my attempt at mastering ruby motivated by Dave Thomas video tutorials (no longer available - as of August, 2020)
rspec ./*_spec.rb -f doc /Users/helabed/rails-proj/mastering-ruby/enumerable_predicates_spec.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant Enumerable_methods /Users/helabed/rails-proj/mastering-ruby/enumerable_filters_spec.rb:3: warning: previous definition of Enumerable_methods was here /Users/helabed/rails-proj/mastering-ruby/enumerable_transformers_spec.rb:9: warning: already initialized constant Enumerable_methods /Users/helabed/rails-proj/mastering-ruby/enumerable_predicates_spec.rb:3: warning: previous definition of Enumerable_methods was here BinarySearchTree (BST) Specification Traversal and Search the first element should be the root should be able to display all elements in order should be able to display all elements pre order should be able to display all elements post order should be able to search and locate an element should be able to display height of the tree should be able to display all leaf elements right to left should be able to display all ancestor elements from root to a certain node should be able to display all descendant elements from a certain node and to all its leaves deleting elements from the BST should be able to delete a right leaf element should be able to delete a left leaf element should be able to delete an element with 2 children should be able to delete an element with 1 child should be able to delete the root element BinarySearchTree (BST) testing - iteration last /Users/helabed/rails-proj/mastering-ruby/binary_search_tree_w_new_display_w_levels_spec.rb:39: warning: already initialized constant L /Users/helabed/rails-proj/mastering-ruby/binary_search_tree_spec.rb:20: warning: previous definition of L was here should search for an element stored in BST blocks, Procs and lambdas. many ways to define/create an object out of a block. can be created with a lambda can be created with can be created when passed as a method parameter with an '&' prepended - internally same as can be created with the stabby proc operator -> and called just like is called can be created with the stabby proc operator -> and called using the square bracket syntax and a deprecated way to do it, is same as lambda in Ruby 1.8, and in Ruby 1.9 can be created with a with a call to the built in method 'proc' - avoid using 'proc' is liberal in dealing with parameters passing - behaves like parallel assignemnt. runs fine when passed the exact number of arguments as it was defined runs fine when passed the exact number of string arguments as it was defined runs fine when passed a smaller number of arguments as it was defined runs fine when passed a larger number of arguments as it was defined runs fine when passed a larger number of arguments and when it is defined with a variable argument list lambda is restrictive in dealing with parameters passing - behaves like a method call. runs fine when passed the exact number of arguments as it was defined runs fine when passed the exact number of string arguments as it was defined raises an error when passed a smaller number of arguments as it was defined raises an error when passed a larger number of arguments as it was defined runs fine when passed a larger number of arguments and when it is defined with a variable argument list a 'return' statement from exists the surrounding context - behaves like inline code. should exit surrounding method and should not reach bottom of said method because a block passed to a method such as collection.each is always converted to a should exit the surrounding method as expected when code inside a block hits a return statement a 'return' statement from lambda exists the proc only - lambda behaves like a method. should exit the block only and execution should reach bottom of surrounding method a 'binding' is the context in which code is executing. should provide access to all variables in this binding including all passed parameters, instance variables, and local variables should provide access to all associated block in this binding should provide access to 'self' in this binding Ruby provides a binding with every block it creates when using 'lambda' Ruby provides a binding with every block it creates when using '' a 'reference' to the block can be passed around with an '&' then the block can be called with the call method Struct a Struct allows bundling a number of attributes together without needing an explicit class a struct member is either a quoted string ("name") or a Symbol (:name) should create a reader and writer method for each member declared in the Struct class generates new subclasses that hold a set of members and their values should confirm that all classes created using Struct are indeed all its subclasses class_eval or module_eval allows us to execute any code inside a block where the receiver is a class or a module should execte any code where the receiver is a class should execte any code where the receiver is a module allows us to define methods inside a block should allow us to define instance methods on the class itself everytime we call class_eval on a class, ruby places the newly defined methods(instance methods) inside it, and makes it the current class of the receiver of class_eval class_eval would declare instance methods, because class_eval can be called only on classes and modules in ruby - the name reflects the receiver instance_eval would declare class methods, because instance_eval can be called on every single object in ruby - the name reflects the receiver see file 'receiver_a_class__class_eval__creates_instance_methods.png' to find out what the 'def' method does inside class_eval see file 'receiver_a_class__instance_eval__creates_class_methods.png' to find out what the 'def' method does inside instance_eval see file 'receiver__xxx_eval__truth_table.png' to find out what the 'def' method does for all cases allows us to define methods or code inside a class given a class object should allow us to define instance methods on the class itself Class Methods can be created with self should be called without an instance can be created with class << self when declaring more than one method at once should be called without an instance Class Variables can be created with self should be called without an instance can be created with class << self should be called without an instance enumeration using many different enumeration classes should define enumeration classes on the fly (ex: Color or ThreatLevel) should be distinct from other enumeration classes (ex: Color vs. ThreatLevel) using a single Enum class for all kind of enumerations should define Color or ThreatLevel enumeration on the fly without conflicting and remember its name/value count with increment method hanis solution should return start first time called should return start + inc when called after first time(2nd) should return start + inc when called after first time(3rd) should return start + inc when called after first time(4th) daves solution should return start first time called should return start + inc when called after first time(2nd) should return start + inc when called after first time(3rd) should return start + inc when called after first time(4th) define_method is available only inside a class or a module should allow us to create a simple statically named method inside a class should allow us to create a dynamically named method inside a class should allow us to create many dynamically named methods(i.e many similar methods) inside a class it should allow us to create a simple statically named method inside a module can access the method when using the 'include' keyword can access the method when using the 'extend' keyword is NOT available inside a singleton object, but just for classes or modules should raise error when we attempt to use it inside an object can be made available inside a singleton object with the help of class_eval should allow us to create methods inside a class can be made available inside a singleton object's ghost subclass with the help of class_eval should allow us to create methods inside a class Enumerable filters - find returns the first item in the collection for which the block evaluates to true returns nil if no such item was found - detect (same as find) returns the first item in the collection for which the block evaluates to true returns nil if no such item was found - find_all returns all items in the collection for which the block evaluates to true returns empty array if no such item was found - select (same as find_all) returns all items in the collection for which the block evaluates to true returns empty array if no such item was found - reject returns all items in the collection for which the block evaluates to false (i.e removes items w/truthy blocks) returns empty array if none of the items for which the block evaluates to false - grep(x) or grep(/x/) returns all items in the collection for which x === item (i.e exact match) returns all items in the collection for which x ~= item (i.e item.match(/x/) - example 1) returns all items in the collection for which x ~= item (i.e item.match(/x/) - example 2) returns all items in the collection for which x ~= item (i.e item.match(/x/) - example 3) Enumerable predicates - all? returns true if the given block evaluates to true for all items in the collection returns false if the given block evaluates to false for at least one item in the collection - any? returns true if the given block evaluates to true for any item in the collection (at least one) returns false if the given block evaluates to false for all items in the collection (none of the items evaluates to true) - include?(x) returns true if x is a member of the collection returns false if x is NOT a member of the collection - member?(x) (same as include) returns true if x is a member of the collection returns false if x is NOT a member of the collection Enumerable transformers - map returns the transformed collection for which the block is applied to each element of original collection - collect (same as map) returns the transformed collection for which the block is applied to each element of original collection - partition (same as [select(&block), reject(&block)]) returns 2 arrays for which all items in the collection whose blocks evaluate to true and false, respectively each_slice(n) - to split an array into slices containing n elements splits array into matching size with a default fill of nil - sort returns the transformed sorted collection by the given block or the elements own <=> operator - sort_by returns sorted collection using criteria in given block reduce - same as inject reduces an array with the help of some binary operation or block sort an array with reduce/inject - and in-order insert into new array sorts a literal array by reducing it and in-order inserting it into new array sorts a random array by reducing it and in-order inserting it into new array sort an array with looping and swapping - i.e a bubble sort sorts a literal array with a bubble sort sorts a random array with a bubble sort Factorials calculate a factorial use Set to remove duplicates from Array removes dups using Set use binary search to find element in Array finds an element in array using binary search Including Enumerables in another data structure each should produce every element of the array Enumerator created from each without a block Enumerator allows chaining multiple enumerators when inlcuded in a class(Ex: LinkedList), Enumerable can augment its behavior traverse should return all elements the list when traversed and because LinkedList implements the each and <=> methods should be able to sort the LinkedList should be able to reverse sort the LinkedList should be able to get a count of the LinkedList should be able to use include? to see if an element is in the LinkedList should be able to use include? method should be able to use some aggregate methods from Enumerable should be able to chain methods from Enumerable should be able to reverse the list should be able to reverse with sort alone should be able to sort with help of <=> should be able to sum all element of the list should be able to exclude any element of the list should be able to find any element of the list should be able to find all elements of the list should be able to get first element of the list should be able to see if an element is a member? of the list ruby hook methods - method related hooks: method_missing should do method_missing method_added should do be triggered everytime we add a method to a class singleton_method_added should do singleton_method_added method_removed should do method_removed singleton_method_removed should do singleton_method_removed method_undefined should do method_undefined singleton_method_undefined should do singleton_method_undefined - for Classes and Modules: inherited should show us who inherited from us with help of a stack should show us who inherited from us with help of a queue append_features should do append_features included should do included extend_object should do extend_object extended should do extended initialize_copy should do initialize_copy const_missing should do const_missing by brute force overriding original should do const_missing by using method alias chain and delegating to original when needed should be restricted to a single class or module when defined inside this class or module - for Marshalling: marshal_dump should do marshal_dump marshal_load should do marshal_load - for Coercion: coerce should do coerce induced_from should do induced_from to_s should do to_s to_sym should do to_sym to_proc should do to_proc to_string should do to_string - example of including comparable should trigger the space-ship operator (<=>) method should trigger the Ruby built-in hook method included instance_eval allows us to execute any code inside a block - unlike eval should execte any code should execte any code with a receiver - unlike eval which is a private method inside the block of the receiver 'self' is set to the receiver of instance_eval allow us to cheat and access instance variables without a getter or a setter without instance_eval we should not be able to access the instance variable with instance_eval we should be able to access the instance variable (both read/write) without instance_eval we should not be able to access private methods with instance_eval we should be able to access private methods - i.e methods without a receiver instance_eval with a block produces a closure but not as we expect in that inside the block self is changed to the receiver of instance_eval allows us to define methods inside a block should allow us to define methods on any instance of a class everytime we call instance_eval on an object, ruby creates an anonymous ghost class and places the newly defined methods inside it, and makes it the class of the receiver of instance_eval should allow us to define methods on the class itself (class methods) - because a class is also an object in ruby everytime we call instance_eval on a class, ruby creates an anonymous ghost class and places the newly defined methods(class methods) inside it, and makes it the current class of the receiver(which is a class) of instance_eval class_eval would declare instance methods, because class_eval can be called only on classes and modules in ruby - the name reflects the receiver instance_eval would declare class methods, because instance_eval can be called on every single object in ruby - the name reflects the receiver see file 'receiver_a_class__class_eval__creates_instance_methods.png' to find out what the 'def' method does inside class_eval see file 'receiver_a_class__instance_eval__creates_class_methods.png' to find out what the 'def' method does inside instance_eval see file 'receiver__xxx_eval__truth_table.png' to find out what the 'def' method does for all cases allows us to create a Domain Specific Language(DSL) in a block should allow us to define and use a DSL inside a block - though people are moving away from such implementation because of wrong assumption that we have a closure around the block instance variables are private to the object that created them should not allow access from the outside without a getter should allow access from the outside only when a getter is defined should not allow modification from the outside without a setter should allow modification from the outside only when a setter is defined with help of class_eval and attr_writer should allow modification from the outside only when a setter is defined with help of class_eval and attr_accessor memoization examples - many ways to do it - subclassing, method rewriting, delegation example without memoization should execute expensive calculation each time memoization with a hash should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a subclass should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a subclass with code generation should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a subclass with code generation and without adding instance variables(@memory) to the original class - thanks to closure around define_method should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a ghost class to intercept the call chain in lieu of subclassing whole class should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a ghost class with code generation to create a hidden singleton class should execute expensive calculation once - see 'create_a_ghost_class_from_an_object.png' memoization using intrusive method re-writing after opening class should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a module to generically do the method re-writing should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a module and bind to generically do the method re-writing should execute expensive calculation once memoization using a module and a DSL to generically do the method re-writing should execute expensive calculation once memoization using Delegation should execute expensive calculation once Modulization for namespacing constants and classes should provide access to the module's constant should provide access to the module's class for defining and finding module methods with namespaces should provide access to the module's methods for creating instance methods should provide access to the module's instance method should assert that to 'include' a module's instance method does not mean copying the method's body, but instead referencing the one and only copy of it should be available for use from more than one class should be available for use from an object with the 'extend' keyword should be available for use from an object by including the methods from the module into a singleton class using 'class << object' for converting a module instance methods into class methods of the class that is mixing in the module should provide access to the module's instance method as a class method using a singleton class using 'class << self' should provide access to the module's instance method as a class method using the 'extend' keyword should provide access to the module's instance method as a class method using the 'extend' keyword and from within the extending class at the class level for inheritance without subclassing with include and extend keywords must provide access to class methods and instance methods of the module should provide access to class methods should provide access to instance methods with include only keywords, and with help of self.included(the_class) ruby hook must provide access to class methods and instance methods of the module should provide access to class methods should provide access to instance methods using alias method chain to override a method in a class that includes a module without calling alias_method does not work as intended because any included modules are searched for methods after the class's own methods are searched, so you cannot directly overwrite a class's method by including a module with a call to alias_method works as intended in that they allow us to overwrite a class's method by including a module and using a different method name my_attr_accessor provides an alternative implementation of attr_accessor with logging support should allow us to use it from any class a symbol is converted to string automatically when interpolated inside a string should produce a string class my_attr_accessor_with_class_eval provides an alternative implementation of attr_accessor with class_eval instead of define_method because class_eval is more efficient in memory and speed should allow us to use it from any class Object based inheritance or prototypal inheritance methods can be created from object instances methods can be called from the instance a cloned object inherits the instance methods a duplicated object does not inherit the instance methods cloned objects also inherit the state of the cloned object instance variables are cloned also a Ruby method always return the last statement executed should return the last statememnt from if block when an if{...} statement is truthy should return the last statememnt from else block when an if{...} statement is falsy should return nil when we have 'if (nil)' as the last statement and no else block should return last statement in else block when we have if (nil) as the last statement inheritance in practice using shipping example in one file using different shipping types should be able to Ship 16oz domestic should be able to Ship 90oz domestic should be able to Ship 16oz international trace method calls - first iteration should trace a simple method everytime it is called with the help of define_method with block in Ruby 1.9 - second iteration should trace a simple method everytime it is called with the help of class_eval and without define_method so that it can work with Ruby 1.8 - third iteration should trace simple and complex methods(<<,[], and variable=) everytime it is called with the help of instance_method and Ruby 1.9 - sidenote - prove that a CONST is available from within both a Ruby class and its instance should have access to the CONST at the class level should have access to the CONST from any instance of the class - forth iteration should trace simple and complex methods(<<,[], and variable=) everytime it is called with the help of instance_method and Ruby 1.8 and METHOD_HASH - fifth iteration should trace any existing class in Ruby 1.8 - try it with Time class - sixth iteration should trace any existing class in Ruby 1.8 - try it with String class - turn tracing OFF for String class while doing the tracing - seventh iteration should trace any existing class in Ruby 1.8 - with nested classes - eighth iteration should trace any existing class in Ruby 1.8 - with nested classes and dealing with recursive Array#inspect - nineth iteration should trace any existing class in Ruby 1.9 - with nested classes and with method_define with block support inheritance in practice using shipping example in one file using different shipping types should be able to Ship 16oz domestic should be able to Ship 90oz domestic should be able to Ship 16oz international Finished in 0.05986 seconds (files took 0.39194 seconds to load) 238 examples, 0 failures