Elastic stack using :
- Docker - Compose
- Kubernetes - Native
- Kubernetes - Helm
- Web - Cliente responsivo
- Load Balance - Redirecionador de requisições
- MongoDB - Persistência
graph TD
A[fa:fa-mobile Client] -->|:3000/*| B[fa:fa-server FrontEnd]
B -->|:3005/*| C[fa:fa-balance-scale Load Balancer]
C -->|:8080/account| D[fa:fa-server Account]
C -->|:8080/income| E[fa:fa-server Income]
C -->|:8080/wallet| F[fa:fa-server Wallet]
C -->|:8080/mq| I[fa:fa-server Message Queue]
C -->|:8080/cm| J[fa:fa-server Cloud Messaging]
D -->|tcp:27017| G[fa:fa-database NoSQL]
E -->|tcp:27017| G
F -->|tcp:27017| G
I -->|tcp:5672 | H[fa:fa-database RabbitMQ]
J -->|http:80 | K[fa:fa-database Firebase]
All Services
Service | Network | Port |
Web | Front | 3001 |
SwaggerUI | Front | 3002 |
Load balance | Front | 3005 |
RabbitMQ | Front | 15672 |
Income | Back | 3005 |
Wallet | Back | 3005 |
Account | Back | 3005 |
Message Queue | Back | 3005 |
Cloud Messaging | Back | 3005 |
MongoDB | Back | 27017 |
RabbitMQ | Back | 5672 |
- Income - Microsserviço responsável pela parte de rendimentos
- Wallet - Microsserviço responsável pela parte de carteiras
- Account - Contains methods to access the user account details and the checking account transactions and bills
- Auth - Authentication operations
- Card - Contains methods to retrieve the feed of transactions from the credit card
- Payment - Contains methods to create payment requests
- MQ - Message Queue with RabbitMQ
- CM - Cloud Messaging with Firebase for push notifications