This app lets you experiment with the 50d GloVe embeddings ( The embeddings can be used to find synonyms, fill in analogies, or take on other NLP-related tasks with varying degrees of success.
First clone the app and enter its working directory.
git clone
cd embeddings_app
For reasons I'm still investigating, the app seems to be a bit sluggish when running inside the Docker container (this mostly affects the first one or two user submissions on each tab, particularly the plotting tab). If running the app outside the container, you must first install packages from requirements.txt (either locally or inside a virtual environment), then run the following commands to download the data and then run the app:
./ download
Entering Ctrl+c in your terminal will stop the app.
To run the Dockerized app instead, clone the repo and run the following commands:
cd embeddings_app
./ build
./ run
Then open a web browser and go to localhost:5000.
To stop the containerized app, run:
./ stop