Within this kata you should create a class UrlShortener
which accepts an url to shorten shorten(String url)
and returns an shortened link.
Example from bit.ly:
long url | shortened url |
https://www.google.de | https://bit.ly/1gjR8PE |
https://www.denic.de | https://bit.ly/2jNPT1Z |
- Each main-point or sub-point below should create at least one new test or an addition to an existing test
- Follow them line by line
- Please do not forget to refactor!
- Do not implement any other public methods than listed above and create them as you need them!
int size()
String shorten(String)
String unshorten(String)
int countUnshortenings(String)
String statisctics(String)
- A newly created UrlShortener is empty:
- The size is empty
int size()
returns 0
- The size is empty
- There is a method which can be called to shorten an url
String shorten(String longUrl)
:- The size increases to 1
- The shortened urls should start with https://sho.rt
- The shortened url should follow the format https://sho.rt/ID, the format of the id is free to choose. Hint: think about using an ascending number.
- The full url behind a shortened url can be retrieved through
String unshorten(String shortUrl)
- given the shortUrl it will return the long url
- The url shortener should handle multiple urls
- The url shortener should handle 1000 urls
- An url that has the same domain https://sho.rt can not be shortened (again)
- if given an unknown shortUrl to
unshorten(String shortUrl)
it will throw an RuntimeException - If the same url should be shortened more than once it will return the same short url. It should fail with RuntimeException.
- The id should be of consist of 3 digits with [0-9]. Example: 001, 345, ...
- The count of unshortenings
int unshorteningsFor(String shortUrl)
of an url should be counted:- When a short url is created the count is 0
- When a short url is unshortend the count increases by one
- When the short url given does not exist throw an RuntimeException
- The id should be random and independend of the given url. (number between 0 and 999) Hint: two instances of the UrlShortener should return different ids for same url.
- The method
int unshorteningsFor(String shortUrl)
should be changed toint unshorteningsFor(String shortOrLongUrl)
so that it does not matter if the short url or long url were given. Hint: urls starting with https://sho.rt/ can not be shortened:- unknown long urls should throw a RuntimeException
- The method
String shorten(String url)
should only accept urls starting withhttps://
. If other urls are given, it should throw a RuntimeException - Create a statistics method String
String statisctics(String shortOrLongUrl)
which returns a string like:Short URL: https://sho.rt/123, long URL: https://www.google.de, visits: 12
:- short/long url can be given
- given an unknown url it throws an RuntimeException