Net is a HttpRequest wrapper written in Swift
- Powerful request params: nested params, number, string, dic, array, image, data
- Json, Image, Xml Response
- Download file: resume, suspend, cancel
- Upload file, data, params(multi-part)
- Progress closure
- Background donwload, upload
- Authentication
- Batch of operations
- BaseURL
- Customizable header
- Batch of operations
- Basic authentiacation
Use one of the following methods to create a Net instance
// without baseURL
let net = Net()
// with baseURL
let net = Net(baseUrlString: "")
let url = "get_path"
let params = ["integerNumber": 1, "doubleNumber": 2.0, "string": "hello"]
net.GET(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
NSLog("result \(result)")
}, failureHandler: { error in
// you can also make a request with absolute url
let url = ""
net.GET(absoluteUrl: url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
NSLog("result \(result)")
}, failureHandler: { error in
You can also use nested params
// nested params
let params = ["string": "test",
"integerNumber": 1,
"floatNumber": 1.5,
"array": [10, 20, 30],
"dictionary": ["x": 100.0, "y": 200.0],
"image": NetData(pngImage: img, filename: "myIcon")]
By using responseData in sucessHandler closure you can quickly
- get json dictionary
- get image
- parse xml
for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE request.
// get json dictionary from response data
let jsonDic = responseData.json(error: error)
// get image from response data
let image = responseData.image()
// parse xml with delegate
let result = responseData.parseXml(delegate: self)
Net will automatically check your params to send request as a URL-Encoded request or a Multi-Part request. So you can easily post with number, string, image or binary data.
- URL-Encoded Request
let url = "post_path"
let params = ["string": "test", "integerNumber": 1, "floatNumber": 1.5]
net.POST(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
NSLog("result: \(result)")
}, failureHandler: { error in
- Multi-Part Request
let url = "post_path"
let img = UIImage(named: "puqiz_icon")
let params = ["string": "test", "integerNumber": 1,
"icon": NetData(pngImage: img, filename: "myIcon")]
net.POST(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
NSLog("result: \(result)")
}, failureHandler: { error in
let url = "put_path"
let params = ["string": "test", "integerNumber": 1, "floatNumber": 1.5]
net.PUT(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
let result = responseData.json(error: nil)
NSLog("result: \(result)")
}, failureHandler: { error in
let url = "delete_path"
let params = ["id": 10]
net.DELETE(url, params: params, successHandler: { responseData in
NSLog("result: \(result)")
}, failureHandler: { error in
Before using download/upload function you have to call setupSession
method to setup the session.
// setup session without backgroundIdentifier
To perform background downloads or uploads, you have to call setupSession
method with a background identifier string. Then your download/upload tasks can be run even when the app is suspended, exits or crashes.
// setup session with backgroundIdentifier
net.setupSession(backgroundIdentifier: "")
// you can set eventsForBackgroundHandler closure
// this closure will be invoked when a task is completed in the background
net.eventsForBackgroundHandler = { urlSession in
urlSession.getDownloadingTasksCount{ downloadingTaskCount in
if downloadingTaskCount == 0 {
NSLog("All files have been downloaded!")
let downloadTask = url, progress: { progress in
NSLog("progress \(progress)")
}, completionHandler: { fileUrl, error in
if error != nil {
NSLog("Download failed")
else {
NSLog("Downloaded to : \(fileUrl)")
// you can control your task
- Upload with file path
let task = net.upload(absoluteUrl: url, fromFile: file, progressHandler: { progress in
NSLog("progress \(progress)")
}, completionHandler: { error in
if error != nil {
NSLog("Upload failed : \(error)")
else {
NSLog("Upload completed")
- Upload with data
let yourData = NSData(...)
net.upload(absoluteUrl: url, data: yourData, progressHandler: { progress in
NSLog("progress: \(progress)")
}, completionHandler: { error in
NSLog("Upload completed")
- Upload with params
let image = UIImage(named: "image_file")
let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)
let params = ["number": 1, "string": "net", "data": imageData]
net.upload(absoluteUrl: imgUrl, params: params, progressHandler: { progress in
NSLog("progress: \(progress)")
}, completionHandler: { error in
NSLog("Upload completed")
By default, the upload task will be performed as POST method and
(upload with file or data)Content-Type
(upload with params)
But you can configure the upload task before resuming.
// set method
// set header field
yourUploadTask.setValue(value: "your_value", forHttpHeaderField: "header_field")
Just drag Net folder to the project tree