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Combining the most delightful parts of K with good ideas from functional and mainstream programming languages.

  • What: a close descendant of K (and Goal) with implicit multi-core/GPU acceleration.
  • Why: fun?
  • How: Python prototype, then “for real” in CUDA/C++ (or perhaps Zig or Odin?)
  • Dream: a fast DSL for data-intensive kernels embedded in a distributed system environment like Gleam.


  • base types - int, float, string, symbol
  • compound types
    • list-like
      • tensor - same type, N dimensional
      • vector - same type, 1 dimensional (simplest tensor)
      • list - any types, any shape
    • dict-like
      • table - keys (column names) are symbols, values are same-shape vectors
      • dict - keys are any fundamental type, values are arbitrary

k crash course

K is a vector language descended from APL, with hints of lisp.

  • Expressions evaluate right-to-left.
  • Operators have equal precedence, so a*-b+c is a*(-(b+c)).
  • Some operators are heavily overloaded based on number and type of their arguments. For example * has just two meanings (for *x and x*y) but ! has 7 variants. These overloaded meanings are usually (but not always) related.
  • Iterators like ' (each) / (reduce) and \ (scan) take the place of for/while loops.
 1+2 3 4                  /no-nonsense vectors
3 4 5
 +\(1 2;3 4;5 6)          /iterators modify verbs. "\" is "scan"
(1 2
 4 6
 9 12)
 -1_(+9(|+\)\1 1)1        /first 9 fibonacci numbers
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
 {-1_(+9(|+\)\1 1)1}[]    /as above, but as a function
 {-1_(+x(|+\)\1 1)1}[9]   /parameterized with default first arg "x"
 f:{-1_(+x(|+\)\1 1)1}[9] /save function to the name "f"
 f'2 8 9                  /apply "f" to each (') item in vector 2 8 9, producing a list of results
(1 1
 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)

typical K features

Most Ks have:

  • 1-dimensional vectors, nested lists, dictionaries
  • an interpreter
  • eager evaluation
  • simple scoping rules (names are exclusively local or global)
  • basic interaction with the host system
    • \cd to change directory without leaving the interpreter
    • run commands on the host system like \ls, \pwd
    • built-in file and socket I/O
  • a method for loading/executing other K scripts
  • dynamic typing:
    • no user-defined types
    • atomic types: integer, float, string, symbol (“booleans” use integers 0 and 1)
    • 1-d homogeneous vectors of any of the atomic types
    • implicit numeric promotion: 1+2.0 is 3.0
    • heterogeneous lists containing any type
    • dictionaries with atomic type keys and values of any type
  • mutable variables (but operations do not mutate their arguments)
  • arithmetic operations defined for single values as well as collections. 1+2 is 3, 1+2 0 3 is 3 1 4
  • structural operations on collections. (1 2),`a`b is (1;2;`a;`b)
  • right-to-left evaluation, no operator precedence: 2*3+4 is 2*(3+4)
  • partial application or “projections” instead of closures: {x+y+z}[1;;3] is {1+x+3}

Element is different from K

There are multiple K dialects with slightly different features. Element is a direct descendant of ngn/k, but there are some differences.

Planned features:

  • implicit hardware acceleration by default
    • small data processed on one CPU
    • big irregular data processed on multiple CPUs
    • big regular data processed on GPU
  • lexical scope
  • closures
  • string data type (distinct from “list of char”) as in goal
  • x:y assign (immutable) variable
  • x::y assign (mutable) variable
  • No modified assignment operators. Use a::a+1 instead of a+:1. Meanwhile, verb-plus-colon still invokes the unary version of that verb, so a-:1 is a (- 1).
  • Lists and function arguments evaluate left-to-right. For example, f[a+b;a:1;b:2] or (a+b;a:1;b:2) are valid in K but not in Element. In Element, e1;e2 is two separate expressions evaluated left to right, and a list (e1;e2) collects the results of each of those expressions into a common container (the list itself). Alternatives: use a:1;b:2;(a+b;a;b) or 2_(a:1;b:2;a+b;a;b).

Aspirational features:

  • module system: require x, provide x
  • \cd etc. provided by REPL, not runtime


Compile for GPU with NVIDIA’s nvcc compiler:

cd element/src && make

Or for CPU with g++:

CPU=1 cd element && make

Why the name “Element”?

  • chemistry puns: K is potassium, CUDA (Cu) is copper
  • vector languages deal with “elements of a vector” frequently
  • naming is hard

Development Roadmap

This project is in the experimental, pre-alpha stage. Some doctest tests exist, but no coverage goals yet.


  • [-] prototype implementation
    • [X] lex/scan/tokenize
    • [X] parse
    • [ ] semantic analysis
      • [ ] type inference
      • [ ] type checking
      • [ ] name binding
      • [ ] other errors (arity, unused)
    • [-] codegen
      • [X] tree-walk interpreter
      • [X] simple arithmetic 1+2
      • [X] array arithmetic 1 2+3 4
      • [ ] type inference
      • [ ] variable names and lexical scope
      • [ ] composition/projection (2+)1
      • [ ] iterators +/1 2 3
      • [ ] structural functions 3#"hi""world"
  • [-] hardware accelerated implementation
    • [X] lex/scan/tokenize
    • [ ] parse
    • [ ] semantic analysis
    • [ ] optimization
    • [ ] codegen
  • [ ] stable release(s)
    • [ ] pick a version numbering system (and stick to it)
    • [ ] formal grammar
    • [ ] standard library
    • [ ] package management
    • [ ] documentation, playground, tutorials


hardware-accelerated array language interpreter








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