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vault-agent sidecar doesn't extend vault-agent-init's secret, but fetches new onesΒ #125



Hello there!


I have a PostgresSQL database and I have set up vault with dynamic roles in order to dynamically generate database credentials for my application. By closely examining the logs I found a (potential?) bug:

  • The vault-agent-init container asks the vault server for database secrets. This means that a new lease is created. Vault-agent-init writes the credentials to a file.
  • Vault-agent and the application container start simultaneously.
  • Vault-agent takes some time (8 seconds - more on this later) to fetch the (new!) secrets.
  • In the meantime my application reads the secrets generated by the vault-agent-init and connects to the database. However as the vault-agent-init is completed, its lease is not renewed, hence the secrets picked up by the application are invalidated shortly.
  • Once vault-agent initializes itself it fetches a new pair of secrets, writes these to the file.

Expected behavior: Shouldn't the vault-agent keep using the vault-agent-init's lease and thus renewing the secret fetched by vault-agent-init?


Vault versions

  • image: "hashicorp/vault-k8s:0.3.0"
  • image: vault:1.3.2

Auth methods

  • I'm running my setup on a GCP cluster
  • I have tried it with the k8s auth method. Then the entire authentication and rendering (of vault-agent) takes 200ms, so the application has no time to pick up the (soon to be expired) secrets of vault-agent-init => it picks up the new (vault-agent) secrets and things work out fine
  • When using GCP Auth method I first get a timeout (net/http: timeout awaiting response headers), and the authentication only succeeds on the second attempt. (This whole process takes around 8 seconds...
[ERROR] auth.handler: error getting path or data from method: error="unable to sign JWT for projects/xxx/serviceAccounts/ using given Vault credentials: Post Get http://IP/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token?scopes=xyz: net/http: timeout awaiting response headers" backoff=1.164255094
  • The it backs off for a couple of seconds, retries the authentication, succeeds and writes the secrets to the file.
  • But as said, the application has already picked up the files of the init-container...

Agent config:

    "auto_auth" = {
      "method" = {
        "config" = {
          "role" = "xyz-role"
          "type" = "iam"
          "project" = "xyz"
          "service_account" = ""
          "jwt_exp" = 10
        "mount_path" = "auth/ourGcpAuthPath"
        "type" = "gcp"

      "sink" = {
        "config" = {
          "path" = "/home/vault/.token"

        "type" = "file"

    "exit_after_auth" = true
    "pid_file" = "/home/vault/.pid"

    "template" = {
      "contents" = "nothing special"
      "destination" = "/vault/secrets/jdbc.yaml"
      "create_dest_dirs" = true

    "vault" = {
      "address" = ""
  • The agent config is the same, except the exit_after_auth is set to false.

Deployment annotations and istio config

  • Our deployment runs with the following annotations: "true" "true" our-vault-configmap
  • We also have an istio sidecar running. To make it work we use a ServiceEntry:

kind: ServiceEntry
  name: vault-service-entry
  namespace: someNamespace
  - vault.vault.svc.cluster.local
  location: MESH_EXTERNAL
  - name: http
    number: 8200
    protocol: HTTP
  resolution: DNS
  • The ServiceEntry is NOT located in the same namespace as our (current) deployment, however I don't believe this would be a problem.
  • Istio is on the latest (1.5.1) version.



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