OpenAI Whisper + OpenAI ChatGPT API + Google Text2Speech Service
- Speech2Text through OpenAI's Whisper Model (currently using local CPU)
- Chat with ChatGPT through its API
- Text2Speech through Google's Text2Speech Service
- Cmdline tools
- sox: play the .mp3 files
- arecord: record your voices through microphone (ubuntu default toolset)
- lame: transform arecord's raw data to .mp3 file
- OpenAI ChatGPT API Keys
- OpenAI ChatGPT Python Chat Completions
- Google Translate
- OpenAI Whisper
- Whisper would automatically download model before use
- Make sure use a python virtual env before start
# or using scripts/
$ pip3 insntall -r requirements.txt
$ apt install sox libsox-fmt-all lame
$ mkdir record private audio
# find your api key here:
$ echo "{CHATGPT_ACCESS_KEY}" > private/api_keys
# you can input text and send to ChatGPT through API
$ ./scripts/
# will wait for new audio file
$ ./scripts/
# create another shell to run this, and record your speech through microphone (stop by using ctrl+c)
$ ./scripts/