Software for UB's Computational Physics class.
This updates the now-deprecated project of PHY410.
This software package is to demonstrate the example code in the UB Computational Physics class, PHY 410/505 and 411/506, developed by Prof. Richard Gonsalves (and updated by Prof. Salvatore Rappoccio). This is now updated This also includes software from the following sources :
- Matrix class (Bjarne Stroustrup, Texas A&M University)
- FFT implementations (
- Numerical Recipes in C (
---> Also some translated to python
---> this translates NR routine "mnbrak" to python
- Numerical Methods for Physics (Alejandro L. Garcia) (
- Install Docker: (execute once)
- Open your Terminal application.
- Find a preferred directory somewhere and make a "results" folder:
mkdir results
- Get the code for CompPhys:
git clone
cd CompPhys
- Execute docker image (execute every time you log in):
- With jupyter:
./ srappoccio/compphys:latest
- With terminal:
./ srappoccio/compphys:latest 1
- With jupyter:
- Your homework should go into the "results" directory you already created or it will be overwritten when the Docker image quits. I have disabled write access to that directory, but it isn't 100% foolproof so you will be able to shoot themselves in the foot unless you follow directions.