jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/
Shell script to automatically backup a Lightsail snapshot and then remove old AWS Lightsail snapshots (by retaining only a specific number of snapshot backups).
This script will take in three arguments.
- The instance you want to backup
- The AWS region where the lightsail instrance is located.
- The number of backups that you would like to keep.
To execute the script:
'$ bash lightsail-backup.sh [instance] [region] [backups kept] '
Follow the instructions referenced in the below blog which includes how to configure the AWS CLI and schedule the jobs in crontab: https://www.joe0.com/2017/07/29/how-to-schedule-nightly-backups-of-amazon-lightsail-instance-by-leveraging-aws-command-line-interface-cli/
- Shell script to automatically remove old AWS Lightsail snapshots (and retain a specific number of backups that inspired my fork: https://www.joe0.com/2017/07/31/shell-script-to-automatically-remove-old-aws-lightsail-snapshots-and-retain-only-a-specific-desired-number-of-snapshots/