Erpe-Mere', 'Erps-Kwerps', 'Erquelinnes', 'Erquelinnes-Village', 'Esneux', 'Essen', 'Essen Hbf', 'Essene-Lombeek', 'Ettelbruck', 'Etterbeek', 'Eupen', 'Evere', 'Evergem', 'Ezemaal', 'Familleureux', 'Farciennes', 'Faux', 'Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher', 'Flawinne', 'Flemalle-Grande', 'Flemalle-Haute', 'Fleurus', 'Floreffe', 'Florenville', 'Florival', 'Florée', 'Fontaine-Valmont', 'Forchies', 'Forrières', 'Fraipont', 'Frameries', 'Franchimont', 'Franière', 'Frankfurt am Main Hbf', 'Frankfurt am Main Luchthaven', 'Froyennes', 'Galmaarden', 'Gastuche', 'Gavere-Asper', 'Gedinne', 'Geel', 'Gembloux', 'Gendron-Celles', 'Genk', 'Genly', 'Gent-Dampoort', 'Gent-Sint-Pieters', 'Gentbrugge', 'Genval', 'Geraardsbergen', 'Ghlin', 'Glaaien', 'Godarville', 'Godinne', 'Gontrode', 'Gouvy', 'Gouy-lez-Pieton', 'Graide', 'Groenendaal', 'Groot-Bijgaarden', 'Grupont', 'Haacht', 'Haaltert', 'Habay', 'Hainin', 'Halanzy', 'Halle', 'Ham-sur-Heure', 'Ham-sur-Sambre', 'Hambos', 'Hamoir', 'Hamont', 'Hansbeke', 'Harchies', 'Harelbeke', 'Haren', 'Haren-Zuid', 'Hasselt', 'Haute-Flône', 'Haute-Picardie TGV', 'Haversin', 'Havre', 'Heide', 'Heist', 'Heist-op-den-Berg', 'Heizijde', 'Hellemmes', 'Hemiksem', 'Hennuyères', 'Herent', 'Herentals', 'Hergenrath', 'Herne', 'Herseaux', 'Herstal', 'Herzele', 'Heusden', 'Hever', 'Heverlee', 'Hillegem', 'Hoboken-Polder', 'Hoei', 'Hoeilaart', 'Hofstade', 'Holleken', 'Hony', 'Houraing', 'Hourpes', 'Houyet', 'Hove', 'Huizingen', 'Iddergem', 'Idegem', 'Ieper', 'Ingelmunster', 'Izegem', 'Jambes', 'Jambes-Est', 'Jamioulx', 'Jemappes', 'Rochefort-Jemelle', 'Jemeppe-sur-Meuse', 'Jemeppe-sur-Sambre', 'Jette', 'Jurbeke', 'Juslenville', 'Kalmthout', 'Kapelle-op-den-Bos', 'Kapellen', 'Kautenbach', 'Kessel', 'Keulen Hbf', 'Kiewit', 'Kijkuit', 'Kleinbettingen', 'Knokke', 'Koksijde', 'Komen', 'Kontich-Lint', 'Kortemark', 'Kortenberg', 'Kortrijk', 'Kwatrecht', 'La Louvière-Centrum', 'La Louvière-Zuid', 'La Roche (Brabant)', 'Labuissière', 'Landegem', 'Landelies', 'Landen', 'Landry', 'Landskouter', 'Langdorp', 'Le Campinaire', 'Lebbeke', 'Lede', 'Leignon', 'Leman', 'Lembeek', 'Lens', 'Leopoldsburg', 'Les Arcs - Draguignan', 'Lessen', 'Leuven', 'Leuze', 'Leval', 'Lezennes', 'Libramont', 'Lichtervelde', 'Liedekerke', 'Lier', 'Lierde', 'Liers', 'Ligny', 'Lillois', 'Limal', 'Limburg Süd', 'Linkebeek', 'Lissewege', 'Lobbes', 'Lodelinsart', 'Lokeren', 'Lommel', 'Londen Saint Pancras', 'Londerzeel', 'Lonzée', 'Lot', 'Louvain-la-Neuve-Université', 'Luik-Guillemins', 'Luik-Jonfosse', 'Luik-Paleis', 'Lustin', 'Luttre', 'Luxemburg', 'Lyon Part Dieu TGV', 'Lyon-Perrache TGV', 'Lyon-Saint Exupéry TGV', 'Maastricht', 'Maastricht Randwyck', 'Maffle', 'Malderen', 'Mamer', 'Mamer-Lycée', 'Manage', 'Marbehan', 'Marche-en-Famenne', 'Marche-les-Dames', 'Marche-lez-Écaussinnes', 'Marchienne-Zone', 'Marchienne-au-Pont', 'Maria-Aalter', 'Mariembourg', 'Marloie', 'Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy', 'Marseille-Saint-Charles', 'Masnuy-Saint-Pierre', 'Maubray', 'Mazy', 'Mechelen', 'Mechelen-Nekkerspoel', 'Meiser', 'Melkouwen', 'Melle', 'Melreux-Hotton', 'Melsele', 'Menen', 'Merchtem', 'Merelbeke', 'Merode', 'Mersch', 'Messancy', 'Metz', 'Mevergnies-Attre', 'Michelau', 'Milmort', 'Moensberg', 'Moeskroen', 'Mol', 'Mollem', 'Momalle', 'Mont-Saint-Guibert', 'Montpellier', 'Moortsele', 'Morlanwelz', 'Mortsel', 'Mortsel-Deurnesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Liersesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Oude God', 'Moustier', 'Mouterij', 'Moûtiers-Salins-Brides-les-Bai', 'Muizen', 'Mulhouse', 'Munkzwalm', 'Méry', 'Namen', 'Namêche', 'Naninne', 'Narbonne', 'Natoye', 'Neerpelt', 'Neerwinden', 'Nessonvaux', 'Neufchâteau', 'Neufvilles', 'Nice Ville', 'Niel', 'Nieuwkerken-Waas', 'Nijlen', 'Nijvel', 'Nimy', 'Ninove', 'Noorderkempen', 'Nossegem', 'Nîmes', 'Obaix-Buzet', 'Obourg', 'Okegem', 'Olen', 'Oostende', 'Oostkamp', 'Opwijk', 'Opzullik', 'Ottignies', 'Oud-Heverlee', 'Oudegem', 'Oudenaarde', 'Overpelt', 'Paliseul', 'Papegem', 'Parijs Noord', 'Pepinster', 'Pepinster-Cité', 'Perpignan', 'Philippeville', 'Piéton', 'Poix-Saint-Hubert', 'Pont de Bois', 'Pont-de-Seraing', 'Pont-à-Celles', 'Poperinge', 'Poulseur', 'Profondsart', 'Pry', 'Puurs', 'Pécrot', 'Péruwelz', 'Quaregnon', 'Quevy', 'Quievrain', 'Rebaix', 'Remicourt', 'Rhisnes', 'Rijsel-Europa', 'Rijsel-Vlaanderen', 'Rivage', 'Rixensart', 'Rodange', 'Roeselare', 'Ronet', 'Ronse', 'Roosendaal', 'Rotterdam CS', 'Roubaix', 'Roux', 'Ruisbroek', 'Ruisbroek-Sauvegarde', 'Saint-Denis-Bovesse', 'Saint-Ghislain', 'Saint-Louis-Haut-Rhin', 'Saint-Raphaël-Valescure', 'Sart-Bernard', 'Saverne', 'Schaarbeek', 'Scheldewindeke', 'Schelle', 'Schellebelle', 'Schendelbeke', 'Schiphol', 'Schoonaarde', 'Schulen', 'Sclaigneaux', 'Sclessin', 'Selestat', 'Serskamp', 'Siegburg', 'Simonis', 'Sinaai', 'Sint-Agatha-Berchem', 'Sint-Denijs-Boekel', 'Sint-Genesius-Rode', 'Sint-Gillis-Dendermonde', 'Sint-Job', 'Sint-Joris-Weert', 'Sint-Katelijne-Waver', 'Sint-Mariaburg', 'Sint-Martens-Bodegem', 'Sint-Niklaas', 'Sint-Truiden', 'Sleidinge', 'Solre-sur-Sambre', 'Spa', 'Spa-Géronstère', 'Statte', 'Stockem', 'Straatsburg', 'Sy', 'Sète', 'Tamines', 'Temse', 'Terhagen', 'Terhulpen', 'Ternat', 'Testelt', 'Theux', 'Thieu', 'Thionville', 'Thuin', 'Thulin', 'Thurn en Taxis', 'Tielen', 'Tielt', 'Tienen', 'Tilff', 'Tilly', 'Tollembeek', 'Tongeren', 'Torhout', 'Toulon', 'Tourcoing', 'Trois-Ponts', 'Troisvierges', 'Trooz', 'Tubeke', 'Turnhout', 'Ukkel-Kalevoet', 'Ukkel-Stalle', 'Valence TGV', 'Veltem', 'Vertrijk', 'Verviers-Centraal', 'Verviers-Paleis', 'Veurne', 'Viane-Moerbeke', 'Vichte', 'Vielsalm', 'Vijfhuizen', 'Ville-Pommerœul', 'Villers-la-Ville', 'Vilvoorde', 'Virton', 'Viville', 'Voroux', 'Vorst-Oost', 'Vorst-Zuid', 'Waarschoot', 'Walcourt', 'Waregem', 'Waterloo', 'Watermaal', 'Waver', 'Weerde', 'Welkenraedt', 'Welle', 'Wervik', 'Wespelaar-Tildonk', 'Wetteren', 'Wevelgem', 'Wezemaal', 'Wezet', 'Wichelen', 'Wijgmaal', 'Wildert', 'Willebroek', 'Wilwerwiltz', 'Wolfstee', 'Wondelgem', 'Yves-Gomezée', 'Yvoir', 'Zandbergen', 'Zaventem', 'Zedelgem', 'Zeebrugge-Dorp', 'Zeebrugge-Strand', 'Zele', 'Zellik', 'Zichem', 'Zingem', 'Zinnik', 'Zolder', 'Zonhoven', 'Zottegem', 'Zwankendamme', 'Zwijndrecht', 'Écaussinnes'],
- "FR": ['Aalst-Kerrebroek', 'Aalter', 'Aarschot', 'Aarsele', 'Acren', 'Agde', 'Aime-la-Plagne', 'Aiseau', 'Aix-en-Provence TGV', 'Aix-la-Chapelle Hbf', 'Albertville', 'Alken', 'Alost', 'Amay', 'Ampsin', 'Amsterdam CS', 'Andenne', 'Angleur', 'Annappes', 'Ans', 'Anseremme', 'Antibes', 'Antoing', 'Anvers-Berchem', 'Anvers-Central', 'Anvers-Est', 'Anvers-Haven', 'Anvers-Luchtbal', 'Anvers-Noorderdokken', 'Anvers-Sud', 'Anzegem', 'Appelterre', 'Arcades', 'Archennes', 'Arlon', 'Ascq', 'Asse', 'Assesse', 'Ath', 'Athus', 'Aubange', 'Audenarde', 'Auvelais', 'Avignon TGV', 'Aye', 'Aywaille', 'Aéroport Charles-de-Gaulle TGV', 'Baelen', 'Baesrode-Sud', 'Baisieux', 'Balegem-Dorp', 'Balegem-Zuid', 'Bambrugge', 'Barvaux', 'Bas-Oha', 'Basel', 'Basse-Wavre', 'Bastogne-Nord', 'Bastogne-Sud', 'Beauraing', 'Beernem', 'Beersel', 'Beervelde', 'Begijnendijk', 'Beignée', 'Bellem', 'Belsele', 'Berchem-Sainte-Agathe', 'Beringen', 'Berlaar', 'Bertrange Strassen', 'Bertrix', 'Berzée', 'Beuzet', 'Beveren', 'Beverlo', 'Bierges-Walibi', 'Bierset-Awans', 'Bilzen', 'Binche', 'Bissegem', 'Blankenberge', 'Blanmont', 'Blaton', 'Bleret', 'Bockstael', 'Bodeghem-Saint-Martin', 'Boechout', 'Boitsfort', 'Bokrijk', 'Bomal', 'Booischot', 'Boom', 'Boondael', 'Boortmeerbeek', 'Bordet', 'Bornem', 'Bourg-Léopold', 'Bourg-Saint-Maurice', 'Boussu', 'Bouwel', 'Bracquegnies', "Braine-l'Alleud", 'Braine-le-Comte', 'Bressoux', 'Brugelette', 'Bruges', 'Bruges-Saint-Pierre', 'Brussels Airport - Zaventem', 'Bruxelles-Central', 'Bruxelles-Chapelle', 'Bruxelles-Congrès', 'Bruxelles-Luxembourg', 'Bruxelles-Midi', 'Bruxelles-Nord', 'Bruxelles-Ouest', 'Bruxelles-Schuman', 'Buda', 'Buggenhout', 'Buizingen', 'Burst', 'Béziers', 'Callenelle', 'Cambron-Casteau', 'Cannes', 'Capellen', 'Carlsbourg', 'Carnieres', 'Ceroux-Mousty', 'Chambéry-Challes-les-Eaux', 'Chapelle-Dieu', 'Chapois', 'Charleroi-Ouest', 'Charleroi-Sud', 'Chastre', 'Château-de-Seilles', 'Châtelet', 'Chênée', 'Ciney', 'Clervaux', 'Colmar', 'Cologne Hbf', 'Comblain-la-Tour', 'Comines', 'Coo', 'Couillet', 'Cour-sur-Heure', 'Courcelles-Motte', 'Courrière', 'Court-Saint-Étienne', 'Courtrai', 'Couvin', 'Coxyde', 'Croix Wasquehal', "Croix l'Allumette", 'Dave-Saint-Martin', 'De Hoek', 'De Pinte', 'Deinze', 'Delta', 'Den Haag HS', 'Denderleeuw', 'Diegem', 'Diepenbeek', 'Diest', 'Dilbeek', 'Dinant', 'Dixmude', 'Dolhain-Gileppe', 'Dordrecht', 'Dortmund Hbf', 'Drauffelt', 'Drongen', 'Duffel', 'Duinbergen', 'Duisburg Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Flughafen Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Hbf', 'Ebbsfleet International', 'Ede', 'Eeklo', 'Eichem', 'Eijsden', 'Eine', 'Eke-Nazareth', 'Ekeren', 'Enghien', 'Engis', 'Eppegem', 'Erbisoeul', 'Erembodegem', 'Ernage', 'Erpe-Mere', 'Erps-Kwerps', 'Erquelinnes', 'Erquelinnes-Village', 'Esneux', 'Essen', 'Essen Hbf', 'Essene-Lombeek', 'Ettelbruck', 'Etterbeek', 'Eupen', 'Evere', 'Evergem', 'Ezemaal', 'Familleureux', 'Farciennes', 'Faux', 'Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher', 'Flawinne', 'Flemalle-Grande', 'Flemalle-Haute', 'Fleurus', 'Floreffe', 'Florenville', 'Florival', 'Florée', 'Fontaine-Valmont', 'Forchies', 'Forest-Est', 'Forest-Midi', 'Forrières', 'Fraipont', 'Frameries', 'Francfort-sur-le-Main Aéroport', 'Francfort-sur-le-Main Hbf', 'Franchimont', 'Franière', 'Froyennes', 'Furnes', 'Gammerages', 'Gand-Dampoort', 'Gand-Saint-Pierre', 'Gastuche', 'Gavere-Asper', 'Gedinne', 'Geel', 'Gembloux', 'Gendron-Celles', 'Genk', 'Genly', 'Gentbrugge', 'Genval', 'Germoir', 'Ghlin', 'Glons', 'Godarville', 'Godinne', 'Gontrode', 'Gouvy', 'Gouy-lez-Pieton', 'Graide', 'Grammont', 'Grand-Bigard', 'Groenendael', 'Grupont', 'Haacht', 'Haaltert', 'Habay', 'Hainin', 'Hal', 'Halanzy', 'Ham-sur-Heure', 'Ham-sur-Sambre', 'Hambos', 'Hamoir', 'Hamont', 'Hansbeke', 'Harchies', 'Harelbeke', 'Haren', 'Haren-Sud', 'Hasselt', 'Haute-Flône', 'Haute-Picardie TGV', 'Haversin', 'Havre', 'Heide', 'Heist', 'Heist-op-den-Berg', 'Heizijde', 'Hellemmes', 'Hemiksem', 'Hennuyères', 'Herent', 'Herentals', 'Hergenrath', 'Herne', 'Herseaux', 'Herstal', 'Herzele', 'Heusden', 'Hever', 'Heverlee', 'Hillegem', 'Hoboken-Polder', 'Hoeilaart', 'Hofstade', 'Holleken', 'Hony', 'Houraing', 'Hourpes', 'Houyet', 'Hove', 'Huizingen', 'Huy', 'Iddergem', 'Idegem', 'Ingelmunster', 'Izegem', 'Jambes', 'Jambes-Est', 'Jamioulx', 'Jemappes', 'Rochefort-Jemelle', 'Jemeppe-sur-Meuse', 'Jemeppe-sur-Sambre', 'Jette', 'Jurbise', 'Juslenville', 'Kalmthout', 'Kapelle-op-den-Bos', 'Kapellen', 'Kautenbach', 'Kessel', 'Kiewit', 'Kijkuit', 'Kleinbettingen', 'Knokke', 'Kontich-Lint', 'Kortemark', 'Kortenberg', 'La Hulpe', 'La Louvière-Centre', 'La Louvière-Sud', 'La Panne', 'La Roche (Brabant)', 'Labuissière', 'Landegem', 'Landelies', 'Landen', 'Landry', 'Landskouter', 'Langdorp', 'Le Campinaire', 'Lebbeke', 'Lede', 'Leignon', 'Leman', 'Lembeek', 'Lens', 'Les Arcs - Draguignan', 'Lessines', 'Leuze', 'Leval', 'Lezennes', 'Libramont', 'Lichtervelde', 'Liedekerke', 'Lierde', 'Lierre', 'Liers', 'Ligny', 'Lille Europe', 'Lille Flandres', 'Lillois', 'Limal', 'Limburg Süd', 'Linkebeek', 'Lissewege', 'Liège-Guillemins', 'Liège-Jonfosse', 'Liège-Palais', 'Lobbes', 'Lodelinsart', 'Lokeren', 'Lommel', 'Londerzeel', 'Londres Saint Pancras', 'Lonzée', 'Lot', 'Louvain', 'Louvain-la-Neuve-Université', 'Lustin', 'Luttre', 'Luxembourg', 'Lyon Part Dieu TGV', 'Lyon-Perrache TGV', 'Lyon-Saint Exupéry TGV', 'Maastricht', 'Maastricht Randwyck', 'Maffle', 'Malderen', 'Malines', 'Malines-Nekkerspoel', 'Mamer', 'Mamer-Lycée', 'Manage', 'Marbehan', 'Marche-en-Famenne', 'Marche-les-Dames', 'Marche-lez-Écaussinnes', 'Marchienne-Zone', 'Marchienne-au-Pont', 'Maria-Aalter', 'Mariembourg', 'Marloie', 'Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy', 'Marseille-Saint-Charles', 'Masnuy-Saint-Pierre', 'Maubray', 'Mazy', 'Meiser', 'Melkouwen', 'Melle', 'Melreux-Hotton', 'Melsele', 'Menin', 'Merchtem', 'Merelbeke', 'Merode', 'Mersch', 'Messancy', 'Metz', 'Mevergnies-Attre', 'Michelau', 'Milmort', 'Moensberg', 'Mol', 'Mollem', 'Momalle', 'Mons', 'Mont-Saint-Guibert', 'Montpellier', 'Moortsele', 'Morlanwelz', 'Mortsel', 'Mortsel-Deurnesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Liersesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Oude God', 'Mouscron', 'Moustier', 'Moûtiers-Salins-Brides-les-Bai', 'Muizen', 'Mulhouse', 'Munkzwalm', 'Méry', 'Namur', 'Namêche', 'Naninne', 'Narbonne', 'Natoye', 'Neerpelt', 'Neerwinden', 'Nessonvaux', 'Neufchâteau', 'Neufvilles', 'Nice Ville', 'Niel', 'Nieuwkerken-Waas', 'Nijlen', 'Nimy', 'Ninove', 'Nivelles', 'Noorderkempen', 'Nossegem', 'Nîmes', 'Obaix-Buzet', 'Obourg', 'Okegem', 'Olen', 'Oostkamp', 'Opwijk', 'Ostende', 'Ottignies', 'Oud-Heverlee', 'Oudegem', 'Overpelt', 'Paliseul', 'Papignies', 'Paris Nord', 'Pepinster', 'Pepinster-Cité', 'Perpignan', 'Philippeville', 'Piéton', 'Poix-Saint-Hubert', 'Pont de Bois', 'Pont-de-Seraing', 'Pont-à-Celles', 'Poperinge', 'Poulseur', 'Profondsart', 'Pry', 'Puurs', 'Pécrot', 'Péruwelz', 'Quaregnon', 'Quatrecht', 'Quevy', 'Quievrain', 'Rebaix', 'Remicourt', 'Renaix', 'Rhisnes', 'Rhode-Saint-Genèse', 'Rivage', 'Rixensart', 'Rodange', 'Ronet', 'Roosendaal', 'Rotterdam CS', 'Roubaix', 'Roulers', 'Roux', 'Ruisbroek', 'Ruisbroek-Sauvegarde', 'Saint-Denis-Bovesse', 'Saint-Ghislain', 'Saint-Gilles-lez-Termonde', 'Saint-Job', 'Saint-Louis-Haut-Rhin', 'Saint-Nicolas', 'Saint-Raphaël-Valescure', 'Saint-Trond', 'Sart-Bernard', 'Saverne', 'Schaerbeek', 'Scheldewindeke', 'Schelle', 'Schellebelle', 'Schendelbeke', 'Schiphol', 'Schoonaarde', 'Schulen', 'Sclaigneaux', 'Sclessin', 'Selestat', 'Serskamp', 'Siegburg', 'Silly', 'Simonis', 'Sinaai', 'Sint-Denijs-Boekel', 'Sint-Joris-Weert', 'Sint-Mariaburg', 'Sleidinge', 'Soignies', 'Solre-sur-Sambre', 'Spa', 'Spa-Géronstère', 'Statte', 'Stockem', 'Strasbourg', 'Sy', 'Sète', 'Tamines', 'Temse', 'Terhagen', 'Termonde', 'Ternat', 'Testelt', 'Theux', 'Thieu', 'Thionville', 'Thuin', 'Thulin', 'Tielen', 'Tielt', 'Tilff', 'Tilly', 'Tirlemont', 'Tollembeek', 'Tongres', 'Torhout', 'Toulon', 'Tour et Taxis', 'Tourcoing', 'Tournai', 'Trois-Ponts', 'Troisvierges', 'Trooz', 'Tubize', 'Turnhout', 'Uccle-Calevoet', 'Uccle-Stalle', 'Valence TGV', 'Veltem', 'Vertrijk', 'Verviers-Central', 'Verviers-Palais', 'Viane-Moerbeke', 'Vichte', 'Vielsalm', 'Vijfhuizen', 'Ville-Pommerœul', 'Villers-la-Ville', 'Vilvorde', 'Virton', 'Visé', "Vivier d'Oie", 'Viville', 'Voroux', 'Waarschoot', 'Walcourt', 'Waregem', 'Waremme', 'Waterloo', 'Watermael', 'Wavre', 'Wavre-Sainte-Catherine', 'Weerde', 'Welkenraedt', 'Welle', 'Wervik', 'Wespelaar-Tildonk', 'Wetteren', 'Wevelgem', 'Wezemaal', 'Wichelen', 'Wijgmaal', 'Wildert', 'Willebroek', 'Wilwerwiltz', 'Wolfstee', 'Wondelgem', 'Ypres', 'Yves-Gomezée', 'Yvoir', 'Zandbergen', 'Zaventem', 'Zedelgem', 'Zeebrugge-Dorp', 'Zeebrugge-Strand', 'Zele', 'Zellik', 'Zichem', 'Zingem', 'Zolder', 'Zonhoven', 'Zottegem', 'Zwankendamme', 'Zwijndrecht', 'Écaussinnes'],
- "DE": ['Aachen Hbf', 'Aalst', 'Aalst-Kerrebroek', 'Aalter', 'Aarschot', 'Aarsele', 'Acren', 'Agde', 'Aime-la-Plagne', 'Aiseau', 'Aix-en-Provence TGV', 'Albertville', 'Alken', 'Amay', 'Ampsin', 'Amsterdam CS', 'Andenne', 'Angleur', 'Annappes', 'Ans', 'Anseremme', 'Antibes', 'Antoing', 'Antwerpen-Berchem', 'Antwerpen-Centraal', 'Antwerpen-Haven', 'Antwerpen-Luchtbal', 'Antwerpen-Noorderdokken', 'Antwerpen-Oost', 'Antwerpen-Zuid', 'Anzegem', 'Appelterre', 'Arcaden/Arcades', 'Archennes', 'Arel', 'Ascq', 'Asse', 'Assesse', 'Ath', 'Athem', 'Aubange', 'Auvelais', 'Avignon TGV', 'Aye', 'Aywaille', 'Aéroport Charles-de-Gaulle TGV', 'Baasrode-Zuid', 'Baisieux', 'Balegem-Dorp', 'Balegem-Zuid', 'Balen', 'Bambrugge', 'Barvaux', 'Bas-Oha', 'Basel', 'Basse-Wavre', 'Bastogne-Nord', 'Bastogne-Sud', 'Beauraing', 'Beernem', 'Beersel', 'Beervelde', 'Begijnendijk', 'Beignée', 'Bellem', 'Belsele', 'Beringen', 'Berlaar', 'Bertrange Strassen', 'Bertrix', 'Berzée', 'Beuzet', 'Beveren', 'Beverlo', 'Bierges-Walibi', 'Bierset-Awans', 'Bilzen', 'Binche', 'Bissegem', 'Blankenberge', 'Blanmont', 'Blaton', 'Bleret', 'Bockstael', 'Boechout', 'Bokrijk', 'Bomal', 'Booischot', 'Boom', 'Boondaal/Boondael', 'Boortmeerbeek', 'Bordet', 'Bornem', 'Bosvoorde/Boitsfort', 'Bourg-Saint-Maurice', 'Boussu', 'Bouwel', 'Bracquegnies', "Braine-l'Alleud", 'Braine-le-Comte', 'Bressoux', 'Brugelette', 'Brugge', 'Brugge-Sint-Pieters', 'Brussel-Centraal/Bruxelles-Central', 'Brussel-Congres/Bruxelles-Congrès', 'Brussel-Kapellekerk/Bruxelles-Chapelle', 'Brussel-Luxemburg/Bruxelles-Luxembourg', 'Brussel-Noord/Bruxelles-Nord', 'Brussel-Schuman/Bruxelles-Schuman', 'Brussel-West/Bruxelles-Ouest', 'Brussel-Zuid/Bruxelles-Midi', 'Brussels Airport - Zaventem', 'Buda', 'Buggenhout', 'Buizingen', 'Burst', 'Béziers', 'Callenelle', 'Cambron-Casteau', 'Cannes', 'Capellen', 'Carlsbourg', 'Carnieres', 'Ceroux-Mousty', 'Chambéry-Challes-les-Eaux', 'Chapelle-Dieu', 'Chapois', 'Charleroi-Ouest', 'Charleroi-Sud', 'Chastre', 'Château-de-Seilles', 'Châtelet', 'Chênée', 'Ciney', 'Clervaux', 'Colmar', 'Comblain-la-Tour', 'Comines', 'Coo', 'Couillet', 'Cour-sur-Heure', 'Courcelles-Motte', 'Courrière', 'Court-Saint-Étienne', 'Couvin', 'Croix Wasquehal', "Croix l'Allumette", 'Dave-Saint-Martin', 'De Hoek', 'De Panne', 'De Pinte', 'Deinze', 'Delta', 'Den Haag HS', 'Denderleeuw', 'Dendermonde', 'Diegem', 'Diepenbeek', "Diesdelle/Vivier d'Oie", 'Diest', 'Diksmuide', 'Dilbeek', 'Dinant', 'Dolhain-Gileppe', 'Dordrecht', 'Dortmund Hbf', 'Drauffelt', 'Drongen', 'Duffel', 'Duinbergen', 'Duisburg Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Flughafen Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Hbf', 'Ebbsfleet International', 'Ede', 'Eeklo', 'Eichem', 'Eijsden', 'Eine', 'Eke-Nazareth', 'Ekeren', 'Enghien', 'Engis', 'Eppegem', 'Erbisoeul', 'Erembodegem', 'Ernage', 'Erpe-Mere', 'Erps-Kwerps', 'Erquelinnes', 'Erquelinnes-Village', 'Esneux', 'Essen', 'Essen Hbf', 'Essene-Lombeek', 'Ettelbrück', 'Etterbeek', 'Eupen', 'Evere', 'Evergem', 'Ezemaal', 'Familleureux', 'Farciennes', 'Faux', 'Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher', 'Flawinne', 'Flemalle-Grande', 'Flemalle-Haute', 'Fleurus', 'Floreffe', 'Florenville', 'Florival', 'Florée', 'Fontaine-Valmont', 'Forchies', 'Forrières', 'Fraipont', 'Frameries', 'Franchimont', 'Franière', 'Frankfurt am Main Flughafen', 'Frankfurt am Main Hbf', 'Froyennes', 'Galmaarden', 'Gastuche', 'Gavere-Asper', 'Gedinne', 'Geel', 'Gembloux', 'Gendron-Celles', 'Genk', 'Genly', 'Gent-Dampoort', 'Gent-Sint-Pieters', 'Gentbrugge', 'Genval', 'Geraardsbergen', 'Germoir', 'Ghlin', 'Glons', 'Godarville', 'Godinne', 'Gontrode', 'Gouvy', 'Gouy-lez-Pieton', 'Graide', 'Groenendaal', 'Groot-Bijgaarden', 'Grupont', 'Haacht', 'Haaltert', 'Habay', 'Hainin', 'Halanzy', 'Halle', 'Ham-sur-Heure', 'Ham-sur-Sambre', 'Hambos', 'Hamoir', 'Hamont', 'Hansbeke', 'Harchies', 'Harelbeke', 'Haren', 'Haren-Sud/Haren-Zuid', 'Hasselt', 'Haute-Flône', 'Haute-Picardie TGV', 'Haversin', 'Havre', 'Heide', 'Heist', 'Heist-op-den-Berg', 'Heizijde', 'Hellemmes', 'Hemiksem', 'Hennuyères', 'Herent', 'Herentals', 'Hergenrath', 'Herne', 'Herseaux', 'Herstal', 'Herzele', 'Heusden', 'Hever', 'Heverlee', 'Hillegem', 'Hoboken-Polder', 'Hoeilaart', 'Hofstade', 'Holleken', 'Hony', 'Houraing', 'Hourpes', 'Houyet', 'Hove', 'Huizingen', 'Huy', 'Iddergem', 'Idegem', 'Ieper', 'Ingelmunster', 'Izegem', 'Jambes', 'Jambes-Est', 'Jamioulx', 'Jemappes', 'Rochefort-Jemelle', 'Jemeppe-sur-Meuse', 'Jemeppe-sur-Sambre', 'Jette', 'Jurbeke', 'Juslenville', 'Kalmthout', 'Kapelle-op-den-Bos', 'Kapellen', 'Kautenbach', 'Kessel', 'Kiewit', 'Kijkuit', 'Kleinbettingen', 'Knokke', 'Koksijde', 'Kontich-Lint', 'Kortemark', 'Kortenberg', 'Kortrijk', 'Kwatrecht', 'Köln Hbf', 'La Hulpe', 'La Louvière-Centre', 'La Louvière-Sud', 'La Roche (Brabant)', 'Labuissière', 'Landegem', 'Landelies', 'Landen', 'Landry', 'Landskouter', 'Langdorp', 'Le Campinaire', 'Lebbeke', 'Lede', 'Leignon', 'Leman', 'Lembeek', 'Lens', 'Leopoldsburg', 'Les Arcs - Draguignan', 'Lessines', 'Leuze', 'Leval', 'Lezennes', 'Libramont', 'Lichtervelde', 'Liedekerke', 'Lier', 'Lierde', 'Liers', 'Ligny', 'Lille Europe', 'Lille Flandres', 'Lillois', 'Limal', 'Limburg Süd', 'Linkebeek', 'Lissewege', 'Liège-Guillemins', 'Liège-Jonfosse', 'Liège-Palais', 'Lobbes', 'Lodelinsart', 'Lokeren', 'Lommel', 'Londerzeel', 'London Saint Pancras International', 'Lonzée', 'Lot', 'Louvain-la-Neuve-Université', 'Lustin', 'Luttre', 'Luxemburg', 'Lyon Part Dieu TGV', 'Lyon-Perrache TGV', 'Lyon-Saint Exupéry TGV', 'Löwen', 'Maastricht', 'Maastricht Randwyck', 'Maffle', 'Malderen', 'Mamer', 'Mamer-Lycée', 'Manage', 'Marbehan', 'Marche-en-Famenne', 'Marche-les-Dames', 'Marche-lez-Écaussinnes', 'Marchienne-Zone', 'Marchienne-au-Pont', 'Maria-Aalter', 'Mariembourg', 'Marloie', 'Marne-la-Vallée - Chessy', 'Marseille-Saint-Charles', 'Masnuy-Saint-Pierre', 'Maubray', 'Mazy', 'Mechelen', 'Mechelen-Nekkerspoel', 'Meiser', 'Melkouwen', 'Melle', 'Melreux-Hotton', 'Melsele', 'Menen', 'Merchtem', 'Merelbeke', 'Merode', 'Mersch', 'Messancy', 'Metz', 'Mevergnies-Attre', 'Michelau', 'Milmort', 'Moensberg', 'Mol', 'Mollem', 'Momalle', 'Mons', 'Mont-Saint-Guibert', 'Montpellier', 'Moortsele', 'Morlanwelz', 'Mortsel', 'Mortsel-Deurnesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Liersesteenweg', 'Mortsel-Oude God', 'Mouscron', 'Moustier', 'Moûtiers-Salins-Brides-les-Bai', 'Muizen', 'Mulhouse', 'Munkzwalm', 'Méry', 'Namur', 'Namêche', 'Naninne', 'Narbonne', 'Natoye', 'Neerpelt', 'Neerwinden', 'Nessonvaux', 'Neufchâteau', 'Neufvilles', 'Nice Ville', 'Niel', 'Nieuwkerken-Waas', 'Nijlen', 'Nimy', 'Ninove', 'Nivelles', 'Noorderkempen', 'Nossegem', 'Nîmes', 'Obaix-Buzet', 'Obourg', 'Okegem', 'Olen', 'Oostende', 'Oostkamp', 'Opwijk', 'Ottignies', 'Oud-Heverlee', 'Oudegem', 'Oudenaarde', 'Overpelt', 'Paliseul', 'Papignies', 'Paris Nord', 'Pepinster', 'Pepinster-Cité', 'Perpignan', 'Philippeville', 'Piéton', 'Poix-Saint-Hubert', 'Pont de Bois', 'Pont-de-Seraing', 'Pont-à-Celles', 'Poperinge', 'Poulseur', 'Profondsart', 'Pry', 'Puurs', 'Pécrot', 'Péruwelz', 'Quaregnon', 'Quevy', 'Quievrain', 'Rebaix', 'Remicourt', 'Rhisnes', 'Rivage', 'Rixensart', 'Rodange', 'Roeselare', 'Ronet', 'Ronse', 'Roosendaal', 'Rotterdam CS', 'Roubaix', 'Roux', 'Ruisbroek', 'Ruisbroek-Sauvegarde', 'Saint-Denis-Bovesse', 'Saint-Ghislain', 'Saint-Louis-Haut-Rhin', 'Saint-Raphaël-Valescure', 'Sart-Bernard', 'Saverne', 'Schaarbeek/Schaerbeek', 'Scheldewindeke', 'Schelle', 'Schellebelle', 'Schendelbeke', 'Schiphol', 'Schoonaarde', 'Schulen', 'Sclaigneaux', 'Sclessin', 'Selestat', 'Serskamp', 'Siegburg', 'Silly', 'Simonis', 'Sinaai', 'Sint-Agatha-Berchem/Berchem-Sainte-Agathe', 'Sint-Denijs-Boekel', 'Sint-Genesius-Rode', 'Sint-Gillis-Dendermonde', 'Sint-Job', 'Sint-Joris-Weert', 'Sint-Katelijne-Waver', 'Sint-Mariaburg', 'Sint-Martens-Bodegem', 'Sint-Niklaas', 'Sint-Truiden', 'Sleidinge', 'Soignies', 'Solre-sur-Sambre', 'Spa', 'Spa-Géronstère', 'Statte', 'Stockem', 'Straßburg', 'Sy', 'Sète', 'Tamines', 'Temse', 'Terhagen', 'Ternat', 'Testelt', 'Theux', 'Thienen', 'Thieu', 'Thionville', 'Thuin', 'Thulin', 'Tielen', 'Tielt', 'Tilff', 'Tilly', 'Tollembeek', 'Tongern', 'Torhout', 'Toulon', 'Tour et Taxis', 'Tourcoing', 'Tournai', 'Trois-Ponts', 'Troisvierges', 'Trooz', 'Tubize', 'Turnhout', 'Ukkel-Kalevoet/Uccle-Calevoet', 'Ukkel-Stalle/Uccle-Stalle', 'Valence TGV', 'Veltem', 'Vertrijk', 'Verviers-Central', 'Verviers-Palais', 'Veurne', 'Viane-Moerbeke', 'Vichte', 'Vielsalm', 'Vijfhuizen', 'Ville-Pommerœul', 'Villers-la-Ville', 'Vilvoorde', 'Virton', 'Visé', 'Viville', 'Voroux', 'Vorst-Oost/Forest-Est', 'Vorst-Zuid/Forest-Midi', 'Waarschoot', 'Walcourt', 'Waregem', 'Waremme', 'Waterloo', 'Watermaal/Watermael', 'Wavre', 'Weerde', 'Welkenraedt', 'Welle', 'Wervik', 'Wespelaar-Tildonk', 'Wetteren', 'Wevelgem', 'Wezemaal', 'Wichelen', 'Wijgmaal', 'Wildert', 'Willebroek', 'Wilwerwiltz', 'Wolfstee', 'Wondelgem', 'Yves-Gomezée', 'Yvoir', 'Zandbergen', 'Zaventem', 'Zedelgem', 'Zeebrugge-Dorp', 'Zeebrugge-Strand', 'Zele', 'Zellik', 'Zichem', 'Zingem', 'Zolder', 'Zonhoven', 'Zottegem', 'Zwankendamme', 'Zwijndrecht', 'Écaussinnes']
- }
- function update() {
- var filteredStations = stations[Util.getLocal()].filter(function (station) { return station.toLowerCase().indexOf(searchString) !== -1 })
- var station
- var found
- var i
- // helper objects that can be quickly accessed
- var filteredStationObject = new Object
- for (i = 0; i < filteredStations.length; ++i) {
- filteredStationObject[filteredStations[i]] = true
- }
- var existingStationObject = new Object
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- station = get(i).name
- existingStationObject[station] = true
- }
- // remove items no longer in filtered set
- i = 0
- while (i < count) {
- station = get(i).name
- found = filteredStationObject.hasOwnProperty(station)
- if (!found) {
- remove(i)
- } else {
- i++
- }
- }
- // add new items
- for (i = 0; i < filteredStations.length; ++i) {
- station = filteredStations[i]
- found = existingStationObject.hasOwnProperty(station)
- if (!found) {
- // for simplicity, just adding to end instead of corresponding position in original list
- append({ "name": station})
- }
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/TripDetailPage.qml b/qml/pages/TripDetailPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 90fe045..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/TripDetailPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
-Page {
- property var tripModel
- property int indexModel
- SilicaFlickable {
- anchors.fill: parent
- contentHeight: tripDetailColumn.height
- VerticalScrollDecorator {}
- Column {
- id: tripDetailColumn
- width: parent.width
- spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
- PageHeader { title: qsTr("Trip detail") }
- TripItem {
- departStation: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.station
- departTime: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.time.time
- departDelay: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.delay
- departTrain: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.train
- departTrack: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.platform
- departTrackChanged: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.platformChanged
- arriveStation: tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.station
- arriveTime: tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.time.time
- arriveDelay: tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.delay
- arriveTrain: tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.train
- arriveTrack: tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.platform
- arriveTrackChanged: tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.platformChanged
- canceled: tripModel.get(indexModel).depart.canceled || tripModel.get(indexModel).arrival.canceled? true: false // When arrive or depart is canceled then this connection is not valid
- vias: tripModel.get(indexModel).vias.number
- viasModel: tripModel.get(indexModel).vias.via
- alerts: tripModel.get(indexModel).alerts.alert
- showAlerts: false
- Component.onCompleted: expanded = true
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/TripPage.qml b/qml/pages/TripPage.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6359db..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/TripPage.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "./components"
-import "./js/trip.js" as Trip
-Page {
- property string from
- property string to
- property string time
- property string date
- property bool succes: true //Wait until changed
- Component.onCompleted: Trip.load(from, to, time, date)
- SilicaListView {
- width: parent.width; height: parent.height
- header: PageHeader { title: qsTr("Trip planner") }
- model: tripModel
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- contentHeight: item.height
- //enabled: false //Temp disabled TripDetailPage until we figured out how to show intermediate stops //!item.canceled // Disable TripDetailPage when train is canceled
- onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("TripDetailPage.qml"), { tripModel: tripModel, indexModel: index })
- TripItem {
- id: item
- departStation: model.depart.station
- departTime: model.depart.time.time
- departDelay: model.depart.delay
- departTrain: model.depart.train
- departTrack: model.depart.platform
- departTrackChanged: model.depart.platformChanged
- arriveStation: model.arrival.station
- arriveTime: model.arrival.time.time
- arriveDelay: model.arrival.delay
- arriveTrain: model.arrival.train
- arriveTrack: model.arrival.platform
- arriveTrackChanged: model.arrival.platformChanged
- canceled: model.depart.canceled || model.arrival.canceled? true: false // When arrive or depart is canceled then this connection is not valid
- vias: model.vias.number
- viasModel: model.vias.via
- alerts: model.alerts.alert
- showAlerts: false
- expanded: false
- }
- }
- ViewPlaceholder {
- enabled: !succes
- text: qsTr("No connections found")
- hintText: qsTr("Try another station") + "..."
- }
- }
- LoadIndicator {
- anchors { fill: parent }
- show: tripModel.count==0 && succes
- }
- ListModel {
- id: tripModel
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/CancelOverlay.qml b/qml/pages/components/CancelOverlay.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index c47e5b6..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/components/CancelOverlay.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-// Train canceled overlay
-Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: parent.height
- // Nice background
- Rectangle {
- anchors { fill: parent }
- opacity: 0.75
- gradient: Gradient {
- GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: Theme.highlightBackgroundColor }
- GradientStop { position: 0.33; color: Theme.highlightDimmerColor }
- GradientStop { position: 0.66; color: Theme.highlightDimmerColor }
- GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: Theme.highlightBackgroundColor }
- }
- }
- // Canceled text
- Label {
- anchors { centerIn: parent }
- text: qsTr("canceled") + " :-("
- color: Theme.primaryColor
- font.bold: true
- font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeLarge
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/DisturbancesView.qml b/qml/pages/components/DisturbancesView.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 327a376..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/components/DisturbancesView.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "../js/disturbances.js" as Disturbances
-SilicaListView {
- width: parent.width
- height: childrenRect.height
- property bool showStation: true
- delegate: ListItem {
- width: ListView.view.width
- contentHeight: item.height*1.1
- enabled: model.hasOwnProperty("link")
- onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(model.link) // If model has link then open it when user clicks on the item
- Column {
- id: item
- width: parent.width
- anchors { centerIn: parent }
- spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
- SectionHeader { text: model.title }
- TextLabel { labelText: model.text }
- //SectionHeader { text: showStation? model.header.replace(".", ""): model.header.split(":")[1].replace(".", "") } // Remove "." at the end
- //TextLabel { labelText: model.description }
- }
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/LiveBoardItem.qml b/qml/pages/components/LiveBoardItem.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index ad672d2..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/components/LiveBoardItem.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "../js/liveboard.js" as LiveBoard
-Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: liveboardRow.height
- property string trainName
- property string trainType
- property string delay
- property string departTime
- property string track
- property bool trackChanged
- property bool trainCanceled
- property bool modelHasDelay
- property var announcements
- Row {
- id: liveboardRow
- width: parent.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
- Label {
- id: departLabel
- anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.bold: true
- color: app.yellow
- text: departTime
- }
- Label {
- id: trainLabel
- width: parent.width-departLabel.width-typeLabel.width-trackLabel.width-liveboardRow.spacing*4 - (modelHasDelay? delayLabel.width: 0)
- anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.bold: true
- color: app.yellow
- text: trainName
- }
- Label {
- id: typeLabel
- anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.bold: true
- color: app.yellow
- text: page.isPortrait? trainType.substring(0,2): trainType
- }
- Rectangle {
- id: trackLabel
- color: trackChanged? app.yellow: app.transparent
- width: parent.height
- height: parent.height
- Label {
- anchors { centerIn: parent }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.bold: true
- color: trackChanged? app.black: app.yellow
- text: track
- }
- }
- Label {
- id: delayLabel
- anchors { verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.bold: true
- color: app.red
- visible: delay > 0
- text: LiveBoard.formatDelay(delay)
- }
- }
- CancelOverlay { visible: trainCanceled }
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/LoadIndicator.qml b/qml/pages/components/LoadIndicator.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a68a4..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/components/LoadIndicator.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-Item {
- property bool show
- BusyIndicator {
- id: loadingIndicator
- anchors { centerIn: parent }
- running: Qt.application.active && show //tripModel.count==0 && succes
- size: BusyIndicatorSize.Large
- }
- Label {
- opacity: show? 1.0: 0.0
- anchors { top: loadingIndicator.bottom; topMargin: Theme.paddingLarge; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- text: qsTr("Loading") + "..."
- Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation{} }
- }
diff --git a/qml/pages/components/TripItem.qml b/qml/pages/components/TripItem.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2310f92..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/components/TripItem.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-import QtQuick 2.2
-import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
-import "../js/trip.js" as Trip
-Item { // Reuse it for TripDetailPage and TripDetail
- width: parent.width
- height: tripColumn.height + Theme.paddingLarge //Extra margins
- //Properties
- property string departTime
- property string departStation
- property string departTrain
- property string departTrack
- property bool departTrackChanged
- property int departDelay
- property string arriveTime
- property string arriveStation
- property string arriveTrain
- property string arriveTrack
- property bool arriveTrackChanged
- property int arriveDelay
- property int currentStop
- property bool canceled
- property bool expanded
- property bool showAlerts: true
- property var vias
- property var viasModel
- property var alerts
- property var stopsModel: viasModel // BeRail V1.X build stopsModel with intermediate stops
- // Internal variables
- property var _hasDelay: [departDelay > 0, arriveDelay > 0]
- property int _changeIndex
- property bool _hasAlert: alerts.length > 0
- onAlertsChanged: Trip.convertAlertsToListmodel(alerts)
- Column {
- id: tripColumn
- width: parent.width
- anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- // Depart item
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- // Depart time
- Rectangle {
- id: departTimeItem
- width: Theme.itemSizeMedium
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- scale: expanded? 1.0: 0.9
- radius: width/7
- color: app.green
- Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 750 } }
- Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 750 } }
- Label {
- id: departTimeLabel
- anchors { centerIn: _hasDelay[0]? undefined: parent; top: _hasDelay[0]? parent.top: undefined; topMargin: Theme.paddingSmall; horizontalCenter: _hasDelay[0]? parent.horizontalCenter: undefined }
- font.bold: true
- text: departTime
- }
- Label {
- id: departDelayLabel
- anchors { top: departTimeLabel.bottom; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- text: Trip.formatDelay(departDelay)
- visible: _hasDelay[0]
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- // Depart station name
- Label {
- id: departStationLabel
- width: parent.width - departTimeItem.width - journeyInformation.width - 3*Theme.paddingLarge
- anchors { left: departTimeItem.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase
- text: departStation
- }
- // Track number
- Label {
- id: departTrackLabel
- z: 1
- anchors { top: departStationLabel.bottom; left: departTimeItem.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge }
- text: departTrack.length > 0? qsTr("Track %1").arg(departTrack): qsTr("Track ???") // Placeholder when unknown
- visible: true //settings.showUnknownTrackLabel
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny*1.2
- }
- Rectangle {
- width: departTrackLabel.width*1.25
- height: departTrackLabel.height*1.05
- radius: width/4
- opacity: Theme.highlightBackgroundOpacity
- anchors { centerIn: departTrackLabel }
- color: app.yellow
- visible: departTrackChanged
- }
- // Train & journey information
- Item {
- id: journeyInformation
- width: Theme.itemSizeMedium
- height: childrenRect.height
- anchors { right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin }
- // Train name
- Label {
- id: trainName
- width: parent.width
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- text: departTrain //train
- }
- // #Vias
- Label {
- id: viasLabel
- anchors { top: trainName.bottom; topMargin: Theme.paddingMedium }
- text: vias
- visible: vias
- }
- Image {
- id: changeIcon
- width: Theme.iconSizeSmall
- height: width
- anchors { verticalCenter: viasLabel.verticalCenter; left: viasLabel.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingMedium }
- source: "qrc:///icons/icon-change.png"
- visible: vias
- asynchronous: true
- }
- // Alerts
- Label {
- id: alertsLabel;
- anchors { top: changeIcon.bottom; topMargin: Theme.paddingMedium }
- text: alerts.length
- visible: _hasAlert
- }
- Image {
- width: Theme.iconSizeSmall
- height: width
- anchors { verticalCenter: alertsLabel.verticalCenter; left: alertsLabel.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingMedium }
- source: "qrc:///icons/icon-announcement.png"
- visible: _hasAlert
- asynchronous: true
- }
- }
- }
- // Traject
- Item {
- id: trajectItem
- width: parent.width
- height: expanded? Trip.calculateTraject(viasModel.length): 0
- opacity: expanded? 1.0: 0.0
- Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation { duration: expanded? 200: 750} } // Overlap with animation when closing
- Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }
- // Traject indicator + progress
- Rectangle {
- id: traject
- width: Theme.itemSizeSmall/4
- height: parent.height
- anchors { left: parent.left; leftMargin: departTimeLabel.x + departTimeLabel.width/2 - width/2 } // Center on labels
- color: Theme.highlightDimmerColor
- // Progress indicator
- Rectangle {
- id: progress
- width: Theme.itemSizeSmall/4
- height: 0 //expanded? Trip.calculateProgress(currentStop): 0 BeRail V1.X
- color: Theme.highlightColor
- Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 500 } }
- }
- // Progress indicator stops
- Column {
- anchors { horizontalCenter: traject.horizontalCenter; top: parent.top; topMargin: Theme.itemSizeSmall }
- spacing: Theme.paddingLarge*3
- Repeater {
- id: stopsProgress
- model: viasModel
- Item {
- width: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall/2
- // Normal stop
- Rectangle {
- id: stopBullet
- width: Theme.itemSizeSmall/2
- height: width
- anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- radius: width/2
- visible: !viaStopBullet.visible
- color: index > currentStop? Theme.highlightDimmerColor: Theme.highlightColor
- }
- // Change required stop
- Rectangle {
- id: viaStopBullet
- y: viaStopDelayLabel.visible? -height/4: 0 //Use the space in both directions if bigger then other items
- width: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- height: viaStopDelayLabel.visible? Theme.itemSizeSmall/2 + viaStopDelayLabel.height: Theme.itemSizeSmall/2
- scale: expanded? 1.0: 0.0 // Animate size: 0 <-> full size
- radius: width/7
- color: app.orange
- visible: true //changes == index TO DO
- Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 750 } }
- Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 750 } }
- // Change time
- Label {
- id: viaStopTimeLabel
- anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- text: modelData.depart.time.time
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
- font.bold: true
- }
- // Delay
- Label {
- id: viaStopDelayLabel
- anchors { top: viaStopTimeLabel.bottom; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- text: Trip.formatDelay(modelData.depart.delay)
- visible: modelData.depart.delay > 0
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- // Stop name
- Label {
- id: viaStopStationLabel
- anchors { left: viaStopBullet.visible? viaStopBullet.right: stopBullet.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge; right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.paddingMedium; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
- font.capitalization: Font.SmallCaps
- text: modelData.station
- }
- Label {
- anchors { left: viaStopBullet.visible? viaStopBullet.right: stopBullet.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge; right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.paddingMedium; top: viaStopStationLabel.bottom; topMargin: Theme.paddingSmall }
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny
- text: qsTr("Track %1 → Track %2").arg(modelData.arrival.platform).arg(modelData.depart.platform) + " | ⏱" + modelData.timebetween
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Arrive item
- Item {
- width: parent.width
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- // Arrive time
- Rectangle {
- id: arriveTimeItem
- width: Theme.itemSizeMedium
- height: Theme.itemSizeSmall
- scale: expanded? 1.0: 0.9
- radius: width/7
- color: app.red
- Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 750 } }
- Behavior on width { NumberAnimation { duration: 750 } }
- Label {
- id: arriveTimeLabel
- anchors { centerIn: _hasDelay[1]? undefined: parent; top: _hasDelay[1]? parent.top: undefined; topMargin: Theme.paddingSmall; horizontalCenter: _hasDelay[1]? parent.horizontalCenter: undefined }
- font.bold: true
- text: arriveTime
- }
- Label {
- id: arriveDelayLabel
- anchors { top: arriveTimeLabel.bottom; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
- text: Trip.formatDelay(arriveDelay)
- visible: _hasDelay[1]
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny
- font.bold: true
- }
- }
- // Arrive station name
- Label {
- id: arriveStationLabel
- width: parent.width - arriveTimeItem.width - journeyInformation.width - 3*Theme.paddingLarge
- anchors { left: arriveTimeItem.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge }
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase
- text: arriveStation
- }
- // Track number
- Label {
- id: arriveTrackLabel
- z: 1
- anchors { top: arriveStationLabel.bottom; left: arriveTimeItem.right; leftMargin: Theme.paddingLarge }
- text: arriveTrack.length > 0? qsTr("Track %1").arg(arriveTrack): qsTr("Track ???")
- visible: true //settings.showUnknownTrackLabel
- font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny*1.2
- }
- Rectangle {
- width: arriveTrackLabel.width*1.25
- height: arriveTrackLabel.height*1.05
- anchors { centerIn: arriveTrackLabel }
- radius: width/4
- opacity: Theme.highlightBackgroundOpacity
- color: app.yellow
- visible: arriveTrackChanged
- }
- Item {
- width: Theme.itemSizeMedium
- height: childrenRect.height
- anchors { right: parent.right; rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin }
- visible: expanded // Only show when enough space is allocated
- // Train name
- Label {
- id: trainNameArrive
- width: parent.width
- wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
- truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
- text: arriveTrain //train
- }
- }
- }
- ListModel {
- id: alertsModel
- }
- DisturbancesView {
- id: alertsView
- model: alertsModel
- showStation: false
- visible: expanded // Only visible when expanded
- }
- }
- CancelOverlay { visible: canceled }
diff --git a/qml/pages/js/disturbances.js b/qml/pages/js/disturbances.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6874543..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/js/disturbances.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-function load() {
- alertsModel.clear() // Make model empty
- python.call("app.disturbances.get_disturbances", [], function(disturbances) {
- if(disturbances) { // Valid trip is TRUE
- if("empty" in disturbances) { // No data available
- succes = false;
- return false;
- }
- for(var i=0; i < Object.keys(disturbances.disturbance).length; i++) { // Run through whole connection object
- alertsModel.append({
- "header": disturbances.disturbance[i].title,
- "description": disturbances.disturbance[i].description,
- "time": disturbances.disturbance[i].time,
- "id": disturbances.disturbance[i].id,
- "link": disturbances.disturbance[i].link
- });
- }
- return true;
- }
- else {
- succes = false;
- return false;
- }
- });
diff --git a/qml/pages/js/liveboard.js b/qml/pages/js/liveboard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e760c..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/js/liveboard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-function getTimeString() {
- var time = new Date();
- var hours = time.getHours();
- var minutes = time.getMinutes();
- var seconds = time.getSeconds();
- if(hours < 10) {
- hours = "0" + hours;
- }
- if(minutes < 10) {
- minutes = "0" + minutes;
- }
- if(seconds < 10) {
- seconds = "0" + seconds;
- }
- return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
-function load(station) {
- liveboardModel.clear(); // Make model empty
- alertsModel.clear();
- succes = true; // Reset
- python.call("app.liveboard.get_liveboard", [station], function(liveboard) {
- if(liveboard) { // Valid liveboard is TRUE
- var _hasDelay = false;
- // No data available
- if("empty" in liveboard) {
- succes = false;
- return false;
- }
- // Build AlertsModel with all alerts for a certain station
- for(var i=0; i < Object.keys(liveboard.departures.departure).length; i++) {
- if(_hasDelay == false && liveboard.departures.departure[i].delay > 0) { // Detect if we have a delay in this data, improve performance by skipping this test if _hasDelay is already 'true'
- _hasDelay = true;
- }
- if(liveboard.departures.departure[i].hasOwnProperty("alerts")) { // Detect if we have alerts in this data
- for(var j=0; j < Object.keys(liveboard.departures.departure[i].alerts.alert).length; j++) {
- var newEntry = true;
- for(var k=0; k < alertsModel.count; k++) {
- if(alertsModel.count == 0) { // Only when we have an entry we should check for duplicates
- break;
- }
- if(alertsModel.get(k).header == alertsModel.get(j).header) {
- newEntry = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(newEntry) {
- alertsModel.append({
- "header": liveboard.departures.departure[i].alerts.alert[j].header,
- "description": liveboard.departures.departure[i].alerts.alert[j].description
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Build liveboardModel
- for(var i=0; i < Object.keys(liveboard.departures.departure).length; i++) {
- liveboardModel.append({
- "depart": { "station": liveboard.departures.departure[i].station,
- "stationinfo": liveboard.departures.departure[i].stationinfo,
- "time": formatUnixTimeToUTC(liveboard.departures.departure[i].time, true),
- "delay": liveboard.departures.departure[i].delay,
- "canceled": parseInt(liveboard.departures.departure[i].canceled) !== 0, // Convert to int first then to boolean
- "platform": liveboard.departures.departure[i].platform.length === 0? liveboard.departures.departure[i].platforminfo.name: liveboard.departures.departure[i].platform, // Fallback when platform is missing
- "platformChanged": parseInt(liveboard.departures.departure[i].platforminfo.normal) !== 1, // Convert to boolean
- "vehicleId": liveboard.departures.departure[i].vehicle,
- "train": liveboard.departures.departure[i].vehicle.split(".")[2] // BE.NMBS.TRAINID
- },
- "hasDelay": _hasDelay,
- "alerts": liveboard.departures.departure[i].hasOwnProperty("alerts")? liveboard.departures.departure[i].alerts.alert: []
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- succes = false;
- }
- });
-function formatUnixTimeToUTC(unixTime, leadingZero) { // Arrive/depart time is given in UNIX time format
- var unixTimeObject = new Date(unixTime * 1000);
- var months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
- var year = unixTimeObject.getFullYear();
- var month = months[unixTimeObject.getMonth()];
- var day = unixTimeObject.getDate();
- var hour = unixTimeObject.getHours();
- var min = unixTimeObject.getMinutes();
- var sec = unixTimeObject.getSeconds();
- if (leadingZero && day < 10) {
- day = "0" + day;
- }
- if (leadingZero && min < 10) {
- min = "0" + min;
- }
- if (leadingZero && hour < 10) {
- hour = "0" + hour;
- }
- var time = hour + ":" + min;
- var date = day + " " + month + " " + year.toString().substring(2,2);
- var object = { "time": time, "date": date};
- return object;
-function formatDelay(delay) { // Convert the seconds to a string of hours and minutes
- delay = delay/60; // Seconds to minutes
- var delayHour = Math.floor(delay/60); // Minutes to hours
- var delayMin = Math.ceil(delay); // Round up
- if(delayMin < 10) {
- delayMin = "0" + delayMin;
- }
- return "+" + delayHour + "H" + delayMin;
diff --git a/qml/pages/js/station.js b/qml/pages/js/station.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e1a7b4..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/js/station.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
diff --git a/qml/pages/js/trip.js b/qml/pages/js/trip.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f23ea8..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/js/trip.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-function convertAlertsToListmodel(data) {
- for(var i=0; i < data.length; i++) {
- alertsModel.append(data[i]);
- }
-function calculateTraject(numberOfStops) {
- return numberOfStops*(Theme.itemSizeSmall/2) + (numberOfStops-1)*(3*Theme.paddingLarge) + 2*Theme.itemSizeSmall; // Each stop has a height of Theme.itemSizeSmall/2 for the stop itself, 2*Theme.paddingLarge as spacing and Theme.itemsSizeSmall as intial spacing
-function calculateProgress(currentStop) {
- return currentStop*(Theme.itemSizeSmall/2 + 3*Theme.paddingLarge) + Theme.itemSizeSmall/2; // Middle of the current stop
-function formatDelay(delay) {
- var hours = Math.floor(delay/60);
- var minutes = delay%60;
- if(minutes < 10) {
- return "+ " + hours + ":0" + minutes;
- }
- else {
- return "+ " + hours + ":" + minutes;
- }
-function load(from, to, time, date, detail) {
- python.call("app.route.get_route", [from, to, formatTimeForAPI(time), formatDateForAPI(date), settings.arriveFromGivenTime], function(trip) {
- if(trip) { // Valid trip is TRUE
- succes = true; // Reset when previous request failed
- for(var i=0; i < Object.keys(trip).length; i++) { // Run through whole connection object
- tripModel.append({
- "depart": { "station": trip[i].departure.station,
- "stationinfo": trip[i].departure.stationinfo,
- "time": formatUnixTimeToUTC(trip[i].departure.time, true),
- "delay": trip[i].departure.delay,
- "canceled": parseInt(trip[i].departure.canceled) !== 0, //C onvert to int first then to boolean
- "platform": trip[i].departure.platform.length === 0? trip[i].departure.platforminfo.name: trip[i].departure.platform, // Fallback when platform is missing
- "platformChanged": parseInt(trip[i].departure.platforminfo.normal) !== 1, // Convert to boolean
- "vehicleId": trip[i].departure.vehicle,
- "direction": trip[i].departure.direction,
- "train": trip[i].departure.vehicle.split(".")[2] // BE.NMBS.TRAINID
- },
- "arrival": { "station": trip[i].arrival.station,
- "stationinfo": trip[i].arrival.stationinfo,
- "time": formatUnixTimeToUTC(trip[i].arrival.time, true),
- "delay": trip[i].arrival.delay,
- "canceled": parseInt(trip[i].arrival.canceled) !== 0, // Convert to int first and then to boolean
- "platform": trip[i].arrival.platform.length === 0? trip[i].arrival.platforminfo.name: trip[i].arrival.platform, // Fallback when platform is missing
- "platformChanged": parseInt(trip[i].arrival.platforminfo.normal) !== 1, // Convert to boolean
- "vehicleId": trip[i].arrival.vehicle,
- "direction": trip[i].arrival.direction,
- "train": trip[i].arrival.vehicle.split(".")[2] // BE.NMBS.TRAINID
- },
- "vias": {
- "number": trip[i].hasOwnProperty("vias")? trip[i].vias.number: 0, // When no vias are available then write 0 and an empty array to create the same model for vias and non vias connections
- "via": trip[i].hasOwnProperty("vias")? buildViaModel(trip[i]): []
- },
- "alerts": {
- "alert": trip[i].hasOwnProperty("alerts")? trip[i].alerts.alert: [],
- "number": trip[i].hasOwnProperty("alerts")? trip[i].alerts.number: 0
- },
- "duration": formatDuration(trip[i].duration),
- //"stops": detail? buildStopsModel(): undefined;
- });
- }
- }
- else {
- succes = false;
- }
- });
-function buildViaModel(trip) {
- var viaArray = [];
- for(var j=0; j < Object.keys(trip.vias.via).length; j++) {
- viaArray.push({
- "depart": {
- "direction": trip.vias.via.hasOwnProperty("direction")? trip.vias.via[j].direction.name: "", // iRail tries to add an direction but that's not always possible
- "time": formatUnixTimeToUTC(trip.vias.via[j].departure.time, true),
- "delay": trip.vias.via[j].departure.delay,
- "canceled": parseInt(trip.vias.via[j].departure.canceled) !== 0, //convert to boolean
- "platform": trip.vias.via[j].departure.platform,
- "platformChanged": parseInt(trip.vias.via[j].departure.platforminfo.normal) !== 1, //convert to boolean
- "vehicleId": trip.vias.via[j].departure.vehicle,
- "train": trip.vias.via[j].vehicle.split(".")[2] // BE.NMBS.TRAIN
- },
- "arrival": {
- "time": formatUnixTimeToUTC(trip.vias.via[j].arrival.time, true),
- "delay": trip.vias.via[j].arrival.delay,
- "canceled": trip.vias.via[j].arrival.canceled !== 0, //convert to boolean
- "platform": trip.vias.via[j].arrival.platform,
- "platformChanged": trip.vias.via[j].arrival.platforminfo.normal !== 1, //convert to boolean
- },
- "station": trip.vias.via[j].station,
- "stationinfo": trip.vias.via[j].stationinfo,
- "timebetween": formatTimeBetween(trip.vias.via[j].timeBetween)
- });
- }
- return viaArray;
-function formatUnixTimeToUTC(unixTime, leadingZero) { // Arrive/depart time is given in UNIX time format
- var unixTimeObject = new Date(unixTime * 1000);
- var months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
- var year = unixTimeObject.getFullYear();
- var month = months[unixTimeObject.getMonth()];
- var day = unixTimeObject.getDate();
- var hour = unixTimeObject.getHours();
- var min = unixTimeObject.getMinutes();
- var sec = unixTimeObject.getSeconds();
- if (leadingZero && day < 10) {
- day = "0" + day;
- }
- if (leadingZero && min < 10) {
- min = "0" + min;
- }
- if (leadingZero && hour < 10) {
- hour = "0" + hour;
- }
- var time = hour + ":" + min;
- var date = day + " " + month + " " + year.toString().substring(2,2);
- var object = { "time": time, "date": date};
- return object;
-function formatTimeBetween(timebetween) { // Same as formatDelay
- return formatDelay(timebetween).replace("+", "");
-function formatDuration(duration) { // Same as formatDelay
- return formatDelay(duration).replace("+", "");
-function formatDelay(delay) { // Convert the seconds to a string of hours and minutes
- delay = delay/60; // Seconds to minutes
- var delayHour = Math.floor(delay/60); // Minutes to hours
- var delayMin = Math.ceil(delay); // Round up
- if(delayMin < 10) {
- delayMin = "0" + delayMin;
- }
- return "+" + delayHour + "H" + delayMin;
-function formatTrainName(iRailTrainId) { //Remove ID related stuff, we only need the name of the train
- return iRailTrainId.split(".")[2];
-function formatTimeForAPI(time) { // Convert time to API time
- return time.replace(":", "");
-function formatDateForAPI(date) { //Convert date to API date + remove white spaces
- date = date.replace(" Jan ", "01");
- date = date.replace(" Feb ", "02");
- date = date.replace(" Mar ", "03");
- date = date.replace(" Apr ", "04");
- date = date.replace(" May ", "05");
- date = date.replace(" Jun ", "06");
- date = date.replace(" Jul ", "07");
- date = date.replace(" Aug ", "08");
- date = date.replace(" Sep ", "09");
- date = date.replace(" Oct ", "10");
- date = date.replace(" Nov ", "11");
- date = date.replace(" Dec ", "12");
- return date
diff --git a/qml/pages/js/util.js b/qml/pages/js/util.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7796533..0000000
--- a/qml/pages/js/util.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-* This file is part of BeRail.
-* BeRail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-* (at your option) any later version.
-* Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-* along with BeRail. If not, see .
-var date = new Date();
-function getHours(leadingZero) {
- if(leadingZero) {
- return addLeadingZero(date.getHours());
- }
- return date.getHours();
-function getMinutes(leadingZero) {
- if(leadingZero) {
- return addLeadingZero(date.getMinutes());
- }
- return date.getMinutes();
-function getDay(leadingZero) {
- if(leadingZero) {
- return addLeadingZero(date.getDate());
- }
- return date.getDate();
-function getMonth() {
- return covertMonth(date.getMonth());
-function covertMonth(month) {
- var months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
- return months[month];
-function getYear() {
- return date.getFullYear();
-function addLeadingZero(value) {
- if(value < 10) {
- return "0" + value
- }
- return value
-function getLocal() {
- var locale = Qt.locale().name
- if(locale.match("EN")) {
- return "EN";
- }
- else if(locale.match("NL")) {
- return "NL";
- }
- else if(locale.match("FR")) {
- return "FR"
- }
- else if(locale.match("DE")) {
- return "DE";
- }
- else {
- return "EN";
- }
-function updatePythonLocal() {
- python.call("app.language.set_language", [getLocal()], function(callback){
- pythonReady = true; // Local set, Python is ready
- })