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Hush is a Unix shell scripting language inspired by the Lua programming language. Currently in development.

This is the technical specification for Hush, defining the complete syntax and semantics of the language.


Hush is motivated by some shortcomings in traditional shell languages, mainly the lack of appropriate primitive data structures, such as generic arrays and maps. Such shortcomings result in hacky workarounds for simple tasks, and render complicated tasks being rather tricky to implement.

Hush borrows a great part of it’s design from Lua, a simple but elegant scripting language. Lua has proved to be a very expressive programming language, regardless of it’s succinct syntax and semantics, particularly it’s very simple type system.

Type system

As in Lua, Hush proposes a handful of built-in types, and no user-defined types. This makes the type system extremely simple, without compromising expressiveness. The types proposed by Hush are:

  • nil: the unit type, usually for representing missing values.
  • bool: the boolean type.
  • int: a 64 bit integer type.
  • float: a 64 bit floating point type.
  • char: a C-like unsigned char type, 0-255.
  • string: a char-array like string.
  • array: a heterogeneous array, 0-indexed unlike in Lua.
  • dict: a heterogeneous hash map.
  • function: a callable function.
  • error: a special error type, to ease distinction of errors from other values. This type can only be instantiated by the built-in error function. For more details, see the errors section.

All types except the array and dict are immutable. This means that, for instance, when one increments a integer, a new value is created with the result. This is important because, as dict is a central type in the language, usage of every other type as a key will be very common. Dictionary keys should always be immutable, because mutation has a side effect on hashing.


As Hush is heavily inspired by Lua, it borrows most of the syntax from it, with only minor tweaks to support the additional command invocation syntax.


Identifiers in Hush are case sensitive, composed by alphanumeric or underscore characters, and must not start with a number. The only exception is the keywords, which are not valid identifiers.


The following are keywords in Hush:

let, if, then, else, end, for, in, do, while, function, return, not, and, or, true, false, nil, break, self


Each type in the language, except for the error type, has corresponding syntax for literals:

  • nil: It’s only value is nil.
  • bool: true and false.
  • int: 64 bit decimal integer literal, optionally prefixed by a minus sign.
  • float: 64 bit floating point literal: a decimal followed by a period character, followed by another decimal literal, with an optional exponent.
  • char: a single char enclosed in single quotes.
  • string: string literal enclosed in double quotes.
  • array: values enclosed in [], separated by commas.
  • dict: identifier-expression pairs enclosed in @[], separated by a colon and delimited by commas.
  • function:
    function (<args>)


let my_dict = @[ # dict
  field0: nil,
  field1: true,
  field2: 42, # integer
  field3: -12, # integer
  field4: 3.14, # float
  field5: 12E+99, # float
  field6: [ # array
    "a simple string",
    "a string with \n escaped \" characters",
    'c', # a char
    '\n' # another char
  field7: function (arg1, arg2)
    return arg1 + arg2


Comments can be placed in any point of a line, starting with # and spanning until the end of the line.


Hush provides the following operators, in order of precedence:

  • Unary:
    • Logical: not (prefix).
    • Arithmetic: - (prefix).
    • Field access: ., [] (postfix).
  • Binary:
    • Arithmetic: *, /, %, +, -.
    • String: ++ (right associative).
    • Relational: >, <, >=, <=.
    • Equality: ====, !=.
    • Logical: and, or.
    • Assignment: ===.

Regarding semantics, check the Operators section for more details.

Commands blocks¹ can be delimited by one of {}, ${} or &{}, and inside them, only the following operators apply:

  • >, >>, <, <<.
  • |.
  • ?.

[1]: Check the Commands section for more details.



Hush adopts static scope, and variables must be declared with a `let` statement.

let x # Introduces the variable in the local scope
let y = 5 # Shortcut for assignment

Assignment is straightforward, but requires previous declaration.

x = 1

All variables are references, and therefore can refer to the same dict or array for instance.

Conditionals and loops

In Hush conditional statements don’t coerce types to bool. This means that one cannot have nil or an empty array as conditions, like in Lua. All conditionals operate with a bool. If one supplies a condition that is not a boolean, a panic occurs.

The if statement can have two forms:

if expression then
  # body

if expression then
  # body
  # body

The if-else form is a valid expression, and results in the value of the respective body. If the body ends with a statement that produces no value, then nil is produced.

The while loop allows looping over a boolean expression:

while expression do
  # body

The for loop allows looping over an iterator function:

for identifier in expression do
  # body

Here, a new variable is introduced (identifier), and expression must result in a function that can be called once for every iteration, receiving no arguments and returning an array with two elements. The first element must be a boolean. When true, the second element is assigned to the iteration variable, and the loop body is executed. When false, the iteration is finished.

Under the hood, the for loop translates to something like:

let iter = expression
let arr = iter()
while arr[0] do
  let identifier = arr[1]
  # body
  arr = iter()

Both loop constructs support the break keyword, which implements short exiting.


Field access:
The index operator ([]) may only be applied to values of types array and dict, resulting in the respective associated value. Panics when out of bounds.

The dot access operator may only be applied to values of type dict, and is a shortcut for the index operator:

a.b == a["b"]
Logical operators may only be applied to values of type bool, and always result in a value of the same type. The and and or operators implement short circuit semantics.
Arithmetic operators may be applied to numeric values (int and float). Values of type int will be automatically converted to float when paired with a float on a binary operator. The integer modulo operator (%) is only available for int values. Integer division by zero will cause a panic.
The string concatenation operator (++) may only be applied to strings, and will result in a new string. Note that strings in Hush are immutable.
Relational operators may only be applied to values of type int, float, char or string, and always result in a value of type bool.
Equality operators can be applied to values of arbitrary types, and always result in a value of type bool.

Providing invalid types for any operator will cause a panic.


In traditional shells, function arguments are always strings, and the return value is always an integer (status code). Hush proposes more generic semantics, which are typically adopted by general purpose programming languages. Functions should be able to accept parameters of arbitrary types, and also be able to return a value of an arbitrary type. On the other hand, commands are limited by the operating system to accept strings and return a status code. Therefore, when invoking external commands, Hush converts the given arguments to strings, and provides the status code as the return value.

In Hush, functions:

  • Can have an arbitrary number of parameters, defined by up to two comma-separated lists of parameters, delimited by a semicolon. The first list, if any, denotes required parameters. The second list, if any, denotes optional parameters. If a function is called with missing required arguments, then a panic occurs. Optional arguments default to nil.
  • Return only one value, in contrast to Lua.
  • Are values, being first class citizens like every other type in the language.
  • As they are values, they have no name. A function declared with a name is actually a variable declaration, referring to such function value. Therefore, such variable can be reassigned to a different value.
  • Can also capture variables, i.e. they can be closures.
  • Can be recursive. As functions are values, recursive functions are actually closures on themselves.
  • Have access to a special variable, self, which is a reference to the function’s parent, if any. If a function is called directly as my_function(), then self is nil. Otherwise, if it’s called as a member of a dict, as in my_obj.my_function(), then self refers to the same value as my_obj.

Summarizing, here are some examples of functions in Hush:

# Simple function definition.
function sum(a, b, c)
  return a + b + c

# Reassigns the sum variable, which was referring to the previous function.
sum = function (a, b, c; d) # Here, `d` is an optional argument.
  if d != nil then
    return a + b + c + d
    return a + b + c

function sum(a)
  return function(b) # Closure!
    return a + b  # Here, `a` is captured from the outer scope.

# Simple recursive function.
function factorial(n)
  if n < 2 then
    return 1
    return n * factorial(n - 1)

# A member function.
let my_obj = @[
  value: 5,

  method: function()
    if self != nil then
      return self.value
      return 0

my_obj.method() # Returns 5

let fun = my_obj.method

fun() # Returns 0


In traditional shells, expressions produce two results that can be manipulated by the language: the standard output (stdin/stderr), and a status code. The output can be captured by the $() operator, and the status code is immediately available through the $? variable.


In Hush, command blocks are enclosed in {}. Individual commands must end with a semicolon, except for the last command in the block. This can be annoying for simple commands, but it allows one to split a command across multiple lines interspersed with comments, which is currently impossible in Bash, for instance.

  docker create
         --name $container
         -i -a STDIN -a STDOUT -a STDERR # attach all stdio
         -v $pwd:/my/project:ro # mount the source code as a read-only volume

  rsync -av --delete --delete-excluded
         # version control directories:
         # build directories:
         # don't backup series or torrents:
         ~/ /mnt/backup 2>1
    | tee rsync.log;

    | xargs --null -- mediainfo --Output='Audio;%Duration%\n' # get duration in milliseconds
    | awk NF # remove empty lines
    | paste -s -d + # join lines with +
    | bc # eval the resulting expression
Results and Errors

The result of a command invocation and execution is the status code if 0, or an error otherwise. The resulting error will contain the status field in it’s context. In pipelines, the result is an array of the results of each individual command.

The result of a command block is an array of results, or a single result if there is a single command/pipeline.

By default, if a command or a pipeline produces an error, Hush will interrupt the execution of the current command block. This behavior is similar to Bash’s set -e. To prevent this, one can use the ? operator after a command/pipeline, and Hush will proceed even if the result is an error.


let results = {
  # (A)
  cat /etc/shadow ?; # Should error with permission denied, but won't abort the command block.

  # (B) The following pipeline will contain an error, but the command block won't be aborted.
  echo Hello world!
    | cat
    | cat /etc/shadow # Should error with permission denied.
    | cat ?;

  # (C)
  echo Hello world!; # Should succeed, resulting in 0.

  # (D) Should error, aborting the command block.
  echo Hello world!
    | cat /etc/shadow # Should error with permission denied.
    | cat;

  # (E)
  echo Foo Bar; # Won't be executed, because an error has caused the abortion of the command block.

let result

# (A): Permission denied.
result = results[0]
std.type(result) == "error"
result.status == 1 # Cat returns 1 when permission denied.

# (B): Array containing results of each command in the pipeline.
result = results[1]
std.type(result) == "array"
result[0] == 0 # Success.
result[1] == 0 # Success.
std.type(result[2]) == "error" # Permission denied.
result[3] == 0 # Success.

# (C): Success.
result = result[2]
result == 0

# (D): array containing results of each command in the pipeline.
result = result[3]
std.type(result) == "array"
result[0] == 0 # Success.
std.type(result[1]) == "error" # Permission denied.
result[2] == 0 # Success.

# (E): Due to the previous failure not guarded by the ? operator, the last command in the
# block didn't get to execute.
std.length(results) == 4
Command lookup

If the command name contains a path separator (/), Hush will attempt to execute the respective file, if any. Otherwise, Hush will look up the command in the following order:

  1. Aliases: command aliases defined by the user.
  2. Built-in commands: commands which are not external programs, but are implemented by Hush, like cd and echo.
  3. Executables in $PATH, respecting the list order

If there is no such command, or the command cannot be executed, it results in an error, and Hush outputs the error description to stderr.


Command arguments are separated by spaces. Backslash-escaped spaces are not considered separators, but argument text. Variables can be accessed by prefixing their identifier with $, or surrounding with ${}, and are expanded with the following rules:

  1. nil, bool, char, int, float, string: converted to string using tostring(), passed as a single argument, regardless of containing spaces, asterisks, and whatnot.
  2. array: each element will be converted to a single argument, using the first and third rules. If the array is empty, no argument is produced. This way, arrays can be used to programmatically build lists of command arguments.
  3. dict, function, error: won’t be converted, causing a panic instead.

Attempting to access an undeclared variable results in a panic.

Single quotes delimit literals without interpolation, while double quotes allow interpolation. Inside double quotes, variables can be accessed with $ or ${}, to allow consecutive word characters. As an example, all of the following produce a single argument to echo:

let file = "/etc/myconfig"

  echo $file; # /etc/myconfig

  echo '$file'; # $file
  echo '/usr'$file'uration'; # /usr/etc/myconfiguration

  echo "$file"; # /etc/myconfig
  echo "${file}"; # /etc/myconfig
  echo "/usr${file}uration"; # /usr/etc/myconfiguration

In Hush, there is no such thing as implicitly expanding or globbing the contents of a variable.

Hush performs tree types of expansion for unquoted literal arguments.

  1. Tilde expansion:

    Any argument starting with ~/ will have such prefix expanded to $HOME/.

  2. Brace expansion:

    Arguments containing unescaped brace-enclosed lists will be expanded to an array of strings, regardless of existing file paths. The brace syntax allows two forms:

    • {a,b,,'c'}: two or more comma-separated strings, which can be empty or quoted. One argument will be generated for each string.
    • {1..10}: two integers separated by .., denoting a sequence. One argument will be generated for each element of the sequence.


    • dir/file{,.jpg,'.png'} -> [ "dir/file", "dir/file.jpg", "dir/file.png" ]
    • dir/file-{3..1}.txt -> [ "dir/file-3.txt", "dir/file-2.txt", "dir/file-1.txt" ]
  3. Filename expansion:

    Arguments containing any of the following patterns, when unescaped, will be expanded to an alphabetically sorted array of existing file paths, matched by the respective regular expression construct:

    • * -> [^/]*
    • ? -> [^/]
    • [] -> []

    Example: some/*/path*/with/patterns/[1-9].??? will match paths with the following regex:


    Hidden files (whose name starts with a dot) are matched by default, as opposed to Bash. Directory references (., ..) are not matched. Relative paths are expanded with a ./ prefix, in order to prevent flag injection vulnerabilities. ¹

When the expansion results in an array, such array is converted to arguments according to the rules described in Commands.

While brace and filename expansion may not be used simultaneously in the same argument, tilde expansion can be used with both.

[1]: As in chown my-user *, when there is a file named --reference=/home/other-user/.


Traditional shells implement multiple operators for redirecting file descriptors. In Bash, for instance, there are at least 10 such operators, which implement quite specific behavior. To keep things simple, Hush proposes only four redirection operators:

  • command < filename: opens stdin as a reference to the given filename.
  • command << string: opens stdin as a pipe containing the given string.
  • command fd> fd2 or command fd> filename: opens fd as a reference to the same file of fd2, or as a reference to the given filename. fd defaults to 1 (stdout) when omitted. The target file is created if it doesn’t exists, or truncated otherwise.
  • command fd>> file: opens fd as a reference to the given filename. fd1 defaults to 1 (stdout) when omitted. The target file is created if it doesn’t exists, or appended-to otherwise.

Literal file descriptors are denoted by a single number, according to the following table:


If one desires to redirect to a file named “2”, quotes must be used:

{ command > "2" }

Filenames may be supplied through variables, but not file descriptors:

let var = 2
{ command > $var } # Redirects to a file named "2"

Contrary to traditional shells, redirection operators must be placed after all of the supplied arguments for a command. This aims to assure that no redirection can go unnoticed when there are many arguments. The redirection operator has higher precedence than the pipe operator.

If any of the I/O operations regarding redirections fails, the target command is not executed, and an error is produced.


Commands can be chained into pipelines using the | operator, which connects the left hand side’s stdout to the right hand side’s stdin using a unix pipe. While the | operator is left associative, all commands in a pipeline are executed concurrently. Hush awaits all processes to finish, producing an array with the result of all commands in the pipeline.

Here are some insightful examples of such behavior:

  • The following pipeline:
    { ps aux | cat | cat | cat | grep 'cat' }

    May output something like:

    91632  0.0  0.0   5492   676 pts/3    S+   19:03   0:00 cat
    91633  0.0  0.0   5492   680 pts/3    S+   19:03   0:00 cat
    91634  0.0  0.0   5492   684 pts/3    S+   19:03   0:00 cat
    91635  0.0  0.0   6396  2316 pts/3    S+   19:03   0:00 grep cat

    Which indicates that all cat programs were already running when ps fetched the process list.

  • The following command outputs an infinite stream of zeroes:
    { cat /dev/zero | tr '\0' '0' }

    But when piped to the head command, all involved programs terminate:

    { cat /dev/zero | tr '\0' '0' | head -c 20 }

    Because when head closes it’s side of the pipe, attempts to write from the other programs result in SIGPIPE.

If any of the I/O operations regarding the pipes fails, none of the target command are executed, and an error is produced instead.

Capturing output

The capture operator (${} in Hush) adopts more flexible semantics than those of traditional shells. Instead of resulting in the command’s stdout, the result is a dict containing three fields: a string for stdout, a string for stderr, and the result status. This enables accessing both stdout and stderr separately, as well as the result status, all with value semantics. If one cares only about the stdout for instance, direct access can be used, without requiring any intermediate variables:

${date --iso-8061}.stdout

To pass the output as arguments to other commands, one needs intermediate variables, as opposed to traditional shells.


tee $(date --iso-8601)


let date = ${date --iso-8601}.stdout
{ tee $date }

If any of the I/O operations regarding capturing fails, the target command is not executed, and an error is produced.

Asynchronous commands

Shells like Ksh, Zsh and Bash support asynchronous commands through the coproc keyword and the & operator, also providing the wait built-in for joining such co-processes. In such shells, the pid of a asynchronous command is immediately available through the $! variable.


# Array variable to capture the pids of all spawned tasks
declare -a pids

one long running command &

another long running command &

yet another long running command &

# Give jobs some time to complete
sleep 2000


for pid in ${pids[@]}; do
  if ps -p $pid > /dev/null; then
    # Job is stil running, abort...
    kill $pid
    # Job finished, check if succeeded:
    if ! wait $pid; then

exit $status

Hush proposes a different approach, allowing one to launch a command block asynchronously, and have immediate access to the operations regarding such job. When a command block is delimited with the &{} operator, the block is executed asynchronously, and the resulting value of the expression is a dict with a set of values and functions to operate on the job:

  • pid: the job’s pid. You are unlikely to need this field in practice.
  • running(): returns a bool indicating whether the job is still running.
  • abort(): aborts the job, killing any child processes.
  • join(): like Bash’s wait, blocks until the job is finished, and returns the command block result.


# Array variable to capture the pids of all spawned tasks
let jobs = []

let job = &{ one long running command }

job = &{ another long running command }

job = &{ yet another long running command }

# Give jobs some time to complete

let status = 0

for job in std.iter(jobs) do
  if job.running() then
    # Job is still running, abort...
    status = 1
    # Job finished, check if succeeded:
    let job_result = job.join()
    if std.type(job_result) == "error" then
      std.print("Failed to execute job:")

Function calls

Functions in Hush can be called using the () operator. Like in the function declaration, the function call operator receives required and optional arguments, using the exact same syntax.

Redirection, capturing, piping and asynchronous execution

In Hush, there is currently no way of capturing, piping or redirecting the output of shell functions. This is due to the fact that pipes in particular have concurrent semantics, i.e., each component (command or function) in the pipeline runs concurrently. This would be problematic for Hush functions because they can reference outer variables through parameters and closures, and consequently mutate their values. Therefore, two functions in a pipeline could access the same variable concurrently, potentially causing a data race.

There are plans to include such features in the future, by the means of cloning all parameters and closures to piped and asynchronous functions, therefore inhibiting data races. But this has to be more carefully designed before we can settle for anything.


Hush provides two mechanisms for errors. The error type allows one to construct and manipulate recoverable errors, which can be detected and handled. Panics, on the other hand, are irrecoverable errors, which result in abortion of the current script execution.

Recoverable errors

Hush provides the error built-in function to construct values of the error type. This mechanism should be used for reporting and handling errors. Command blocks and built-in functions will report errors by returning values of such type, instead of the expected return value.

let result ="/non-existing/directory")

if std.type(result) == "error" then
   std.print("Failed to change directory:")

The error built-in will produce an error providing:

  • A message, supplied by the caller.
  • An optional context, supplied by the caller. Useful for attaching related data.
  • An automatically generated backtrace.

Examples of recoverable errors:

  • file not found
  • permission error
  • invalid format
  • command not found
  • command returned non-zero exit status


Panics are irrecoverable errors, due to invalid program logic. When a panic occurs, Hush halts the current script execution, and prints an error description message along with a stack trace to stderr.

Examples of errors that cause a panic:

  • syntax error
  • integer division by zero
  • index out of bounds
  • attempt to call a value that is not a function
  • missing mandatory arguments


Hush provides built-in functions for common tasks, and built-in commands for tasks that cannot be performed by external commands.


Hush provides a top-level dict named std, which contains all built-in functions:

If dir is a string, attempts to change the shell’s current working directory, returning an error on failure. Panics otherwise. This functionality is also available through the cd command.
error(description; context)
Returns a value of type error, containing the given description, a backtrace, and the optional context. If description is not a string, or context is not nil or a dict, then a panic occurs.
If status is an int, exits the shell, returning the given status to the operating system. Panics otherwise.
If value is a string, performs path expansion, producing a possibly empty array of strings. Panics otherwise.
If value is a string, array or dict, returns a function that iterates through it’s elements. Panics otherwise. See the Conditionals and loops section for more details on iterator functions.
If value is a string, array or dict, returns the number of elements. Panics otherwise.
print(; value)
If value is not nil, converts it to string using tostring, then writes to stdout, followed by a line break. Prints an empty string otherwise.
If milliseconds is an int, sleeps for the given duration. Panics otherwise.
Converts value to string, using the following rules:
  • nil, bool, char, int, float, string: traditional representation, without quotes.
  • function: returns “<function>”.
  • array, dict: recursively dump the inner values, delimited with the respective literal syntax.
  • error: formats the error description message, along with the context if any.
Returns a string describing the type of value.
let val = "this is a string"
std.type(val) == "string" # true

Attempts to change the values of the std dict result in undefined behavior.


Hush provides only a handful built-in commands, which provide functionality that is impossible to be implemented by external programs:

Creates an alias, to take part in command lookup. The first argument is the alias name, and the following arguments are the aliased command and arguments. The alias name cannot contain a path separator (/). Example:
{ alias ll ls --color=auto -lh --time-style long-iso --group-directories-first }
The first and only argument is the directory to be accessed. If the directory does not exists, or cannot be accessed, cd prints an error description to stderr, and returns 1. Example:
{ cd /home/my-username/ }

Note that both the alias and cd built-ins perform side-effects in the shell’s execution context, and therefore cannot be used in concurrent constructs, such as piping and asynchronous commands. They also can’t take part in redirection and capturing. Attempts to use built-in commands with any of these constructs will result in a panic.

Object model

Hush mainly focuses on functional programming, but also supports some sort of object oriented programming. While Lua proposes the metatable mechanism to add sophisticated dynamics to tables, Hush adopts simpler semantics, having dicts as plain key-value stores.

Functions can act as methods by using the self operator, as described previously. Objects can be defined as dicts with member functions, which can be defined by a constructor function.


function MyCounter(initial_value) # MyCounter is a function that represents a Class.
  let increment = function()
    self._value += 1

  let get = function()
    return self._value

  return @[
    _value: initial_value, # Public field.
    # These methods could be implemented here as well.
    # Remember, functions are nothing but values.
    increment: increment, # Method
    get: get,             # Method

let counter = MyCounter(0)
counter.get() # Returns 2

function StepCounter(initial_value, step)
  # This function captures the `step` variable, which acts as a private field.
  let increment = function()
    self._value += step

  let print = function()

  let counter = MyCounter(initial_value) # Inheritance
  counter.print = print # Additional method
  counter.increment = increment # Method overriding
  return counter

let counter = StepCounter(0, 2)
counter.print() # Prints 4