ImageJ macros for Lightsheet microscope processing for Nicolas Chevrier
A set of ImageJ/Fiji macros to run headless on HPC under SLURM
Each of these headless macros should be invoked using the appropriate SLURM script:
Before running any of these, you must set LSPROCESSING_HOME to the base folder. E.g. export LSPROCESSING_HOME=/home/bfreeman/git/chevrier_lightsheet_processing
CZI to TIF conversion
sbatch $LSPROCESSING_HOME/slurm/Z1_CZI_to_TIF_for_Timelapse_and_Multiview.headless.slurm params
where params =
numChannels numAngles pathToFile outputDir
sbatch $LSPROCESSING_HOME/slurm/Z1_CZI_to_TIF_for_Timelapse_and_Multiview.headless.slurm \
1 6 \
/n/regal/bfreeman/11-14_-_1DPI_LSide_5xObj_wbeads_glycerol.czi \
Bead registration
sbatch $LSPROCESSING_HOME/slurm/bead_registration.headless.slurm params
where params =
numChan chan1Dir chan2Dir angleRange xyResolution zResolution
if only 1 channel, use 'not_used' for chan2Dir
sbatch $LSPROCESSING_HOME/slurm/bead_registration.headless.slurm \
1 /n/regal/bfreeman/chevrier/green not_used 1-6 0.730 2.000
Multi-view fusion
sbatch $LSPROCESSING_HOME/slurm/image_fusion.headless.slurm params
where params =
chan1Dir angleRange
only 1 channel is assumed
sbatch $LSPROCESSING_HOME/slurm/image_fusion.headless.slurm \
/n/regal/bfreeman/chevrier/green 1-6
- current SLURM scripts use 16 cores, 2 hrs, and serial_requeue by default. Macros match the 16 cores used. This is hardcoded and will be removed.
- Dual/multi-channel stuff is not really wired in.
- App location is hard-coded into
Any questions, please contact Bob Freeman at robert_freeman [at]