index 0b16688..d9d5186 100644
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ S3method(as.data.frame,iprobitData)
@@ -12,39 +13,31 @@ S3method(predict,iprobitMod)
diff --git a/R/Accessor_functions.R b/R/Accessor_functions.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1618fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/Accessor_functions.R
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# iprobit: Binary and Multinomial Probit Regression with I-priors
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Haziq Jamil
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+#' Accessor functions for \code{ipriorMod} objects.
+#' @param object An \code{ipriorMod} object.
+#' @name Accessors
+#' @describeIn Accessors Obtain all of the hyperparameters.
+#' @export
+get_hyperparam <- function(object) {
+ check_and_get_iprobitMod(object)
+ object$param.full
+#' @describeIn Accessors Obtain the intercept.
+#' @export
+get_intercept <- function(object, by.class = FALSE) {
+ res <- get_hyperparam(object)
+ res <- res[grep("Intercept", rownames(res)), , drop = FALSE]
+ if (!isTRUE(by.class)) {
+ res <- c(res)
+ if (is.common.intercept(object)) {
+ res <- res[1]
+ names(res) <- "Intercept"
+ } else {
+ names(res) <- get_names(object, "intercept")
+ }
+ }
+ res
+get_alpha <- get_intercept
+get_lambda <- function(object, by.class = FALSE) {
+ res <- get_hyperparam(object)
+ res <- res[grep("lambda", rownames(res)), , drop = FALSE]
+ if (!isTRUE(by.class)) {
+ res <- c(res)
+ if (is.common.intercept(object)) {
+ res <- res[1]
+ names(res) <- get_names(object, "lambda", FALSE)
+ } else {
+ names(res) <- get_names(object, "lambda", TRUE)
+ }
+ }
+ res
+get_sd <- function(object) {
+ setNames(object$param.summ$S.D., rownames(object$param.summ))
+get_sd_alpha <- function(object) {
+ res <- get_sd(object)
+ res[grep("Intercept", names(res))]
+get_sd_lambda <- function(object) {
+ res <- get_sd(object)
+ res[grep("lambda", names(res))]
+#' @export
+get_error_rate <- function(x) x$fitted.values$train.error
+#' @export
+get_error_rates <- function(x) {
+ res <- x$error
+ names(res) <- seq_along(res)
+ res
+#' @export
+get_brier_score <- function(x) x$fitted.values$brier.score
+#' @export
+get_brier_scores <- function(x) {
+ res <- x$brier
+ names(res) <- seq_along(res)
+ res
+get_m <- function(object) {
+ if (is.iprobitMod(object)) object <- object$ipriorKernel
+ length(object$y.levels)
+#' Extract the variational lower bound
+#' @param object An object of class \code{ipriorProbit}.
+#' @param ... This is not used here.
+#' @return The variational lower bound.
+#' @export
+logLik.iprobitMod <- function(object, ...) {
+ lb <- object$lower.bound[!is.na(object$lower.bound)]
+ lb <- lb[length(lb)]
+ class(lb) <- "iprobitLowerBound"
+ lb
+#' @export
+get_lbs <- function(x) x$lower.bound
+#' @export
+print.iprobitLowerBound <- function(x, ...) {
+ cat("Lower bound =", x)
+get_theta <- function(object) object$theta
+get_w <- function(object) object$w
+get_y <- function(object) {
+ res <- factor(object$ipriorKernel$y)
+ levels(res) <- object$ipriorKernel$y.levels
+ res
diff --git a/R/Plots.R b/R/Plots.R
index 5d84802..2bc191e 100644
--- a/R/Plots.R
+++ b/R/Plots.R
@@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
+# iplot_fitted()
+# iplot_dec_bound()
+# iplot_predict()
+# iplot_lb()
+# iplot_error()
+# iplot_lb_and_error()
#' @export
plot.iprobitMod <- function(x, niter.plot = NULL, levels = NULL, ...) {
@@ -27,10 +34,9 @@ plot.iprobitMod <- function(x, niter.plot = NULL, levels = NULL, ...) {
iplot_fitted <- function(object) {
list2env(object, environment())
list2env(ipriorKernel, environment())
- list2env(model, environment())
probs <- fitted(object)$prob
- if (isNystrom(ipriorKernel)) probs <- probs[order(Nystrom$Nys.samp), ]
+ # if (isNystrom(ipriorKernel)) probs <- probs[order(Nystrom$Nys.samp), ]
df.plot <- data.frame(probs, i = 1:n)
colnames(df.plot) <- c(y.levels, "i")
df.plot <- reshape2::melt(df.plot, id.vars = "i")
@@ -44,7 +50,7 @@ iplot_fitted <- function(object) {
#' @export
-iplot_lb <- function(x, niter.plot = NULL, lab.pos = c("up", "down"), ...) {
+iplot_lb <- function(x, niter.plot, lab.pos = c("up", "down"), ...) {
lae.check <- FALSE
extra.opt <- list(...)
if (isTRUE(extra.opt$lb.and.error)) {
@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ iplot_lb <- function(x, niter.plot = NULL, lab.pos = c("up", "down"), ...) {
lb.original <- x$lower.bound
if (missing(niter.plot)) niter.plot <- seq_along(lb.original)
- else if (length(niter.plot) == 1) niter.plot <- c(1, niter.plot)
+ else if (length(niter.plot) == 1) niter.plot <- seq_len(niter.plot)
lb <- lb.original[niter.plot]
plot.df <- data.frame(Iteration = niter.plot, lb = lb)
time.per.iter <- x$time$time / x$niter
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ iplot_dec_bound <- function(object, X.var = c(1, 2), col = "grey35", size = 0.8,
geom_point(data = points.df, aes(X1, X2, col = Class)) +
geom_contour(data = plot.df, aes(X1, X2, z = value, group = variable,
size = "Decision\nboundary"),
- bins = 2, col = col, ...) +
+ binwidth = 0.5 + 1e-12, col = col, ...) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = mm[1, ], ylim = mm[2, ]) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c(iprior::gg_col_hue(m), "grey30")) +
scale_size_manual(values = size, name = NULL) +
@@ -230,18 +236,44 @@ iplot_predict <- function(object, X.var = c(1, 2), grid.len = 50,
iplot_predict_bin <- function(plot.df, points.df, x, y, m, dec.bound) {
- ggplot() +
- geom_raster(data = plot.df, aes(X1, X2, fill = class2), alpha = 0.5) +
+ p <- ggplot() +
+ geom_raster(data = plot.df, aes(X1, X2, fill = `2`), alpha = 0.5) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "#F8766D", high = "#00BFC4", limits = c(0, 1)) +
# annotate(geom = "raster", x = plot.df[, 1], y = plot.df[, 2],
# alpha = 0.6 * plot.df[, 3], fill = "#F8766D") +
# annotate(geom = "raster", x = plot.df[, 1], y = plot.df[, 2],
# alpha = 0.6 * plot.df[, 4], fill = "#00BFC4") +
- geom_point(data = points.df, aes(X1, X2, col = Class)) +
- # col = "black", shape = 21, stroke = 0.8) +
- coord_cartesian(xlim = x, ylim = y) +
- guides(fill = FALSE) +
+ # Add decision boundary ------------------------------------------------------
+ if (isTRUE(dec.bound)) {
+ p <- p +
+ geom_contour(data = plot.df, aes(X1, X2, z = `2`,
+ size = "Decision\nboundary"),
+ binwidth = 0.5 + 1e-12, col = "grey35",
+ linetype = "dashed") +
+ scale_size_manual(values = 0.8, name = NULL) +
+ scale_color_discrete(name = " Class") +
+ guides(fill = FALSE,
+ size = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = 2, col = "grey35")),
+ col = guide_legend(order = 1, override.aes = list(linetype = 0))) +
+ theme(legend.key.width = unit(2, "line"))
+ } else {
+ p <- p + guides(fill = FALSE)
+ }
+ # Add points -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ p <- p +
+ ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = points.df, segment.colour = "grey25",
+ box.padding = 0.9, show.legend = FALSE,
+ aes(X1, X2, col = Class, label = prob)) +
+ geom_point(data = points.df, aes(X1, X2, col = Class)) +
+ geom_point(data = subset(points.df, points.df$prob != ""), aes(X1, X2),
+ shape = 1, col = "grey25")
+ # Touch up plot and return ---------------------------------------------------
+ p + coord_cartesian(xlim = x, ylim = y)
iplot_predict_mult <- function(plot.df, points.df, x, y, m, dec.bound) {
@@ -262,15 +294,15 @@ iplot_predict_mult <- function(plot.df, points.df, x, y, m, dec.bound) {
alpha = alpha * plot.df[, class.ind[j]], fill = fill.col[j])
- # Add points and decision boundary, and touch up remaining plot --------------
+ # Add decision boundary ------------------------------------------------------
if (isTRUE(dec.bound)) {
decbound.df <- reshape2::melt(plot.df, id.vars = c("X1", "X2"))
p <- p +
geom_contour(data = decbound.df, aes(X1, X2, z = value, group = variable,
col = variable,
size = "Decision\nboundary"),
- # binwidth = 0.5 + 1e-12,
- bins = 2,
+ binwidth = 0.5 + 1e-12,
+ # bins = 2,
linetype = "dashed") +
scale_size_manual(values = 0.8, name = NULL) +
scale_color_discrete(name = " Class") +
@@ -303,7 +335,7 @@ iplot_predict_mult <- function(plot.df, points.df, x, y, m, dec.bound) {
iplot_error <- function(x, niter.plot, plot.test = TRUE) {
if (x$niter < 2) stop("Nothing to plot.")
if (missing(niter.plot)) niter.plot <- seq_along(x$train.error)
- else if (length(niter.plot) == 1) niter.plot <- c(1, niter.plot)
+ else if (length(niter.plot) == 1) niter.plot <- seq_len(niter.plot)
# Prepare plotting data frame ------------------------------------------------
plot.df <- data.frame(Iteration = niter.plot,
@@ -360,9 +392,9 @@ iplot_error <- function(x, niter.plot, plot.test = TRUE) {
theme(legend.position = "none")
-iplot_lb_and_error <- function(x, niter.plot, lab.pos) {
+iplot_lb_and_error <- function(x, niter.plot, lab.pos, plot.test = TRUE) {
- p2 <- iplot_error(x, niter.plot) +
+ p2 <- iplot_error(x, niter.plot, plot.test) +
breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = min(5, ifelse(x$niter == 2, 1, x$niter)))
diff --git a/R/Utilities.R b/R/Utilities.R
index 5778b10..7c2b984 100644
--- a/R/Utilities.R
+++ b/R/Utilities.R
@@ -78,187 +78,38 @@ is.iprobitMod_mult <- function(x) inherits(x, "iprobitMod_mult")
#' @export
is.iprobitData <- function(x) inherits(x, "iprobitData")
-isNystrom <- function(x) {
- if (inherits(x, "ipriorKernel_old")) {
- if (!is.list(x$Nystrom)) res <- x$Nystrom
- else res <- TRUE
- } else {
- if (!is.list(x$ipriorKernel$Nystrom)) res <- x$ipriorKernel$Nystrom
- else res <- TRUE
- }
- res
-#' Extract the variational lower bound
-#' @param object An object of class \code{ipriorProbit}.
-#' @param ... This is not used here.
-#' @return The variational lower bound.
-#' @export
-logLik.iprobitMod <- function(object, ...) {
- lb <- object$lower.bound[!is.na(object$lower.bound)]
- lb <- lb[length(lb)]
- class(lb) <- "iprobitLowerBound"
- lb
-#' @export
-get_lbs <- function(x) x$lower.bound
-#' @export
-print.iprobitLowerBound <- function(x, ...) {
- cat("Lower bound =", x)
-get_theta <- function(object) object$theta
-get_w <- function(object) object$w
-get_y <- function(object) {
- res <- factor(object$ipriorKernel$y)
- levels(res) <- object$ipriorKernel$y.levels
- res
-#' @export
-get_one.lam <- function(object) {
- object$ipriorKernel$model$one.lam
-#' @export
-get_kernel <- function(object, collapse = TRUE) {
- kernel.used <- object$ipriorKernel$model$kernel
- Hurst.used <- get_Hurst(object)
- for (i in seq_along(kernel.used)) {
- if (kernel.used[i] == "FBM")
- kernel.used[i] <- paste0(kernel.used[i], ",", Hurst.used[i])
- }
- kernel.used
-#' get_lambda <- function(object) {
-#' lambda <- object$lambda
-#' if (is.iprobitMod_bin(object)) {
-#' if (length(lambda) > 1)
-#' names(lambda) <- paste0("lambda[", seq_along(lambda), "]")
-#' else
-#' names(lambda) <- "lambda"
-#' } else if (is.iprobitMod_mult(object)) {
-#' if (nrow(lambda) > 1)
-#' rownames(lambda) <- paste0("lambda[", seq_along(lambda[, 1]), ",]")
-#' else
-#' rownames(lambda) <- "lambda"
-#' colnames(lambda) <- paste0("Class = ", seq_along(object$y.levels))
-#' } else {
-#' stop("Input iprobitMod objects only.")
-#' }
-#' lambda
-#' }
-# get_psi <- function(object) {
-# alpha <- object$alpha
-# if (is.iprobitMod_bin(object)) {
-# # if (length(alpha) > 1)
-# # names(alpha) <- paste0("alpha[", seq_along(alpha), "]")
-# # else
-# names(alpha) <- "alpha"
-# } else if (is.iprobitMod_mult(object)) {
-# alpha <- matrix(alpha, nrow = 1)
-# rownames(alpha) <- "alpha"
-# colnames(alpha) <- paste0("Class = ", seq_along(object$y.levels))
+# isNystrom <- function(x) {
+# if (inherits(x, "ipriorKernel_old")) {
+# if (!is.list(x$Nystrom)) res <- x$Nystrom
+# else res <- TRUE
# } else {
-# stop("Input iprobitMod objects only.")
+# if (!is.list(x$ipriorKernel$Nystrom)) res <- x$ipriorKernel$Nystrom
+# else res <- TRUE
# }
-# alpha
+# res
# }
-get_alpha <- function(object) {
- param.full <- param.summ_to_param.full(object$param.summ)
- param.full[grep("Intercept", names(param.full))]
+is.common.intercept <- function(x) {
+ check_and_get_iprobitMod(x)
+ return(x$common$intercept)
-get_lambda <- function(object) {
- param.full <- param.summ_to_param.full(object$param.summ)
- param.full[grep("lambda", names(param.full))]
+is.common.RKHS.param <- function(x) {
+ check_and_get_iprobitMod(x)
+ return(x$common$RKHS.param)
-get_sd <- function(object) {
- setNames(object$param.summ$S.D., rownames(object$param.summ))
-get_sd_alpha <- function(object) {
- res <- get_sd(object)
- res[grep("Intercept", names(res))]
-get_sd_lambda <- function(object) {
- res <- get_sd(object)
- res[grep("lambda", names(res))]
-#' @export
-get_coef_se_mult <- function(object) {
- theta <- coef(object)
- m <- ncol(theta)
- l <- nrow(theta) - 1
- if (isTRUE(object$control$common.intercept)) {
- alpha <- theta[1, 1]
- names(alpha) <- "alpha"
- alpha.se <- object$se.alpha
- } else {
- alpha <- theta[1, ]
- names(alpha) <- paste0("alpha[", 1:m, "]")
- alpha.se <- rep(object$se.alpha, m)
- }
- if (isTRUE(object$control$common.RKHS.scale)) {
- lambda <- theta[-1, 1]
- if (length(lambda) > 1)
- names(lambda) <- paste0("lambda[", seq_along(lambda), ",]")
- else
- names(lambda) <- "lambda"
- lambda.se <- object$se.lambda[, 1]
+check_and_get_iprobitMod <- function(object, assign.to.env = FALSE) {
+ # Helper function to check whether object is of ipriorMod class.
+ #
+ # Args: An ipriorMod or ipriorKernel object; logical assign.to.env.
+ #
+ # Returns: Nothing - just checks. Unless assign.to.env is TRUE.
+ if (is.iprobitMod(object)) {
+ if (isTRUE(assign.to.env)) list2env(object$ipriorKernel, parent.frame())
} else {
- lambda <- c(t(theta[-1, ]))
- lambda.names <- NULL
- for (k in 1:l) {
- lambda.names <- c(lambda.names, paste0("lambda[", k, ",", 1:m, "]"))
- }
- names(lambda) <- lambda.names
- lambda.se <- c(t(object$se.lambda))
+ stop("Input an iprobitMod object.", call. = FALSE)
- list(theta = c(alpha, lambda), se = c(alpha.se, lambda.se))
-#' @export
-get_error_rate <- function(x) x$fitted.values$train.error
-#' @export
-get_error_rates <- function(x) {
- res <- x$error
- names(res) <- seq_along(res)
- res
-#' @export
-get_brier_score <- function(x) x$fitted.values$brier.score
-#' @export
-get_brier_scores <- function(x) {
- res <- x$brier
- names(res) <- seq_along(res)
- res
-get_m <- function(object) {
- if (is.iprobitMod(object)) object <- object$ipriorKernel
- length(object$y.levels)
all.same <- function(v) {
@@ -266,196 +117,6 @@ all.same <- function(v) {
all(sapply(as.list(v[-1]), FUN = function(z) identical(z, v[1])))
-# lambda expansion and Hlam calculation for binary models ----------------------
-expand_lambda <- function(x, intr, intr.3plus = NULL) {
- # Helper function to expand lambda or lambda.sq (scale parameters) according
- # to any interactions specification.
- #
- # Args: lambda
- #
- # Returns: Expanded lambda.
- if (is.vector(x)) {
- # Binary models ------------------------------------------------------------
- return(iprior::.expand_Hl_and_lambda(x, x, intr, intr.3plus)$lambda)
- } else {
- # Multinomial models -------------------------------------------------------
- res <- NULL
- m <- ncol(x)
- for (j in seq_len(m)) {
- res[[j]] <- iprior::.expand_Hl_and_lambda(x[, j], x[, j], intr,
- intr.3plus)$lambda
- }
- return(matrix(unlist(res), ncol = m))
- }
-get_Hlam <- function(object, theta, theta.is.lambda = FALSE) {
- # Obtains the kernel matrix Hlam.
- #
- # Args:
- #
- # Returns: For binary models, this calculate Hlam. For multinomial models,
- # this calculates Hlam for every class---so a list is returned.
- if (is.iprobit_bin(object)) {
- if (is.matrix(theta)) theta <- theta[, 1]
- return(iprior::.get_Hlam(object = object, theta = theta,
- theta.is.lambda = theta.is.lambda))
- } else {
- res <- NULL
- m <- get_m(object)
- for (j in seq_len(m)) {
- res[[j]] <- iprior::.get_Hlam(object = object, theta = as.numeric(theta[, j]),
- theta.is.lambda = theta.is.lambda)
- }
- return(res)
- }
-get_Htildelam <- function(object, theta, xstar) {
- if (is.iprobit_bin(object)) {
- if (is.matrix(theta)) theta <- theta[, 1]
- return(iprior::.get_Htildelam(object, theta, xstar))
- } else {
- res <- NULL
- m <- get_m(object)
- for (j in seq_len(m)) {
- res[[j]] <- iprior::.get_Htildelam(object, as.numeric(theta[, j]), xstar)
- }
- return(res)
- }
-get_Hlamsq <- function() {
- # Calculate Hlamsq for closed-form VB.
- #
- # Args: mod is an ipriorKernel object defined in parent environment, along
- # with lambda, lambdasq, Psql, Hsql, H2l, ind1, ind2, p, and no.int.
- #
- # Returns: Hlamsq mat for binary models, and list of Hlamsq matrices for
- # multinomial models.
- environment(Hlam_two_way_index) <- environment()
- q <- p + no.int
- m <- get_m(mod)
- if (is.iprobit_bin(mod)) { # BINARY MODEL
- # Calculate square terms of Hlamsq -----------------------------------------
- if (is.null(Hsql))
- square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Psql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q],
- else
- square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Hsql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q],
- # Calculate two-way terms of Hlamsq ----------------------------------------
- if (is.null(ind1) && is.null(ind2)) {
- two.way.terms <- 0
- } else {
- lambda.two.way <- Hlam_two_way_index(lambda, lambdasq)
- two.way.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", H2l, lambda.two.way,
- }
- return(square.terms + two.way.terms)
- } else {
- res <- NULL
- for (j in seq_len(m)) { # MULTINOMIAL MODEL
- # Calculate square terms of Hlamsq -----------------------------------------
- if (is.null(Hsql))
- square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Psql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q, j],
- else
- square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Hsql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q, j],
- # Calculate two-way terms of Hlamsq ----------------------------------------
- if (is.null(ind1) && is.null(ind2))
- two.way.terms <- 0
- else {
- lambda.two.way <- Hlam_two_way_index(lambda[1:q, j], lambdasq[1:q, j])
- two.way.terms <-
- Reduce("+", mapply("*", H2l, lambda.two.way, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
- }
- res[[j]] <- square.terms + two.way.terms
- }
- return(res)
- }
-Hlam_two_way_index <- function(lam, lamsq) {
- # mod <- iprior::.kernL(Species ~ . ^ 2, iris)
- # iprobit.env <- environment()
- # list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
- # list2env(BlockBstuff, iprobit.env)
- # list2env(model, iprobit.env)
- comb.ind12 <- cbind(ind1, ind2)
- comb.ind12 <- split(comb.ind12, row(comb.ind12))
- replace_ind <- function(x) {
- if (any(x > p)) {
- here <- which(x > p)
- what <- x[here] - p
- res <- c(x[-here], intr[, what])
- sort(res)
- } else {
- x
- }
- }
- lam_ind <- function(x) {
- here <- which(duplicated(x))
- if (length(here > 0)) {
- what <- x[here]
- what.not <- x[x != what]
- prod(lamsq[what]) * prod(lam[what.not])
- } else {
- prod(lam[x])
- }
- }
- lapply(lapply(comb.ind12, replace_ind), lam_ind)
-# myfun <- function() {
-# # Function to test lambdaExpand_mult() and the Hlam*_mult functions
-# set.seed(123)
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 4, m = 3)
-# mod <- iprior::.kernL(y ~ . ^ 2, dat)
-# iprobit.env <- environment()
-# list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
-# list2env(BlockBstuff, iprobit.env)
-# list2env(model, iprobit.env)
-# environment(lambdaExpand_mult) <- iprobit.env
-# environment(HlamFn_mult) <- iprobit.env
-# environment(HlamsqFn_mult) <- iprobit.env
-# environment(Hlam_two_way_index) <- iprobit.env
-# m <- length(y.levels)
-# lambda <- matrix(2:3, ncol = m, nrow = l)
-# lambda.sq <- lambda ^ 2
-# lambdaExpand_mult(x = lambda, y = lambda.sq, env = iprobit.env)
-# HlamFn_mult(env = iprobit.env)
-# HlamsqFn_mult(env = iprobit.env)
-# list(H = Hl, Hsq = Hsql, lambda = lambda, lambda.sq = lambda.sq,
-# Hlam.mat = Hlam.mat[[1]], Hlam.matsq = Hlam.matsq[[1]])
-# # CHECK
-# # 2 3 6 (lambda)
-# # 4 9 36 (lambda.sq)
-# #
-# # H1 <- H[[1]]
-# # H2 <- H[[2]]
-# # H12 <- H[[1]] * H[[2]]
-# # H1sq <- H1 %*% H1
-# # H2sq <- H2 %*% H2
-# # H12sq <- H12 %*% H12
-# #
-# # 4 * H1sq + 9 * H2sq + 36 * H12sq + 2 * 3 * (H1 %*% H2 + H2 %*% H1) + 4 * 3 * (H1 %*% H12 + H12 %*% H1) + 9 * 2 * (H2 %*% H12 + H12 %*% H2)
-# }
hyperparam_to_theta <- function(lambda, hurst, lengthscale, offset) {
# In order to be compatible with the iprior helper functions, need theta (the
# unconstrained versions of the hyperparameters, excluding alpha).
@@ -538,7 +199,6 @@ param.full_to_coef <- function(param.full, object) {
iprior::.reduce_theta(x, est.list = object$estl)$theta.reduced
res <- rbind("Intercept" = param.full[1, ], res)
- rownames(res) <- get_names(object, expand = FALSE)
diff --git a/R/fitted_and_predict.R b/R/fitted_and_predict.R
index 9ec9b6b..505747e 100644
--- a/R/fitted_and_predict.R
+++ b/R/fitted_and_predict.R
@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@
fitted.iprobitMod <- function(object, quantiles = FALSE, n.samp = 100,
transform = identity, raw = FALSE, ...) {
if (isTRUE(quantiles)) {
- return(predict_quant(object, n.samp, transform, raw = raw, type = "train"))
+ y <- as.numeric(factor(object$ipriorKernel$y))
+ return(predict_quant(object, n.samp, transform, raw = raw, type = "train",
+ y = y))
} else {
res <- object$fitted.values
res$prob <- transform(res$prob)
@@ -101,17 +104,20 @@ predict_iprobit <- function(object, xstar, y.test, quantiles = FALSE,
-calc_ystar <- function(object, xstar, alpha, theta, w) {
+calc_ystar <- function(object, xstar, alpha, theta, w, theta.is.lambda = FALSE) {
# Args: An ipriorKernel object.
# Returns: For binary models, a vector of ystar. For multinomial models, this
# is a matrix with columns representing the number of classes.
- if (is.null(xstar)) Hlam.new <- get_Hlam(object, theta)
- else Hlam.new <- get_Htildelam(object, theta, xstar)
+ if (is.null(xstar)) Hlam.new <- get_Hlam(object, theta, theta.is.lambda)
+ else Hlam.new <- get_Htildelam(object, theta, xstar, theta.is.lambda)
if (is.iprobit_bin(object)) {
+ if (length(alpha) > 1) {
+ stopifnot(all.same(as.numeric(alpha)))
+ alpha <- alpha[1]
+ }
return(as.numeric(alpha + Hlam.new %*% w))
} else {
- res <- NULL
m <- get_m(object)
if (length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, m)
return(rep(alpha, each = nrow(Hlam.new[[1]])) +
@@ -120,6 +126,7 @@ calc_ystar <- function(object, xstar, alpha, theta, w) {
probs_yhat_error <- function(y, y.levels, ystar, type = c("train", "test")) {
+ # Args: y is for comparison (test or training responses).
m <- length(y.levels)
if (m == 2) {
@@ -150,7 +157,8 @@ probs_yhat_error <- function(y, y.levels, ystar, type = c("train", "test")) {
levels(y.hat) <- y.levels
error.rate <- mean(as.numeric(y.hat) != as.numeric(y)) * 100
- brier.score <- brier_score(as.numeric(y), as.numeric(y.hat), as.data.frame(p.hat))
+ brier.score <- brier_score(as.numeric(y), as.numeric(y.hat),
+ as.data.frame(p.hat))
structure(list(y = y.hat, prob = as.data.frame(p.hat),
type = match.arg(type, c("train", "test")),
@@ -158,7 +166,6 @@ probs_yhat_error <- function(y, y.levels, ystar, type = c("train", "test")) {
class = "iprobitPredict")
-#' @export
predict_quant <- function(object, n.samp, transform = identity, raw = FALSE,
xstar = NULL, y = NULL, type = c("train", "test")) {
# Helper function to get the quantiles of the probabilities, error rate and
@@ -170,49 +177,73 @@ predict_quant <- function(object, n.samp, transform = identity, raw = FALSE,
tmp <- sample_prob_bin(object, n.samp, xstar, y)
if (is.iprobitMod_mult(object)) {
- # tmp <- sample_prob_mult(object, n.samp, Hl, y)
+ tmp <- sample_prob_mult(object, n.samp, xstar, y)
phats <- convert_prob(tmp$phat.samp, transform)
names(phats) <- object$ipriorKernel$y.levels
+ if (all(is.nan(tmp$error.samp))) {
+ error.rate <- NaN
+ } else {
+ error.rate <- stats::quantile(tmp$error.samp,
+ probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975))
+ }
+ if (all(is.nan(tmp$brier.samp))) {
+ brier.score <- NaN
+ } else {
+ brier.score <- stats::quantile(tmp$brier.samp,
+ probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975))
+ }
if (isTRUE(raw)) {
- prob = phats, train.error = tmp$error.samp, brier.score = tmp$brier.samp
+ prob = phats, error.rate = tmp$error.samp, brier.score = tmp$brier.samp
} else {
prob = quantile_prob(phats),
- error.rate = stats::quantile(tmp$error.samp, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)),
- brier.score = stats::quantile(tmp$brier.samp, probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)),
+ error.rate = error.rate,
+ brier.score = brier.score,
type = match.arg(type, c("train", "test"))
), class = "iprobitPredict_quant"))
-# calc_ystar <- function(object, xstar, alpha, theta, w)
sample_prob_bin <- function(object, n.samp, xstar = NULL, y = NULL) {
# Helper function to sample probabilities, error rates and brier scores for
- # binary models.
+ # binary models. For the closed-form VB-EM, then the hyperparameters all have
+ # normal distributions. For the VB-EM with Metropolis sampler, then the
+ # samples for theta are Bootstrapped from object$theta.samp, a remnant of the
+ # fitting procedure. Note that results will not be so good if n.samp >>
+ # nrow(object$theta.samp).
# Args: An iprobitMod_x object.
+ #
+ # Returns: A list of 1) a list of class probability samples; 2) a vector of
+ # samples of misclassification rates; and 3) a vector of sample Brier scores.
+ # This is needed in predict_quant().
alpha.samp <- sample_alpha(n.samp, get_alpha(object), get_sd_alpha(object))
+ til <- FALSE
if (grepl("Closed-form", object$est.method)) {
theta.samp <- sample_lambda(n.samp, get_lambda(object),
+ til <- TRUE
} else {
- stop("Not implemented yet.")
+ theta.samp <- object$theta.samp
+ theta.samp <- theta.samp[sample(seq_len(nrow(theta.samp)), size = n.samp), ]
w.samp <- sample_w(n.samp, object$w, object$Varw) # n.samp x n matrix
phat.samp <- list()
error.samp <- brier.samp <- rep(NA, n.samp)
- if (is.null(y)) y <- as.numeric(factor(object$ipriorKernel$y))
for (i in seq_len(n.samp)) {
alpha <- alpha.samp[i]
- theta <- hyperparam_to_theta(theta.samp[i, ])
+ theta <- theta.samp[i, ]
w <- w.samp[i, ]
- ystar.samp <- calc_ystar(object$ipriorKernel, xstar, alpha, theta, w)
+ ystar.samp <- calc_ystar(object$ipriorKernel, xstar, alpha, theta, w, til)
tmp <- probs_yhat_error(y, object$ipriorKernel$y.levels, ystar.samp)
phat.samp[[i]] <- tmp$prob
error.samp[i] <- tmp$error
@@ -222,144 +253,98 @@ sample_prob_bin <- function(object, n.samp, xstar = NULL, y = NULL) {
list(phat.samp = phat.samp, error.samp = error.samp, brier.samp = brier.samp)
-sample_alpha <- function(n.samp, mean, sd) {
- rnorm(n.samp, mean, sd)
-sample_lambda <- function(n.samp, mean, sd) {
- if (length(mean) > 1) {
- return(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, mean, diag(sd ^ 2)))
- } else {
- return(matrix(log(rnorm(n.samp, mean, sd)))) # note the log(lambda)
- }
-sample_w <- function(n.samp, mean, variance) {
- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, mean, variance)
-#' calc_ystar <- function(object, xstar) {
-#' # Helper function to calculate ystar values from Hl, lambda, alpha and w. If
-#' # values are not supplied in the argument, these are obtained from object.
-#' #
-#' # Args: iprobitMod object.
-#' #
-#' # Returns:
-#' list2env(object, environment())
-#' list2env(ipriorKernel, environment())
-#' list2env(model, environment())
-#' if (!is.null(Hl.new)) Hl <- Hl.new
-#' if (!is.null(alpha.new)) alpha <- alpha.new
-#' if (!is.null(lambda.new)) lambda <- lambda.new
-#' if (!is.null(w.new)) w <- w.new
-#' if (is.iprobitMod_bin(object)) {
-#' environment(lambdaExpand_bin) <- environment()
-#' environment(HlamFn) <- environment()
-#' lambdaExpand_bin(env = environment(), y = NULL)
-#' HlamFn(env = environment())
-#' return(as.vector(alpha + (Hlam.mat %*% w)))
-#' }
-#' if (is.iprobitMod_mult(object)) {
-#' # environment(lambdaExpand_mult) <- environment()
-#' # environment(HlamFn_mult) <- environment()
-#' # lambdaExpand_mult(env = environment(), y = NULL)
-#' # HlamFn_mult(env = environment())
-#' # return(rep(alpha, each = nrow(Hlam.mat[[1]])) +
-#' # mapply("%*%", Hlam.mat, split(w, col(w))))
-#' }
-#' }
-# predict_iprobit_mult <- function(y, y.levels, ystar, type = c("train", "test")) {
-# m <- length(y.levels)
-# p.hat <- ystar
-# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ystar))) {
-# for (j in seq_along(y.levels)) {
-# p.hat[i, j] <- EprodPhiZ(ystar[i, j] - ystar[i, seq_along(y.levels)[-j]])
-# }
-# # p.hat[i, m] <- 1 - sum(p.hat[i, 1:(m - 1)])
-# }
-# p.hat <- p.hat / matrix(rep(apply(p.hat, 1, sum), m), ncol = m) # normalise
-# colnames(p.hat) <- y.levels
-# tmp <- p.hat
-# y.hat <- factor(
-# apply(tmp, 1, function(x) which(x == max(x))),
-# levels = seq_len(m)
-# )
-# levels(y.hat) <- y.levels
-# error.rate <- mean(as.numeric(y.hat) != as.numeric(y)) * 100
-# brier.score <- brier_score(as.numeric(y), as.numeric(y.hat), as.data.frame(p.hat))
-# type <- match.arg(type, c("train", "test"))
-# structure(list(y = y.hat, prob = as.data.frame(p.hat), type = type,
-# train.error = error.rate, brier.score = brier.score),
-# class = "iprobit_predict")
-# }
+sample_prob_mult <- function(object, n.samp, xstar = NULL, y = NULL) {
+ # Helper function to sample probabilities, error rates and brier scores for
+ # multinomial models.
+ alpha.samp <- theta.samp <- w.samp <- phat.samp <- list()
+ m <- get_m(object)
+ til <- FALSE
+ vb.closed <- grepl("Closed-form", object$est.method)
+ alpha <- c(get_alpha(object, by.class = TRUE))
+ sd.alpha <- get_sd_alpha(object)
+ lambda <- get_lambda(object, by.class = TRUE)
+ sd.lambda <- matrix(get_sd_lambda(object), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
+ if (isTRUE(vb.closed)) til <- TRUE
-#' @export
-sample_prob_mult <- function(object, n.samp, Hl.new = NULL, y = NULL) {
- # Helper function to sample probabilities, error rates and brier scores for
- # multinomial models.
- alpha.samp <- lambda.samp <- w.samp <- phat.samp <- list()
- m <- object$ipriorKernel$m
+ # First, sample per class ----------------------------------------------------
for (j in seq_len(m)) {
- # First sample per class
- alpha.samp[[j]] <- rnorm(n.samp, object$alpha[j], object$se.alpha)
- if (nrow(object$lambda) > 1) {
- lambda.samp[[j]] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, object$lambda[, j],
- diag(object$se.lambda[, j] ^ 2))
- } else {
- lambda.samp[[j]] <- matrix(rnorm(n.samp, object$lambda[, j],
- object$se.lambda[, j]))
+ alpha.samp[[j]] <- sample_alpha(n.samp, alpha[j], sd.alpha[j])
+ if (isTRUE(vb.closed)) {
+ theta.samp[[j]] <- sample_lambda(n.samp, lambda[, j], sd.lambda[, j])
- w.samp[[j]] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, object$w[, j], object$Varw[[j]])
+ w.samp[[j]] <- sample_w(n.samp, object$w[, j], object$Varw[[j]])
- # Then combine each sample into a list of length n.samp (makes it easier in
- # the calculation of the probabilities etc.)
+ # Then combine each sample into a list of length n.samp (makes it easier in --
+ # the calculation of the probabilities etc.) ---------------------------------
alpha.samp <- mapply(function(x) unlist(lapply(alpha.samp, `[`, x)),
seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
- lambda.samp <- mapply(function(x) matrix(unlist(lapply(lambda.samp, `[`, x, )), ncol = m),
- seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
+ if (isTRUE(vb.closed)) {
+ theta.samp <- mapply(function(x) matrix(unlist(lapply(theta.samp, `[`, x, )),
+ ncol = m),
+ seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
+ } else {
+ theta.samp <- object$theta.samp
+ theta.samp <- theta.samp[sample(seq_along(theta.samp), size = n.samp)]
+ }
w.samp <- mapply(function(x) matrix(unlist(lapply(w.samp, `[`, x, )), ncol = m),
seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
- phat.samp <- list()
error.samp <- brier.samp <- rep(NA, n.samp)
- if (is.null(y)) y <- object$ipriorKernel$Y
for (i in seq_len(n.samp)) {
alpha <- alpha.samp[[i]]
- lambda <- lambda.samp[[i]]
+ theta <- theta.samp[[i]]
w <- w.samp[[i]]
- ystar.samp <- calc_ystar(object, Hl.new = Hl.new, alpha.new = alpha,
- lambda.new = lambda, w.new = w)
- tmp <- predict_iprobit_mult(y, object$ipriorKernel$y.levels, ystar.samp)
+ ystar.samp <- calc_ystar(object$ipriorKernel, xstar, alpha, theta, w, til)
+ tmp <- probs_yhat_error(y, object$ipriorKernel$y.levels, ystar.samp)
phat.samp[[i]] <- tmp$prob
- error.samp[i] <- tmp$train.error
- brier.samp[i] <- tmp$brier.score
+ error.samp[i] <- tmp$error
+ brier.samp[i] <- tmp$brier
list(phat.samp = phat.samp, error.samp = error.samp, brier.samp = brier.samp)
+sample_alpha <- function(n.samp, mean, sd) {
+ # Helper function for sample_prob_bin(). Samples the intercept from the
+ # (approximated) posterior N(mean, sd^2).
+ #
+ # Args: The number of samples n.samp, the mean and sd of the normal
+ # distribution.
+ #
+ # Returns: A vector of length n.samp containing the intercept samples.
+ rnorm(n.samp, mean, sd)
+sample_lambda <- function(n.samp, mean, sd) {
+ # Helper function for sample_prob_bin(). Samples the intercept from the
+ # (approximated) posterior N(mean, sd^2).
+ #
+ # Args: The number of samples n.samp, the mean and sd of the normal
+ # distribution.
+ #
+ # Returns: A matrix with n.samp rows containing the lambda samples.
+ if (length(mean) > 1) {
+ return(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, mean, diag(sd ^ 2)))
+ } else {
+ return(matrix(rnorm(n.samp, mean, sd)))
+ }
+sample_w <- function(n.samp, mean, variance) {
+ # Helper function for sample_prob_bin(). Samples the intercept from the
+ # (approximated) posterior N(mean, variance).
+ #
+ # Args: The number of samples n.samp, the mean and variance of the
+ # multivariate normal distribution.
+ #
+ # Returns: A matrix with n.samp rows containing the w samples.
+ mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, mean, variance)
-#' @export
convert_prob <- function(phat, transform = identity) {
# Converts list of length n.samp containing random samples of the
# probabilities. This function converts it into a list of length no.classes so
@@ -373,7 +358,6 @@ convert_prob <- function(phat, transform = identity) {
-#' @export
quantile_prob <- function(phats) {
# Get quantiles for lists returned from convert_prob()
for (i in seq_along(phats)) {
@@ -383,7 +367,6 @@ quantile_prob <- function(phats) {
lapply(phats, as.data.frame)
-#' @export
print.iprobitPredict <- function(x, rows = 10, digits = 3, ...) {
if (x$type == "train") {
cat("Training error:", paste0(decimal_place(x$error.rate, digits), "%\n"))
@@ -413,7 +396,6 @@ print.iprobitPredict <- function(x, rows = 10, digits = 3, ...) {
if (nrow(x$p) > rows) cat("# ... with", nrow(x$p) - rows, "more rows")
-#' @export
print.iprobitPredict_quant <- function(x, rows = 5, digits = 3, ...) {
rows.act <- nrow(x$prob[[1]])
rows <- min(rows.act, rows)
diff --git a/R/iprobit.R b/R/iprobit.R
index c1c11c2..9dec774 100644
--- a/R/iprobit.R
+++ b/R/iprobit.R
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ iprobit.default <- function(y, ..., kernel = "linear", interactions = NULL,
train.samp, control = list()) {
# Load the I-prior model -----------------------------------------------------
if (iprior::is.ipriorKernel(y)) {
- mod <- y
+ mod <- remove_psi(y) # remove psi from estimation procedure if not already
} else {
mod <- iprior::kernL(y, ..., kernel = kernel, interactions = interactions,
est.lambda = TRUE, est.psi = FALSE, psi = 1,
@@ -42,16 +42,17 @@ iprobit.default <- function(y, ..., kernel = "linear", interactions = NULL,
# Set up controls ------------------------------------------------------------
control_ <- list(
- maxit = 10,
+ maxit = 100,
stop.crit = 1e-5,
silent = FALSE,
alpha0 = NULL, # if NULL, parameters are
- lambda0 = NULL, # initialised in VB
+ # lambda0 = NULL, # initialised in VB
w0 = NULL, # routine
theta0 = NULL,
n.samp = 100, # settings for
sd.samp = 0.15, # the metropolis
thin.samp = 2, # sampler
+ seed = NULL,
restarts = 0,
restart.method = c("lb", "error", "brier")
@@ -74,11 +75,11 @@ iprobit.default <- function(y, ..., kernel = "linear", interactions = NULL,
if (m == 2) {
# Binary models ----------------------------------------------------------
if (est.method["em.closed"]) { # VB CLOSED-FORM
- res <- iprobit_bin(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, lambda0, w0)
+ res <- iprobit_bin(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0, w0)
res$est.method <- "Closed-form VB-EM algorithm."
} else {
res <- iprobit_bin_metr(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0,
- w0, n.samp, sd.samp, thin.samp)
+ w0, n.samp, sd.samp, thin.samp, seed)
res$est.method <- paste0("VB-EM with Metropolis sampler (",
iprior::dec_plac(mean(res$acc.rate) * 100, 1),
"% acc.).")
@@ -87,12 +88,16 @@ iprobit.default <- function(y, ..., kernel = "linear", interactions = NULL,
} else {
# Multinomial models -----------------------------------------------------
if (est.method["em.closed"]) { # VB CLOSED-FORM
- res <- iprobit_mult(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, lambda0, w0,
+ res <- iprobit_mult(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0, w0,
common.intercept, common.RKHS.scale)
res$est.method <- "Closed-form VB-EM algorithm."
- # res$coefficients <- rbind(get_alpha(res), get_lambda(res))
} else {
- stop("Not implemented yet.")
+ res <- iprobit_mult_metr(mod, maxit, stop.crit, silent, alpha0, theta0,
+ w0, n.samp, sd.samp, thin.samp, seed,
+ common.intercept, common.RKHS.scale)
+ res$est.method <- paste0("VB-EM with Metropolis sampler (",
+ iprior::dec_plac(mean(res$acc.rate) * 100, 1),
+ "% acc.).")
class(res) <- c("iprobitMod", "iprobitMod_mult")
@@ -106,6 +111,7 @@ iprobit.default <- function(y, ..., kernel = "linear", interactions = NULL,
res$ipriorKernel <- mod
res$coefficients <- param.full_to_coef(res$param.full, mod)
+ # rownames(res$coefficients) <- get_names(mod, expand = FALSE)
# Change the call to "iprobit" -----------------------------------------------
res$call <- iprior::.fix_call_default(match.call(), "iprobit")
@@ -146,7 +152,6 @@ iprobit.formula <- function(formula, data, kernel = "linear", one.lam = FALSE,
iprobit.ipriorKernel <- function(object, control = list(),
common.intercept = FALSE,
common.RKHS.scale = FALSE, ...) {
- object <- remove_psi(object)
res <- iprobit.default(y = object, method = method, control = control,
common.intercept = common.intercept,
common.RKHS.scale = common.RKHS.scale)
diff --git a/R/iprobit_bin.R b/R/iprobit_bin.R
index 0e6e833..bbb25cb 100644
--- a/R/iprobit_bin.R
+++ b/R/iprobit_bin.R
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
-#' @export
iprobit_bin <- function(mod, maxit = 100, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
- alpha0 = NULL, lambda0 = NULL, w0 = NULL) {
+ alpha0 = NULL, theta0 = NULL, w0 = NULL) {
# Declare all variables and functions to be used into environment ------------
iprobit.env <- environment()
list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
@@ -33,8 +32,12 @@ iprobit_bin <- function(mod, maxit = 100, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
# Initialise -----------------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(alpha0)) alpha0 <- rnorm(1)
- if (is.null(lambda0)) lambda0 <- abs(rnorm(p))
+ if (is.null(theta0)) theta0 <- rnorm(p)
if (is.null(w0)) w0 <- rep(0, n)
+ if (p == 1) lambda0 <- exp(theta0) # ensures positive values
+ else lambda0 <- theta0
+ alpha <- alpha0
lambda <- ct <- lambda0
lambdasq <- lambda0 ^ 2
Hl <- iprior::.expand_Hl_and_lambda(Hl, rep(1, p), intr, intr.3plus)$Hl # expand Hl
@@ -42,7 +45,6 @@ iprobit_bin <- function(mod, maxit = 100, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
lambdasq <- expand_lambda(lambdasq[1:p], intr, intr.3plus)
Hlam <- get_Hlam(mod, lambda, theta.is.lambda = TRUE)
Hlamsq <- get_Hlamsq()
- alpha <- alpha0
w <- w0
Varw <- NA
f.tmp <- as.numeric(alpha + Hlam %*% w)
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ iprobit_bin <- function(mod, maxit = 100, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
(sum(diag(W)) + determinant(A)$modulus + sum(log(ct))) / 2
# theta --------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (length(lambda) == 1) theta <- log(lambda[1:p])
+ if (p == 1) theta <- log(lambda[1])
else theta <- lambda[1:p]
theta <- matrix(theta, ncol = 2, nrow = length(theta))
@@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ iprobit_bin <- function(mod, maxit = 100, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
`97.5%` = c(alpha, lambda[1:p]) + qnorm(0.975) * sqrt(c(1 / n, 1 / ct[1:p]))
colnames(param.summ) <- c("Mean", "S.D.", "2.5%", "97.5%")
- rownames(param.summ) <- get_names(mod, expand = FALSE)
+ rownames(param.summ) <- get_names(mod, c("intercept", "lambda"), FALSE)
# Clean up and close ---------------------------------------------------------
convergence <- niter == maxit
diff --git a/R/iprobit_bin_metr.R b/R/iprobit_bin_metr.R
index c25ea6a..17763a3 100644
--- a/R/iprobit_bin_metr.R
+++ b/R/iprobit_bin_metr.R
@@ -1,6 +1,40 @@
+# iprobit: Binary and Multinomial Probit Regression with I-priors
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Haziq Jamil
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# The updating equation for theta depends on a density that cannot be
+# recognised. Therefore, in order to obtain posterior samples from this density,
+# we must emebed a Metropolis step within the VB-EM. After getting samples
+# theta.samp, we can then calculate any statistic of interest, including
+# E[H_theta], E[H_theta^2], the unconstrained version of the parameters
+# g^{-1})(theta), and so on. Uncertainty of these estimates can be summarised
+# through the standard deviation of the samples, and we also calculate the
+# quantiles c(0.025, 0.975) for the relevant samples.
+# In order to obtain E[H_theta] and E[H_theta^2], we create a list Hlaml (c.f.
+# Hlamsql) of length n.samp. For each value of theta.samp, calculate H_theta and
+# store it in the list. The estimate would then be the sample mean.
iprobit_bin_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 20, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
alpha0 = NULL, theta0 = NULL, w0 = NULL,
- n.samp = 1000, sd.samp = 0.1, thin.samp = 10) {
+ n.samp = 1000, sd.samp = 0.15, thin.samp = 10,
+ seed = NULL) {
# Declare all variables and functions to be used into environment ------------
iprobit.env <- environment()
list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
@@ -10,6 +44,7 @@ iprobit_bin_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 20, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
thin.seq <- seq_len(n.samp)[seq_len(n.samp) %% thin.samp == 0]
# Initialise -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
if (is.null(alpha0)) alpha0 <- rnorm(1)
if (is.null(theta0)) theta0 <- rnorm(thetal$n.theta)
if (is.null(w0)) w0 <- rep(0, n)
@@ -83,6 +118,7 @@ iprobit_bin_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 20, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
acc.rate[niter] <- count / n.samp
theta <- apply(theta.samp[thin.seq, ], 2, mean)
+ theta <- matrix(theta, ncol = 2, nrow = length(theta))
Hlam <- Reduce("+", Hlaml[thin.seq]) / length(Hlaml[thin.seq])
Hlamsq <- Reduce("+", Hlamsql[thin.seq]) / length(Hlamsql[thin.seq])
@@ -116,10 +152,12 @@ iprobit_bin_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 20, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
time.taken <- iprior::as.time(end.time - start.time)
# Calculate posterior s.d. and prepare param table ---------------------------
+ param.full <- theta_to_param.full(theta, alpha, mod)
param.summ <- rbind(
- alpha = c(alpha, 1 / n, alpha - qnorm(0.975) / n, alpha + qnorm(0.975) / n),
- theta.samp_to_param.summ(theta.samp[thin.seq, ], mod)
+ c(alpha, 1 / n, alpha - qnorm(0.975) / n, alpha + qnorm(0.975) / n),
+ theta.samp_to_summ(theta.samp[thin.seq, ], mod)
+ rownames(param.summ) <- get_names(mod, expand = FALSE)
# Clean up and close ---------------------------------------------------------
convergence <- niter == maxit
@@ -129,8 +167,8 @@ iprobit_bin_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 20, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
else cat("Converged after", niter, "iterations.\n")
- list(theta = theta, param.summ = param.summ, w = w, Varw = Varw,
- lower.bound = as.numeric(na.omit(lb)), niter = niter,
+ list(theta = theta, param.full = param.full, param.summ = param.summ, w = w,
+ Varw = Varw, lower.bound = as.numeric(na.omit(lb)), niter = niter,
start.time = start.time, end.time = end.time, time = time.taken,
fitted.values = fitted.values, test = fitted.test,
train.error = as.numeric(na.omit(train.error)),
@@ -141,7 +179,7 @@ iprobit_bin_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 20, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
theta.samp = theta.samp[thin.seq, ])
-theta.samp_to_param.summ <- function(theta.samp, object) {
+theta.samp_to_summ <- function(theta.samp, object) {
# Args: theta.samp is the sample from the (approximate) posterior q(theta),
# and object is an ipriorKernel object.
theta <- apply(theta.samp, 2, mean)
@@ -151,14 +189,14 @@ theta.samp_to_param.summ <- function(theta.samp, object) {
ginv.theta.sd <- apply(ginv.theta.samp, 2, sd)
ginv.theta.0025 <- apply(ginv.theta.samp, 2, stats::quantile, probs = 0.025)
ginv.theta.0975 <- apply(ginv.theta.samp, 2, stats::quantile, probs = 0.975)
- param.summ <- data.frame(
+ res <- data.frame(
Mean = ginv.theta,
S.D. = ginv.theta.sd,
`2.5%` = ginv.theta.0025,
`97.5%` = ginv.theta.0975
- colnames(param.summ) <- c("Mean", "S.D.", "2.5%", "97.5%")
- param.summ
+ colnames(res) <- c("Mean", "S.D.", "2.5%", "97.5%")
+ res
diff --git a/R/iprobit_bin_metr (backup).R b/R/iprobit_bin_metr_backup.R
similarity index 100%
rename from R/iprobit_bin_metr (backup).R
rename to R/iprobit_bin_metr_backup.R
diff --git a/R/iprobit_helper.R b/R/iprobit_helper.R
index 116b415..8f8a619 100644
--- a/R/iprobit_helper.R
+++ b/R/iprobit_helper.R
@@ -18,6 +18,192 @@
+expand_lambda <- function(x, intr, intr.3plus = NULL) {
+ # Helper function to expand lambda or lambda.sq (scale parameters) according
+ # to any interactions specification.
+ #
+ # Args: lambda
+ #
+ # Returns: Expanded lambda.
+ if (is.vector(x)) {
+ # Binary models ------------------------------------------------------------
+ return(iprior::.expand_Hl_and_lambda(x, x, intr, intr.3plus)$lambda)
+ } else {
+ # Multinomial models -------------------------------------------------------
+ res <- NULL
+ m <- ncol(x)
+ for (j in seq_len(m)) {
+ res[[j]] <- iprior::.expand_Hl_and_lambda(x[, j], x[, j], intr,
+ intr.3plus)$lambda
+ }
+ return(matrix(unlist(res), ncol = m))
+ }
+get_Hlam <- function(object, theta, theta.is.lambda = FALSE) {
+ # Obtains the kernel matrix Hlam.
+ #
+ # Args:
+ #
+ # Returns: For binary models, this calculate Hlam. For multinomial models,
+ # this calculates Hlam for every class---so a list is returned.
+ if (is.iprobit_bin(object)) {
+ if (is.matrix(theta)) theta <- theta[, 1]
+ return(iprior::.get_Hlam(object, theta, theta.is.lambda))
+ } else {
+ res <- NULL
+ m <- get_m(object)
+ for (j in seq_len(m)) {
+ res[[j]] <- iprior::.get_Hlam(object, as.numeric(theta[, j]),
+ theta.is.lambda)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+get_Htildelam <- function(object, theta, xstar, theta.is.lambda = FALSE) {
+ if (is.iprobit_bin(object)) {
+ if (is.matrix(theta)) theta <- theta[, 1]
+ return(iprior::.get_Htildelam(object, theta, xstar, theta.is.lambda))
+ } else {
+ res <- NULL
+ m <- get_m(object)
+ for (j in seq_len(m)) {
+ res[[j]] <- iprior::.get_Htildelam(object, as.numeric(theta[, j]), xstar,
+ theta.is.lambda)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+get_Hlamsq <- function() {
+ # Calculate Hlamsq for closed-form VB.
+ #
+ # Args: mod is an ipriorKernel object defined in parent environment, along
+ # with lambda, lambdasq, Psql, Hsql, H2l, ind1, ind2, p, and no.int.
+ #
+ # Returns: Hlamsq mat for binary models, and list of Hlamsq matrices for
+ # multinomial models.
+ environment(Hlam_two_way_index) <- environment()
+ q <- p + no.int
+ m <- get_m(mod)
+ if (is.iprobit_bin(mod)) { # BINARY MODEL
+ # Calculate square terms of Hlamsq -----------------------------------------
+ if (is.null(Hsql))
+ square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Psql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q],
+ else
+ square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Hsql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q],
+ # Calculate two-way terms of Hlamsq ----------------------------------------
+ if (is.null(ind1) && is.null(ind2)) {
+ two.way.terms <- 0
+ } else {
+ lambda.two.way <- Hlam_two_way_index(lambda, lambdasq)
+ two.way.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", H2l, lambda.two.way,
+ }
+ return(square.terms + two.way.terms)
+ } else {
+ res <- NULL
+ for (j in seq_len(m)) { # MULTINOMIAL MODEL
+ # Calculate square terms of Hlamsq -----------------------------------------
+ if (is.null(Hsql))
+ square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Psql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q, j],
+ else
+ square.terms <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", Hsql[1:q], lambdasq[1:q, j],
+ # Calculate two-way terms of Hlamsq ----------------------------------------
+ if (is.null(ind1) && is.null(ind2))
+ two.way.terms <- 0
+ else {
+ lambda.two.way <- Hlam_two_way_index(lambda[1:q, j], lambdasq[1:q, j])
+ two.way.terms <-
+ Reduce("+", mapply("*", H2l, lambda.two.way, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
+ }
+ res[[j]] <- square.terms + two.way.terms
+ }
+ return(res)
+ }
+Hlam_two_way_index <- function(lam, lamsq) {
+ # mod <- iprior::.kernL(Species ~ . ^ 2, iris)
+ # iprobit.env <- environment()
+ # list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
+ # list2env(BlockBstuff, iprobit.env)
+ # list2env(model, iprobit.env)
+ comb.ind12 <- cbind(ind1, ind2)
+ comb.ind12 <- split(comb.ind12, row(comb.ind12))
+ replace_ind <- function(x) {
+ if (any(x > p)) {
+ here <- which(x > p)
+ what <- x[here] - p
+ res <- c(x[-here], intr[, what])
+ sort(res)
+ } else {
+ x
+ }
+ }
+ lam_ind <- function(x) {
+ here <- which(duplicated(x))
+ if (length(here > 0)) {
+ what <- x[here]
+ what.not <- x[x != what]
+ prod(lamsq[what]) * prod(lam[what.not])
+ } else {
+ prod(lam[x])
+ }
+ }
+ lapply(lapply(comb.ind12, replace_ind), lam_ind)
+# myfun <- function() {
+# # Function to test lambdaExpand_mult() and the Hlam*_mult functions
+# set.seed(123)
+# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 4, m = 3)
+# mod <- iprior::.kernL(y ~ . ^ 2, dat)
+# iprobit.env <- environment()
+# list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
+# list2env(BlockBstuff, iprobit.env)
+# list2env(model, iprobit.env)
+# environment(lambdaExpand_mult) <- iprobit.env
+# environment(HlamFn_mult) <- iprobit.env
+# environment(HlamsqFn_mult) <- iprobit.env
+# environment(Hlam_two_way_index) <- iprobit.env
+# m <- length(y.levels)
+# lambda <- matrix(2:3, ncol = m, nrow = l)
+# lambda.sq <- lambda ^ 2
+# lambdaExpand_mult(x = lambda, y = lambda.sq, env = iprobit.env)
+# HlamFn_mult(env = iprobit.env)
+# HlamsqFn_mult(env = iprobit.env)
+# list(H = Hl, Hsq = Hsql, lambda = lambda, lambda.sq = lambda.sq,
+# Hlam.mat = Hlam.mat[[1]], Hlam.matsq = Hlam.matsq[[1]])
+# # CHECK
+# # 2 3 6 (lambda)
+# # 4 9 36 (lambda.sq)
+# #
+# # H1 <- H[[1]]
+# # H2 <- H[[2]]
+# # H12 <- H[[1]] * H[[2]]
+# # H1sq <- H1 %*% H1
+# # H2sq <- H2 %*% H2
+# # H12sq <- H12 %*% H12
+# #
+# # 4 * H1sq + 9 * H2sq + 36 * H12sq + 2 * 3 * (H1 %*% H2 + H2 %*% H1) + 4 * 3 * (H1 %*% H12 + H12 %*% H1) + 9 * 2 * (H2 %*% H12 + H12 %*% H2)
+# }
# Helper function to determine when to stop the while loop for the VB-EM
# algorithm.
# If niter == 0 return TRUE because must complete 1 iteration.
diff --git a/R/iprobit_mult.R b/R/iprobit_mult.R
index 74d53dc..1494f47 100644
--- a/R/iprobit_mult.R
+++ b/R/iprobit_mult.R
@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@
-#' @export
iprobit_mult <- function(mod, maxit = 10, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
- alpha0 = NULL, lambda0 = NULL, w0 = NULL,
+ alpha0 = NULL, theta0 = NULL, w0 = NULL,
common.intercept = FALSE, common.RKHS.scale = FALSE) {
# Declare all variables and functions to be used into environment ------------
iprobit.env <- environment()
@@ -39,12 +38,15 @@ iprobit_mult <- function(mod, maxit = 10, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
if (isTRUE(common.intercept)) alpha0 <- rep(rnorm(1), m)
else alpha0 <- rnorm(m)
- if (is.null(lambda0)) {
- if (isTRUE(common.RKHS.scale)) lambda0 <- rep(abs(rnorm(p)), m)
- else lambda0 <- abs(rnorm(p * m))
+ if (is.null(theta0)) {
+ if (isTRUE(common.RKHS.scale)) theta0 <- rep(rnorm(p), m)
+ else theta0 <- rnorm(p * m)
+ if (p == 1) lambda0 <- exp(theta0)
+ else lambda0 <- theta0
if (is.null(w0)) w0 <- matrix(0, ncol = m, nrow = n)
- alpha <- rep(1, m); alpha[1:m] <- alpha0
+ alpha <- alpha0
theta <- lambda <- ct <- dt <- matrix(lambda0, ncol = m, nrow = p)
lambdasq <- lambda ^ 2
Hl <- iprior::.expand_Hl_and_lambda(Hl, rep(1, p), intr, intr.3plus)$Hl # expand Hl
@@ -141,8 +143,8 @@ iprobit_mult <- function(mod, maxit = 10, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
if (isTRUE(common.intercept)) alpha <- rep(mean(alpha), m)
# theta --------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (nrow(lambda) == 1) theta <- log(lambda)
- else theta <- lambda
+ if (p == 1) theta <- log(lambda[1, , drop = FALSE])
+ else theta <- lambda[1:p, , drop = FALSE]
# Calculate lower bound ----------------------------------------------------
lb.ystar <- sum(logClb)
@@ -221,11 +223,6 @@ iprobit_mult <- function(mod, maxit = 10, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
test.brier = as.numeric(na.omit(test.brier)), convergence = convergence)
-# set.seed(123)
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 400, m = 4)
-# mod <- kernL(y ~ ., dat, est.psi = FALSE)
-# set.seed(123); tmp <- iprobit_mult(mod)
# else {
# # Nystrom approximation
# K.mm <- Hlamsq[[j]][1:Nystrom$m, 1:Nystrom$m]
diff --git a/R/iprobit_mult_metr.R b/R/iprobit_mult_metr.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6587966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/iprobit_mult_metr.R
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# iprobit: Binary and Multinomial Probit Regression with I-priors
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Haziq Jamil
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# theta.samp would now be a list of length n.samp and each component of this
+# list is the matrix theta.samp.
+# Similarly Hlaml and Hlamsql are lists of length n.samp, and each component of
+# the list is another list of length m (no. of classes) where the values
+# Hlam_theta for each theta.samp are stored.
+iprobit_mult_metr <- function(mod, maxit = 5, stop.crit = 1e-5, silent = FALSE,
+ alpha0 = NULL, theta0 = NULL, w0 = NULL,
+ n.samp = 100, sd.samp = 0.15, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = NULL, common.intercept = FALSE,
+ common.RKHS.scale = FALSE) {
+ # Declare all variables and functions to be used into environment ------------
+ iprobit.env <- environment()
+ list2env(mod, iprobit.env)
+ environment(loop_logical) <- iprobit.env
+ y <- as.numeric(factor(y)) # as.factor then as.numeric to get y = 1, 2, ...
+ m <- length(y.levels)
+ nm <- n * m
+ maxit <- max(1, maxit)
+ thin.seq <- seq_len(n.samp)[seq_len(n.samp) %% thin.samp == 0]
+ # Initialise -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
+ if (is.null(alpha0)) {
+ if (isTRUE(common.intercept)) alpha0 <- rep(rnorm(1), m)
+ else alpha0 <- rnorm(m)
+ }
+ if (is.null(theta0)) {
+ if (isTRUE(common.RKHS.scale)) theta0 <- rep(abs(rnorm(p)), m)
+ else theta0 <- abs(rnorm(p * m))
+ }
+ if (is.null(w0)) w0 <- matrix(0, ncol = m, nrow = n)
+ alpha <- alpha0
+ theta.samp <- Hlaml <- Hlamsql <- list(NULL)
+ theta <- matrix(theta0, ncol = m, nrow = thetal$n.theta)
+ Hlaml[[1]] <- Hlam <- get_Hlam(mod, theta)
+ Hlamsql[[1]] <- Hlamsq <- lapply(Hlaml[[1]], iprior::fastSquare)
+ theta.samp[[1]] <- theta
+ w <- f.tmp <- ystar <- w0
+ Varw <- W <- list(NULL)
+ f.tmp <- rep(alpha, each = n) + mapply("%*%", Hlam, split(w, col(w)))
+ logdetA <- rep(NA, m)
+ w.ind <- seq_len(
+ ifelse(isTRUE(common.intercept) && isTRUE(common.RKHS.scale), 1, m)
+ )
+ niter <- 0
+ lb <- train.error <- train.brier <- test.error <- test.brier <- rep(NA, maxit)
+ logClb <- rep(NA, n)
+ log.q.star <- rep(NA, m)
+ log.q <- matrix(NA, ncol = m, nrow = n.samp)
+ log.q[1, ] <- sapply(Hlamsq, function(x) -0.5 * sum(diag(x)))
+ acc.rate <- matrix(NA, nrow = maxit, ncol = m)
+ # The variational EM loop ----------------------------------------------------
+ if (!silent) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = maxit, style = 1)
+ start.time <- Sys.time()
+ while (loop_logical()) { # see loop_logical() function in iprobit_helper.R
+ # Update ystar -------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (i in 1:n) {
+ j <- as.numeric(y[i])
+ fi <- f.tmp[i, ]
+ fik <- fi[-j]; fij <- fi[j]
+ logClb[i] <- logC <- EprodPhiZ(fij - fik, log = TRUE)
+ for (k in seq_len(m)[-j]) {
+ logD <- log(integrate(
+ function(z) {
+ fij.minus.fil <- fij - fi[-c(k, j)]
+ logPhi.l <- 0
+ for (kk in seq_len(length(fij.minus.fil)))
+ logPhi.l <- logPhi.l + pnorm(z + fij.minus.fil[kk], log.p = TRUE)
+ logphi.k <- dnorm(z + fij - fi[k], log = TRUE)
+ exp(logphi.k + logPhi.l) * dnorm(z)
+ }, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf
+ )$value)
+ ystar[i, k] <- fi[k] - exp(logD - logC)
+ }
+ ystar[i, j] <- fi[j] - sum(ystar[i, -j] - fi[-j])
+ }
+ # Update w -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (j in w.ind) {
+ A <- Hlamsq[[j]] + diag(1, n)
+ a <- as.numeric(crossprod(Hlam[[j]], ystar[, j] - alpha[j]))
+ eigenA <- iprior::eigenCpp(A)
+ V <- eigenA$vec
+ u <- eigenA$val + 1e-8 # ensure positive eigenvalues
+ uinv.Vt <- t(V) / u
+ w[, j] <- as.numeric(crossprod(a, V) %*% uinv.Vt)
+ Varw[[j]] <- iprior::fastVDiag(V, 1 / u) # V %*% uinv.Vt
+ W[[j]] <- Varw[[j]] + tcrossprod(w[, j])
+ logdetA[j] <- determinant(A)$mod
+ }
+ if (isTRUE(common.intercept) && isTRUE(common.RKHS.scale)) {
+ w <- matrix(w[, 1], nrow = n, ncol = m)
+ W <- rep(list(W[[1]]), m)
+ logdetA <- rep(logdetA[1], m)
+ }
+ # Update theta -------------------------------------------------------------
+ count <- rep(0, m)
+ if (isTRUE(common.RKHS.scale)) {
+ for (t in seq_len(n.samp - 1)) {
+ theta.star <- theta.current <- theta.samp[[t]]
+ theta.star[] <- rnorm(thetal$n.theta, mean = theta.current[, 1], sd = sd.samp)
+ Hlam.star <- get_Hlam(mod, theta.star)
+ Hlamsq.star <- lapply(Hlam.star, iprior::fastSquare)
+ log.q.star[] <- as.numeric(-0.5 * (
+ sum(Hlamsq.star[[1]] * W[[1]]) -
+ 2 * crossprod(ystar[, 1] - alpha[1], Hlam.star[[1]]) %*% w[, 1]
+ ))
+ log.prob.acc <- log.q.star - log.q[t, ]
+ prob.acc <- exp(log.prob.acc)
+ prob.acc[prob.acc > 1] <- 1
+ if (runif(1) < prob.acc[j]) {
+ theta.samp[[t + 1]] <- theta.star
+ Hlaml[[t + 1]] <- Hlam.star
+ Hlamsql[[t + 1]] <- Hlamsq.star
+ log.q[t + 1, ] <- log.q.star
+ count <- count + 1
+ } else {
+ theta.samp[[t + 1]] <- theta.current
+ Hlaml[[t + 1]] <- Hlaml[[t]]
+ Hlamsql[[t + 1]] <- Hlamsql[[t]]
+ log.q[t + 1, ] <- log.q[t, ]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (t in seq_len(n.samp - 1)) {
+ theta.star <- theta.current <- theta.samp[[t]]
+ for (j in 1:m) {
+ theta.star[, j] <- rnorm(thetal$n.theta, mean = theta.current[, j], sd = sd.samp)
+ }
+ Hlam.star <- get_Hlam(mod, theta.star)
+ Hlamsq.star <- lapply(Hlam.star, iprior::fastSquare)
+ for (j in 1:m) {
+ log.q.star[j] <- as.numeric(-0.5 * (
+ sum(Hlamsq.star[[j]] * W[[j]]) -
+ 2 * crossprod(ystar[, j] - alpha[j], Hlam.star[[j]]) %*% w[, j]
+ ))
+ }
+ log.prob.acc <- log.q.star - log.q[t, ]
+ prob.acc <- exp(log.prob.acc)
+ prob.acc[prob.acc > 1] <- 1
+ Hlam.tmp <- Hlaml[[t]]
+ Hlamsq.tmp <- Hlamsql[[t]]
+ theta.tmp <- theta.current
+ for (j in 1:m) {
+ if (runif(1) < prob.acc[j]) {
+ theta.tmp[, j] <- theta.star[, j]
+ Hlam.tmp[[j]] <- Hlam.star[[j]]
+ Hlamsq.tmp[[j]] <- Hlamsq.star[[j]]
+ log.q[t + 1, j] <- log.q.star[j]
+ count[j] <- count[j] + 1
+ } else {
+ log.q[t + 1, j] <- log.q[t, j]
+ }
+ }
+ theta.samp[[t + 1]] <- theta.tmp
+ Hlaml[[t + 1]] <- Hlam.tmp
+ Hlamsql[[t + 1]] <- Hlamsq.tmp
+ }
+ }
+ acc.rate[niter, ] <- count / n.samp
+ theta <- Reduce("+", theta.samp[thin.seq]) / length(theta.samp[thin.seq])
+ # Update Hlam and Hlamsq ---------------------------------------------------
+ for (j in 1:m) {
+ tmp <- lapply(Hlaml, function(x) x[[j]])
+ Hlam[[j]] <- Reduce("+", tmp[thin.seq]) / length(tmp[thin.seq])
+ tmp <- lapply(Hlamsql, function(x) x[[j]])
+ Hlamsq[[j]] <- Reduce("+", tmp[thin.seq]) / length(tmp[thin.seq])
+ }
+ # Update alpha -------------------------------------------------------------
+ alpha <- apply(ystar - mapply("%*%", Hlam, split(w, col(w))), 2, mean)
+ if (isTRUE(common.intercept)) alpha <- rep(mean(alpha), m)
+ # Calculate lower bound ----------------------------------------------------
+ lb.ystar <- sum(logClb)
+ lb.w <- 0.5 * (nm - sum(sapply(W, function(x) sum(diag(x)))) - sum(logdetA))
+ lb.lambda <- -sum(apply(log.q, 2, mean))
+ if (isTRUE(common.intercept))
+ lb.alpha <- 0.5 * (1 + log(2 * pi) - log(nm))
+ else
+ lb.alpha <- (m / 2) * (1 + log(2 * pi) - log(n))
+ lb[niter + 1] <- lb.ystar + lb.w + lb.lambda + lb.alpha
+ # Calculate fitted values and error rate -----------------------------------
+ f.tmp <- rep(alpha, each = n) + mapply("%*%", Hlam, split(w, col(w)))
+ fitted.values <- probs_yhat_error(y, y.levels, f.tmp)
+ train.error[niter + 1] <- fitted.values$error
+ train.brier[niter + 1] <- fitted.values$brier
+ fitted.test <- NULL
+ if (iprior::.is.ipriorKernel_cv(mod)) {
+ ystar.test <- calc_ystar(mod, mod$Xl.test, alpha, theta, w)
+ fitted.test <- probs_yhat_error(y.test, y.levels, ystar.test)
+ test.error[niter + 1] <- fitted.test$error
+ test.brier[niter + 1] <- fitted.test$brier
+ }
+ niter <- niter + 1
+ if (!silent) setTxtProgressBar(pb, niter)
+ }
+ end.time <- Sys.time()
+ time.taken <- iprior::as.time(end.time - start.time)
+ # Calculate posterior s.d. and prepare param table ---------------------------
+ param.full <- theta_to_param.full(theta, alpha, mod)
+ if (isTRUE(common.intercept)) {
+ alpha <- unique(alpha) # since they're all the same
+ se.alpha <- sqrt(1 / nm)
+ } else {
+ se.alpha <- rep(sqrt(1 / n), m)
+ }
+ alpha.summ <- cbind(alpha, se.alpha, alpha - qnorm(0.975) * se.alpha,
+ alpha + qnorm(0.975) * se.alpha)
+ theta.summ <- theta.samp_to_summ_mult(theta.samp, mod)
+ colnames(alpha.summ) <- colnames(theta.summ)
+ param.summ <- rbind(alpha.summ, theta.summ)
+ rownames(param.summ) <- c(get_names(mod, "intercept", !common.intercept),
+ get_names(mod, c("lambda", "hurst", "lengthscale",
+ "offset"), !common.RKHS.scale))
+ # Clean up and close ---------------------------------------------------------
+ convergence <- niter == maxit
+ if (!silent) {
+ close(pb)
+ if (convergence) cat("Convergence criterion not met.\n")
+ else cat("Converged after", niter, "iterations.\n")
+ }
+ list(theta = theta, param.full = param.full, param.summ = param.summ, w = w,
+ Varw = Varw, lower.bound = as.numeric(na.omit(lb)), niter = niter,
+ start.time = start.time, end.time = end.time, time = time.taken,
+ fitted.values = fitted.values, test = fitted.test,
+ train.error = as.numeric(na.omit(train.error)),
+ train.brier = as.numeric(na.omit(train.brier)),
+ test.error = as.numeric(na.omit(test.error)),
+ test.brier = as.numeric(na.omit(test.brier)), convergence = convergence,
+ acc.rate = as.numeric(na.omit(acc.rate)),
+ theta.samp = theta.samp[thin.seq])
+theta.samp_to_summ_mult <- function(theta.samp, object) {
+ m <- ncol(theta.samp[[1]])
+ theta.samp_col <- function(x, j) x[, j]
+ res <- NULL
+ for (j in seq_len(m)) {
+ tmp <- t(sapply(theta.samp, theta.samp_col, j = j))
+ res[[j]] <- theta.samp_to_summ(tmp, object)
+ }
+ res.lambda <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x[grep("lambda", rownames(x)), ]))
+ res.hurst <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x[grep("hurst", rownames(x)), ]))
+ res.lengthscale <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x[grep("lengthscale", rownames(x)), ]))
+ res.offset <- do.call(rbind, lapply(res, function(x) x[grep("offset", rownames(x)), ]))
+ res <- rbind(
+ res.lambda, res.hurst, res.lengthscale, res.offset
+ )
+ unq.ind <- match(unique(res[, 1]), res[, 1])
+ # rownames(res) <- get_names(mod, c("lambda", "hurst", "lengthscale", "offset"))
+ res[unq.ind, ]
+# else {
+# # Nystrom approximation
+# K.mm <- Hlamsq[[j]][1:Nystrom$m, 1:Nystrom$m]
+# eigenK.mm <- iprior::eigenCpp(K.mm)
+# V <- Hlamsq[[j]][, 1:Nystrom$m] %*% eigenK.mm$vec
+# u <- eigenK.mm$val
+# u.Vt <- t(V) * u
+# D <- u.Vt %*% V + diag(1, Nystrom$m)
+# E <- solve(D, u.Vt, tol = 1e-18)
+# # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22134398/mahalonobis-distance-in-r-error-system-is-computationally-singular
+# # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21451664/system-is-computationally-singular-error
+# w[, j] <- as.numeric(a - V %*% (E %*% a))
+# W[[j]] <- (diag(1, n) - V %*% E) + tcrossprod(w[, j])
+# logdetA[j] <- determinant(A)$mod
+# }
diff --git a/man/Accessors.Rd b/man/Accessors.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a296596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/Accessors.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/Accessor_functions.R
+\title{Accessor functions for \code{ipriorMod} objects.}
+get_intercept(object, by.class = FALSE)
+\item{object}{An \code{ipriorMod} object.}
+Accessor functions for \code{ipriorMod} objects.
+\item \code{get_hyperparam}: Obtain all of the hyperparameters.
+\item \code{get_intercept}: Obtain the intercept.
diff --git a/man/logLik.iprobitMod.Rd b/man/logLik.iprobitMod.Rd
index 77381f4..63e7eec 100644
--- a/man/logLik.iprobitMod.Rd
+++ b/man/logLik.iprobitMod.Rd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/Utilities.R
+% Please edit documentation in R/Accessor_functions.R
\title{Extract the variational lower bound}
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-5kernels.R b/tests/testthat/OLDtest-5kernels.R
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/test-5kernels.R
rename to tests/testthat/OLDtest-5kernels.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-1gen_data.R b/tests/testthat/test-01-gen_data.R
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/test-1gen_data.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-01-gen_data.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-02-iprobit_bin.R b/tests/testthat/test-02-iprobit_bin.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05d9db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-02-iprobit_bin.R
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+context("Binary estimation methods")
+test_that("VB-EM (Closed-form)", {
+ mod <- iprior::kernL(y ~ ., gen_mixture(n = 4, seed = 123), est.psi = FALSE)
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = 1:2,
+ alpha0 = 1))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_bin(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = 1, theta0 = 1:2)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(-0.060995395, 0.975918045, 0.001124226), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+test_that("VB-EM with Metropolis sampler", {
+ mod <- iprior::kernL(y ~ ., gen_circle(n = 4, seed = 123), kernel = "se",
+ est.lengthscale = TRUE, est.psi = FALSE)
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 2, theta0 = 1:4,
+ alpha0 = 1, n.samp = 10, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_bin_metr(mod, 2, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = 1, theta0 = 1:4,
+ n.samp = 10, thin.samp = 1, seed = 123)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(0.1395819, 1.0103551, 2.0785975, 18.2429103, 83.1534269),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+context("Binary models")
+# Generate data and model fit --------------------------------------------------
+dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10)
+dat.test <- gen_mixture(n = 5)
+# Regular
+mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 5, silent = TRUE))
+# Formula (with training samples)
+modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, one.lam = TRUE, train.samp = c(1, 5),
+ control = list(maxit = 5, silent = TRUE))
+# Metropolis
+modmetr <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, kernel = "fbm", est.hurst = TRUE,
+ control = list(maxit = 2, silent = TRUE))
+# Predict without quantiles ----------------------------------------------------
+mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X))
+modf.predict <- predict(modf, newdata = dat.test)
+modmetr.predict <- predict(modmetr, newdata = dat.test)
+# Predict with quantiles -------------------------------------------------------
+mod.predict.q <- predict(mod, list(dat.test$X), quantiles = TRUE, n.samp = 3)
+modf.predict.q <- predict(modf, dat.test, quantiles = TRUE, n.samp = 3)
+modmetr.predict.q <- predict(modmetr, dat.test, quantiles = TRUE, n.samp = 3)
+test_that("Fitting binary models", {
+ expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod")
+ expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod_bin")
+ expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod")
+ expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod_bin")
+test_that("Print", {
+ expect_that(print(mod), prints_text("Training error rate"))
+ expect_that(print(modf), prints_text("Training error rate"))
+test_that("Summary", {
+ expect_s3_class(summary(mod), "iprobitMod_summary")
+ expect_s3_class(summary(modf), "iprobitMod_summary")
+test_that("Fitted", {
+ expect_that(fitted(mod), is_a("iprobitPredict"))
+ expect_that(fitted(modf), is_a("iprobitPredict"))
+test_that("Fitted quantiles", {
+ expect_that(fitted(mod, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobitPredict_quant"))
+ expect_that(fitted(modf, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobitPredict_quant"))
+test_that("Predict (without test error rate)", {
+ expect_s3_class(mod.predict, "iprobitPredict")
+ expect_s3_class(modf.predict, "iprobitPredict")
+ expect_s3_class(modmetr.predict, "iprobitPredict")
+ expect_s3_class(mod.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
+ expect_s3_class(modf.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
+ expect_s3_class(modmetr.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
+ expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test data not provided."))
+test_that("Predict (with test error rate)", {
+ mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X), y = dat.test$y)
+ expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
+ expect_that(print(modf.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
+ expect_that(print(modmetr.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
+# test_that("Convergence", {
+# set.seed(123)
+# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10)
+# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE))
+# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, one.lam = TRUE,
+# control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE))
+# expect_equal(as.numeric(get_lambda(mod)), 0.11646, tolerance = 1e-3)
+# expect_equal(as.numeric(get_lambda(mod)), 0.11646, tolerance = 1e-3)
+# # > summary(mod)
+# # Call:
+# # iprobit(y = dat$y, X1 = dat$X, control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE))
+# #
+# # Classes:
+# # RKHS used:
+# # Linear (X1)
+# #
+# # Hyperparameters:
+# # Mean S.D. 2.5% 97.5%
+# # alpha -0.0090 0.3162 -0.6288 0.6108
+# # lambda 0.1165 0.0201 0.0770 0.1559
+# # ---
+# #
+# # Closed-form VB-EM algorithm. Iterations: 71/500
+# # Converged to within 1e-05 tolerance. Time taken: 0.08387208 secs
+# # Variational lower bound: -4.897003
+# # Training error: 0%. Brier score: 0.004980669
+# })
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-03-iprobit_mult.R b/tests/testthat/test-03-iprobit_mult.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ca6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-03-iprobit_mult.R
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+context("Multinomial estimation methods")
+test_that("VB-EM (Closed-form)", {
+ mod <- iprior::kernL(y ~ ., gen_mixture(n = 6, m = 3, seed = 123),
+ est.psi = FALSE)
+ theta0 <- matrix(rep(1, 6), ncol = 3)
+ alpha0 <- rep(1, 3)
+ # Different hyperparameters in each class ------------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0, theta0 = theta0)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(6.502061e-01, 5.067932e-01, -6.667536e-05), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 2]),
+ c(0.998459716, 0.001371398, 0.760741027), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 3]),
+ c(1.3513342, 0.1209030, 0.6443124), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+ # Only different RKHS parameters in each class -------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, common.intercept = TRUE,
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0, theta0 = theta0,
+ common.intercept = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(1, 0.4390309548, -0.0001031719), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 2]),
+ c(1, 0.0009601449, 0.7745982109), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 3]),
+ c(1, 0.1150476, 0.6924896), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+ # Only different intercepts in each class ------------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE,
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0, theta0 = theta0,
+ common.RKHS.scale = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(0.61014, -0.005820041, 0.048168828), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 2]),
+ c(0.99696, -0.005820041, 0.048168828), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 3]),
+ c(1.39291, -0.005820041, 0.048168828), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+ # Same hyperparameters in each class -----------------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, common.intercept = TRUE, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE,
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0, theta0 = theta0,
+ common.intercept = TRUE, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(1, 0 , 0), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+test_that("VB-EM with Metropolis sampler", {
+ mod <- iprior::kernL(y ~ ., gen_circle(n = 6, m = 3, seed = 123), kernel = "fbm",
+ est.hurst = TRUE, est.psi = FALSE)
+ theta0 <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0), ncol = 3, nrow = 4)
+ alpha0 <- rep(1, 3)
+ # Different hyperparameters in each class ------------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0, n.samp = 5,
+ thin.samp = 1, seed = 123))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult_metr(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0,
+ theta0 = theta0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(0.9985691, 1.0150100, 1.1014431, 0.5292299, 0.6026026),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 2]),
+ c(1.0055504, 0.6488293, 0.9076343, 0.5466233, 0.4670734),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 3]),
+ c(0.9958806, 0.9745103, 0.9592181, 0.4971903, 0.4359529),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+ # Only different RKHS parameters in each class -------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, common.intercept = TRUE,
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult_metr(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0,
+ theta0 = theta0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123, common.intercept = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(1, 1.0150100, 1.1014431, 0.5292299, 0.6026026), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 2]),
+ c(1, 0.6488293, 0.9076343, 0.5466233, 0.4670734), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 3]),
+ c(1, 0.9745103, 0.9592181, 0.4971903, 0.4359529), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+ # Only different intercepts in each class ------------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE,
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult_metr(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0,
+ theta0 = theta0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(0.9984867, 1.0390585, 1.0274495, 0.4885230, 0.5595608),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 2]),
+ c(1.0051488, 1.0390585, 1.0274495, 0.4885230, 0.5595608),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 3]),
+ c(0.9963646, 1.0390585, 1.0274495, 0.4885230, 0.5595608),
+ tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+ # Same hyperparameters in each class -----------------------------------------
+ mod1 <- iprobit(mod, common.intercept = TRUE, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE,
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 20, theta0 = theta0,
+ alpha0 = alpha0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123))
+ mod2 <- iprobit_mult_metr(mod, 20, silent = TRUE, alpha0 = alpha0,
+ theta0 = theta0, n.samp = 5, thin.samp = 1,
+ seed = 123, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE,
+ common.intercept = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(as.numeric(coef(mod1)[, 1]),
+ c(1, 1.0390585, 1.0274495, 0.4885230, 0.5595608), tol = 1e-5)
+ expect_equal(mod1$param.full, mod2$param.full, tol = 1e-5)
+context("Multinomial models")
+# Generate data and model fit --------------------------------------------------
+dat <- gen_circle(n = 15, m = 3)
+dat.test <- gen_circle(n = 6, m = 3)
+# Regular
+mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 5, silent = TRUE))
+# Formula (with training samples)
+modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, one.lam = TRUE, train.samp = c(1, 5),
+ control = list(maxit = 5, silent = TRUE))
+# Metropolis
+modmetr <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, kernel = "fbm", est.hurst = TRUE,
+ control = list(maxit = 2, silent = TRUE))
+# Predict without quantiles ----------------------------------------------------
+mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X))
+modf.predict <- predict(modf, newdata = dat.test)
+modmetr.predict <- predict(modmetr, newdata = dat.test)
+# Predict with quantiles -------------------------------------------------------
+mod.predict.q <- predict(mod, list(dat.test$X), quantiles = TRUE, n.samp = 3)
+modf.predict.q <- predict(modf, dat.test, quantiles = TRUE, n.samp = 3)
+modmetr.predict.q <- predict(modmetr, dat.test, quantiles = TRUE, n.samp = 3)
+test_that("Fitting binary models", {
+ expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod")
+ expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod_mult")
+ expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod")
+ expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod_mult")
+test_that("Print", {
+ expect_that(print(mod), prints_text("Training error rate"))
+ expect_that(print(modf), prints_text("Training error rate"))
+test_that("Summary", {
+ expect_s3_class(summary(mod), "iprobitMod_summary")
+ expect_s3_class(summary(modf), "iprobitMod_summary")
+test_that("Fitted", {
+ expect_that(fitted(mod), is_a("iprobitPredict"))
+ expect_that(fitted(modf), is_a("iprobitPredict"))
+test_that("Fitted quantiles", {
+ expect_that(fitted(mod, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobitPredict_quant"))
+ expect_that(fitted(modf, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobitPredict_quant"))
+test_that("Predict (without test error rate)", {
+ expect_s3_class(mod.predict, "iprobitPredict")
+ expect_s3_class(modf.predict, "iprobitPredict")
+ expect_s3_class(modmetr.predict, "iprobitPredict")
+ expect_s3_class(mod.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
+ expect_s3_class(modf.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
+ expect_s3_class(modmetr.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
+ expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test data not provided."))
+test_that("Predict (with test error rate)", {
+ mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X), y = dat.test$y)
+ expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
+ expect_that(print(modf.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
+ expect_that(print(modmetr.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-iprobit_helpers.R b/tests/testthat/test-04-iprobit_helpers.R
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/test-iprobit_helpers.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-04-iprobit_helpers.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-05-plots.R b/tests/testthat/test-05-plots.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c58f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-05-plots.R
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Binary models ----------------------------------------------------------------
+n <- 50
+dat <- gen_circle(n)
+mod <- iprobit(y ~ X1 + X2, dat, one.lam = TRUE, kernel = "fbm",
+ train.samp = sort(sample(seq_len(n), size = 40)),
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 10))
+test_that("iplot_fitted()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_fitted(mod))
+test_that("iplot_dec_bound()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_dec_bound(mod, grid.len = 5))
+test_that("iplot_predict()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5, dec.bound = FALSE))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5, plot.test = FALSE))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5, dec.bound = FALSE,
+ plot.test = FALSE))
+test_that("iplot_lb()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_lb(mod))
+test_that("iplot_error()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_error(mod, 3))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_error(mod, plot.test = FALSE))
+test_that("iplot_lb_and_error()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_lb_and_error(mod, niter.plot = 3, plot.test = FALSE))
+# Binary models ----------------------------------------------------------------
+n <- 100
+dat <- gen_mixture(n, m = 3)
+mod <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, kernel = "fbm", train.samp = sort(sample(seq_len(n),
+ size = 90)),
+ control = list(silent = TRUE, maxit = 4))
+test_that("iplot_fitted()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_fitted(mod))
+test_that("iplot_dec_bound()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_dec_bound(mod, grid.len = 5))
+test_that("iplot_predict()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5, dec.bound = FALSE))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5, plot.test = FALSE))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_predict(mod, grid.len = 5, dec.bound = FALSE,
+ plot.test = FALSE))
+test_that("iplot_lb()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_lb(mod))
+test_that("iplot_error()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_error(mod, 3))
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_error(mod, plot.test = FALSE))
+test_that("iplot_lb_and_error()", {
+ expect_silent(p <- iplot_lb_and_error(mod, niter.plot = 3, plot.test = FALSE))
+# context("Methods for iprobitMod objects")
+# Update/refit -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# test_that("Update from formula", {
+# dat <- gen_mixture(10)
+# mod.original <- mod <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, control = list(maxit = 1),
+# silent = TRUE)
+# mod <- iprobit(mod, maxit = 5)
+# expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod")
+# expect_equal(mod$niter, 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$lower.bound), 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$error), 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$brier), 6)
+# expect_equal(mod$formula, mod.original$formula)
+# })
+# test_that("Update from non-formula", {
+# dat <- gen_mixture(10)
+# mod.original <- mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 1),
+# silent = TRUE)
+# mod <- iprobit(mod, maxit = 5)
+# expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod")
+# expect_equal(mod$niter, 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$lower.bound), 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$error), 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$brier), 6)
+# expect_equal(mod$formula, mod.original$formula)
+# })
+# test_that("Update options", {
+# dat <- gen_mixture(10)
+# mod.original <- mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 1),
+# silent = TRUE)
+# expect_message(mod <- iprobit(mod))
+# expect_output(mod <- iprobit(mod, stop.crit = 1e-1, maxit = 5, silent = FALSE))
+# })
+# test_that("The function update()", {
+# dat <- gen_mixture(10)
+# mod.original <- mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 1),
+# silent = TRUE)
+# update(mod, maxit = 5)
+# expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod")
+# expect_equal(mod$niter, 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$lower.bound), 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$error), 6)
+# expect_equal(length(mod$brier), 6)
+# expect_equal(mod$formula, mod.original$formula)
+# })
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-7methods.R b/tests/testthat/test-06-accessors.R
similarity index 95%
rename from tests/testthat/test-7methods.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-06-accessors.R
index 6dcf980..a5951db 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-7methods.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-06-accessors.R
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# context("Methods for iprobitMod objects")
-# # Update/refit -----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Update/refit -----------------------------------------------------------------
# test_that("Update from formula", {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-6utilities.R b/tests/testthat/test-07-utilities.R
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/test-6utilities.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-07-utilities.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-4errors.R b/tests/testthat/test-08-errors.R
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/test-4errors.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-08-errors.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-8parallel.R b/tests/testthat/test-09-parallel.R
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/testthat/test-8parallel.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-09-parallel.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-2iprobit_bin.R b/tests/testthat/test-2iprobit_bin.R
deleted file mode 100644
index e162211..0000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-2iprobit_bin.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-context("Binary models")
-dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10)
-dat.test <- gen_mixture(n = 5)
-mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 5, silent = TRUE))
-modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, one.lam = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5,
- silent = TRUE))
-dat.test <- gen_mixture(n = 5)
-mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X))
-modf.predict <- predict(modf, newdata = dat.test)
-mod.predict.q <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X), quantiles = TRUE,
- n.samp = 3)
-modf.predict.q <- predict(modf, newdata = dat.test, quantiles = TRUE,
- n.samp = 3)
-test_that("Fitting binary models", {
- expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod")
- expect_s3_class(mod, "iprobitMod_bin")
- expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod")
- expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod_bin")
-test_that("Print", {
- expect_that(print(mod), prints_text("Training error rate"))
- expect_that(print(modf), prints_text("Training error rate"))
-test_that("Summary", {
- expect_s3_class(summary(mod), "iprobitMod_summary")
- expect_s3_class(summary(modf), "iprobitMod_summary")
-test_that("Fitted", {
- expect_that(fitted(mod), is_a("iprobitPredict"))
- expect_that(fitted(modf), is_a("iprobitPredict"))
-test_that("Fitted quantiles", {
- expect_that(fitted(mod, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobitPredict_quant"))
- expect_that(fitted(modf, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobitPredict_quant"))
-test_that("Predict (without test error rate)", {
- expect_s3_class(mod.predict, "iprobitPredict")
- expect_s3_class(modf.predict, "iprobitPredict")
- expect_s3_class(mod.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
- expect_s3_class(modf.predict.q, "iprobitPredict_quant")
- expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test data not provided."))
-test_that("Predict (with test error rate)", {
- mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X), y = dat.test$y)
- expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
- expect_that(print(modf.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
-test_that("Convergence", {
- set.seed(123)
- dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10)
- mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE))
- modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, one.lam = TRUE,
- control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE))
- expect_equal(as.numeric(get_lambda(mod)), 0.11646, tolerance = 1e-3)
- expect_equal(as.numeric(get_lambda(mod)), 0.11646, tolerance = 1e-3)
- # > summary(mod)
- # Call:
- # iprobit(y = dat$y, X1 = dat$X, control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE))
- #
- # Classes:
- # RKHS used:
- # Linear (X1)
- #
- # Hyperparameters:
- # Mean S.D. 2.5% 97.5%
- # alpha -0.0090 0.3162 -0.6288 0.6108
- # lambda 0.1165 0.0201 0.0770 0.1559
- # ---
- #
- # Closed-form VB-EM algorithm. Iterations: 71/500
- # Converged to within 1e-05 tolerance. Time taken: 0.08387208 secs
- # Variational lower bound: -4.897003
- # Training error: 0%. Brier score: 0.004980669
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-3iprobit_mult.R b/tests/testthat/test-3iprobit_mult.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e4e7c..0000000
--- a/tests/testthat/test-3iprobit_mult.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-# context("Multinomial models")
-# test_that("Fitting multinomial models (IIA)", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# mod1 <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 5))
-# expect_s3_class(mod1, "iprobitMod")
-# expect_s3_class(mod1, "iprobitMod_mult")
-# expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod")
-# expect_s3_class(modf, "iprobitMod_mult")
-# # Common intercept
-# mod2 <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 5, common.intercept = TRUE))
-# expect_true(all.same(get_alpha(mod2)))
-# # Common RKHS scale parameter
-# mod3 <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 5, common.RKHS.scale = TRUE))
-# expect_true(all.same(get_lambda(mod3)))
-# # Common intercept and RKHS scale parameter
-# mod4 <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 5,
-# common.intercept = TRUE,
-# common.RKHS.scale = TRUE))
-# expect_true(all.same(get_alpha(mod4)))
-# expect_true(all.same(get_lambda(mod4)))
-# })
-# test_that("Print (IIA)", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# expect_that(print(mod), prints_text("Training error rate"))
-# expect_that(print(modf), prints_text("Training error rate"))
-# })
-# test_that("Summary", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# mod.summary <- summary(mod)
-# modf.summary <- summary(modf)
-# expect_s3_class(mod.summary, "iprobitSummary")
-# expect_s3_class(modf.summary, "iprobitSummary")
-# })
-# test_that("Fitted", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# expect_that(fitted(mod), is_a("iprobit_predict"))
-# expect_that(fitted(modf), is_a("iprobit_predict"))
-# })
-# test_that("Fitted quantiles", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# expect_that(fitted(mod, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobit_predict_quant"))
-# expect_that(fitted(modf, TRUE, n.samp = 3), is_a("iprobit_predict_quant"))
-# })
-# test_that("Predict (without test error rate)", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# dat.test <- gen_mixture(n = 5, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 5))
-# mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X))
-# modf.predict <- predict(modf, newdata = dat.test)
-# expect_s3_class(mod.predict, "iprobit_predict")
-# expect_s3_class(modf.predict, "iprobit_predict")
-# expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test data not provided."))
-# })
-# test_that("Predict (with test error rate)", {
-# m <- 4
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# dat.test <- gen_mixture(n = 5, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X, silent = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 5))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, silent = TRUE, one.lam = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 5))
-# mod.predict <- predict(mod, newdata = list(dat.test$X), y = dat.test$y)
-# modf.predict <- predict(modf, newdata = dat.test)
-# expect_that(print(mod.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
-# expect_that(print(modf.predict), prints_text("Test error"))
-# })
-# test_that("Convergence", {
-# set.seed(123)
-# m <- 3
-# dat <- gen_mixture(n = 10, m = m)
-# mod <- iprobit(dat$y, dat$X,
-# control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE,
-# alpha0 = rep(1, m),
-# lambda0 = rep(1, m)))
-# modf <- iprobit(y ~ ., dat, one.lam = TRUE,
-# control = list(maxit = 500, silent = TRUE,
-# alpha0 = rep(1, m),
-# lambda0 = rep(1, m)))
-# expect_equal(get_lambda(mod)[2], 0.1743832, tolerance = 1e-3)
-# expect_equal(get_lambda(modf)[2], 0.1743832, tolerance = 1e-3)
-# # Single lambda
-# # > modf
-# # Training error rate: 20.00 %
-# # Lower bound value: -12.87285
-# #
-# # Class = 1 Class = 2 Class = 3
-# # alpha 0.60748 1.76979 0.62274
-# # lambda 0.00000 0.17438 0.00000
-# })