Use this fork YetAnotherSMSBomber
Made with ❤ in IN.
Use windows releases (windows release is not up-to date)
Use the package manager pip to install bomb3r.
git clone
cd bomb3r
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 <TARGET>
where TARGET is target mobile number.
usage: [-h] [--sms SMS] [--threads THREADS] TARGET
positional arguments:
TARGET Target mobile number without country code (default:+91)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sms SMS, -S SMS Number of sms to target (default: 10)
--country COUNTRY, -c COUNTRY
Country code without (+) sign (default: 91)
Number of threads (default: 10)
--proxy, -p Use proxy for bombing (It is advisable to use this
option if you are bombing more than 50 sms)
--verbose, -v Verbose
--verify, -V To verify all providers are working or not
-- Mar, 2020
- added more configs
- fixed some bugs
-- Nov, 2019
- multiple country option
- more api for india
- proxy feature to avoid ip blocking
- new verbose and verify option
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0