Assorted Workarounds and Dirty Hacks for Stuff That's Missing, Broken, or Otherwise Weird in the Godot Engine
TODO: motivation
There are two reasons, really: first of all, in learning about these workarounds and the issues they solve, you will gain a deeper understanding of the (current) constraints and limitations of the Godot Engine (and, of course, how much you can bend them!)
But more importantly, I would love this repository to grow into a collaborative effort. I'm not the biggest Godot expert on the planet, so it will be good to have the snippets reviewed and improved by the community. Also, I'm sure that there is a breadth of other workarounds and hacks that I haven't even thought of yet.
If you have a workaround or hack that solves a specific Godot issue, please feel free to open a PR agains this repository.
Please do follow the structure of the existing snippets and provide a clear description of the problem that the workaround solves, the solution, and (optionally, but encouraged) some extra explanation on how it works.
Also, please only open a Pull Request against this repository if you agree to have your work shared under the CC0 license. This is to ensure that the snippets can be used by anyone, for any purpose, without any restrictions.
Please do not submit solutions to typical gameplay (or other) programming problems (e.g. "How do I make a character jump?" or "How do I make an object face another object?"). This repository is exclusively focused on providing workarounds for things that are missing or broken in the Godot Engine. When in doubt, open an issue first and we can figure it out together.