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A convenient tool class to convert object to dictionary or convert dictionary(esp. json dictionary) to object, no matter what is the name of key of dictionary.


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Just custom your model class by inheriting CYZBaseModel and override some methods if needed.

Dictionary to model

If the name of class attribute is the same one as the key of dictionary, then just call -initWithDict:

typedef enum {
} UserType;

@interface User : CYZBaseModel

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *userID;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *address;
//@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *dogs;
@property (assign, nonatomic) UserType type;


NSDictionary *dictionary = @{@"name": @"xiaowang",
@"userID": @"45",
@"address": @"china",
@"type": @(kUserTypeVIP)};
User *userModel = [[User alloc] initWithDict:dictionary];
NSLog(@"%@", userModel);

name = xiaowang, userid = 45, address = china, type = 1

JSONString to model

Call method initWithJsonString to initialize instance by passing a json string.

//----- main------
NSString *jsonString = @"{\"name\":\"xiaoli\", \"userID\":\"14\", \"address\":\"china\", \"type\":1}";
User *userModel = [[User alloc] initWithJsonString:jsonString];
NSLog(@"%@", userModel);

name = xiaoli, userid = 14, address = china, type = 1

Dictionary(contains other objects) to model

If there are any sub-models contained in the given dictionary, this method still works. BUT, those models should also inherit CYZBaseModel and override some methods if necessary.

@class Test;

@interface Bag : CYZBaseModel

@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat price;
@property (strong, nonatomic) Test *t;


@interface Test : CYZBaseModel
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *name;

NSDictionary *dict = @{@"name": @"lv",
@"prive": @100.4,
@"t": @{@"name": @"testName"}};
Bag *b = [[Bag alloc] initWithDict:dict];
NSLog(@"%@", b);

name = lv, price = 100.400000, t = name = testName

Dictionary(contains arrays of other objects) to model

You should override method - (NSDictionary *)objectClassesInArray to show what kind of objects are in array.

@interface User : CYZBaseModel

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *userID;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *address;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *dogs;
@property (assign, nonatomic) UserType type;


//override method
- (NSDictionary *)objectClassesInArray {
    return @{@"dogs": @"Dog"};

NSDictionary *dict = @{@"nm": @"shangsi",
@"address": @"binhai",
@"userID": @"43",
@"dogs": @[@{@"name": @"xiaobai",
@"favour": @"chi",},
@{@"name": @"xiaohei",
@"favour": @"he",},
@{@"name": @"xiaohuang",
@"favour": @"wan",}]
User *user = [[User alloc] initWithDict:dict];
NSLog(@"%@", user);

name = (null), userid = 43, address = binhai, type = 0, dogs = (
"name = xiaobai, favour = chi",
"name = xiaohei, favour = he",
"name = xiaohuang, favour = wan"

Dictionary to model -- mapping property name to dictionary key

If the any one of class attribute name is different from the given dictionary's key, then override the method -(NSDictionary *)attributeMapDictionary to return a dictionary for mapping. This dictionary use the "attribute name" as key and use "passing dictionary's key" as value.

@interface Student : CYZBaseModel

@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *ID;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *desc;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nowName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *oldName;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *nameChangedTime;
@property (strong, nonatomic) Bag *bag;


//override method
- (NSDictionary *)attributeMapDictionary {
    return @{
        @"ID" : @"id",
        @"desc" : @"desciption",
        @"oldName" : @"name.oldName",
        @"nowName" : @"name.newName",
        @"nameChangedTime" : @"",
        @"bag" : @"other.bag"

NSDictionary *testMappingDictionary = @{
    @"id" : @"20",
    @"desciption" : @"kids",
    @"name" : @{
        @"newName" : @"lufy",
        @"oldName" : @"kitty",
        @"info" : @{
            @"nameChangedTime" : @"2013-08"
    @"other" : @{
        @"bag" : @{
            @"name" : @"a red bag",
            @"price" : @100.7
Student *s = [[Student alloc] initWithDict:testMappingDictionary];
NSLog(@"s = %@", s);

s = id = 20, desc = kids, oldname = kitty, nowname = lufy, namechangedtime = 2013-08, bag = name = a red bag, price = 100.700000, t = (null)

Dictionary to model -- an example

Basic data type, enum, NSDictionary, NSNumber, other matter what kind of property, method - (id)initWithDict: will work properly. Just remember to override -(NSDictionary *)attributeMapDictionary and - (NSDictionary *)objectClassesInArray to fit the passing dictionary.

@interface Weibo : CYZBaseModel

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (assign, nonatomic) int weiboID;
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSNumber *numberWeiboID;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *time;
@property (strong, nonatomic) User *user;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *userDictionary;


NSDictionary *dict = @{@"nm": @"zhangsan",
                    @"weiboID": @123,
                    @"numberWeiboID": @123,
                    @"time": @"today",
                    @"user": @{@"nm": @"shangsi",
                            @"address": @"binhai",
                            @"userID": @"43",
                            @"dogs": @[@{@"name": @"xiaobai",
                                        @"favour": @"chi",},
                                        @{@"name": @"xiaohei",
                                        @"favour": @"he",},
                                        @{@"name": @"xiaohuang",
                                        @"favour": @"wan",}]
                    @"userDictionary": @{@"testKey1": @"testValue1",
                                        @"testKey2": @"testValue2"}
Weibo *w = [[Weibo alloc] initWithDict:dict];
NSLog(@"%@", w);

name = zhangsan, weiboid = 123, numberWeiboID = 123, time = today, user = name = (null), userid = 43, address = binhai, type = 0, dogs = (
    "name = xiaobai, favour = chi",
    "name = xiaohei, favour = he",
    "name = xiaohuang, favour = wan"
), userDictionary = {
    testKey1 = testValue1;
    testKey2 = testValue2;

Array to models

Use class method + (NSArray *)objectArrayWithJsonArray:(NSArray *)jsonArray; to create an array of models using a json array

NSArray *dictArray = @[@{@"name": @"lv", @"price": @14.4}, @{@"name": @"shuihuo", @"price": @1}];
NSArray *bags = [Bag objectArrayWithJsonArray:dictArray];
NSLog(@"bags = %@", bags);

bags = (
    "name = lv, price = 14.400000, t = (null)",
    "name = shuihuo, price = 1.000000, t = (null)"

Model to dictionary

Call method -(NSDictionary *)dictionaryRepresentation and it will return a dictionary automatically.

Basic data type, NSNumber will be distinguished correctly. If there are any properties that you don't set a value on, it will be NSNull in dictionary. Property name and dictionary key mapping by -(NSDictionary *)attributeMapDictionary still works here.

Weibo *weibo = [[Weibo alloc] init]; = @"n";
weibo.weiboID = 12;
weibo.numberWeiboID = @1;
NSDictionary *wd = [weibo dictionaryRepresentation];
NSLog(@"%@", wd);

    nm = n;
    numberWeiboID = 1;
    time = "<null>";
    user = "<null>";
    userDictionary = "<null>";
    weiboID = 12;

Another more complex example:

Student *stu = [[Student alloc] init];
stu.nowName = @"chen";
stu.oldName = @"yi";
stu.nameChangedTime = @"1";

Bag *b = [[Bag alloc] init]; = @"fake lv";
b.price = 1.1;

Test *t = [[Test alloc] init]; = @"test";

b.t = t;
stu.bag = b;

NSDictionary *studict = [stu dictionaryRepresentation];
NSLog(@"studict = %@", studict);

studict = {
    desciption = "<null>";
    id = "<null>";
    "" = 1;
    "name.newName" = chen;
    "name.oldName" = yi;
    "other.bag" =     {
        name = "fake lv";
        price = "1.1";
        t =         {
            name = test;

Model array to json array & json string

The main point is that model array must contains only ONE type of model, then you can call the class method + (NSArray *)jsonArrayWithObjectArray:(NSArray *)objectArray; and + (NSString *)jsonStringWithObjectArray:(NSArray *)objectArray; to get the json array or json string respectively

Bag *b1 = [[Bag alloc] init]; = @"bag1";
b1.price = 2.2;

Bag *b2 = [[Bag alloc] init]; = @"bag2";
b2.price = 3.3;

NSArray *bagArray = @[b1, b2];
NSArray *jsonArray = [Bag jsonArrayWithObjectArray:bagArray];
NSLog(@"%@", jsonArray);

NSString *bagJsonString = [Bag jsonStringWithObjectArray:bagArray];
NSLog(@"%@", bagJsonString);

2015-05-14 12:39:34.317 ModelAndDictionary[12599:573276] (
        name = bag1;
        price = "2.2";
        t = "<null>";
        name = bag2;
        price = "3.3";
        t = "<null>";
2015-05-14 12:39:34.319 ModelAndDictionary[12599:573276] [
        "name" : "bag1",
        "price" : 2.2,
        "t" : null
        "name" : "bag2",
        "price" : 3.3,
        "t" : null

###Encoding & Decoding

All subclass inherited from CYZBaseModel will automatically be able to encode and decode with all properties. Just wirte [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:toFile:] to encode object and [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiverObjectWithFile:] to decode object.

Bag *b2 = [[Bag alloc] init]; = @"bag2";
b2.price = 3.3;

NSString *path = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"test.plist"];
NSLog(@"path = %@", path);
[NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject:b2 toFile:path];

Bag *unarchivedBag = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:path];
NSLog(@"%@", unarchivedBag);

name = bag2, price = 3.300000, t = (null)

Automatically convert NSNull to proper value

If server gives you a nil object, in OC you will get a NSNull instance. However you may always want to convert it to its original type with a proper empty value. By using CYZBaseModel you can free your day from converting. So any code likes these:

if (aDict[@"buildingPortrait"] == [NSNull null]) {
    self.buildingPortrait = @"";
if (aDict[@"openingTime"] == [NSNull null]) {
    self.openingTime = @"";
if (aDict[@"purchaseNote"] == [NSNull null]) {
    self.purchaseNote = @"";
if (aDict[@"videoLink"] == [NSNull null]) {
    self.videoLink = @"";

can be deleted :] CYZBaseModel will consider the type of given key and do these mapping: NSString ~> @"", NSArray ~> [NSArray array], NSDictionary ~> [NSDictionary dictionary], NSNumber ~> @0, other ~> [NSNull null]

UNLESS you override - (NSArray *)attributesWithoutConvertNull; to tell CYZBasemodel: "Hi guy, these value should not be converted!".

Pretty NSLog

In short, you can use NSLog(@"%@", myObject) to print all of the world :].


A convenient tool class to convert object to dictionary or convert dictionary(esp. json dictionary) to object, no matter what is the name of key of dictionary.







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