In this repository you can find the formalisation of a sequential subset of Core Erlang in Coq Proof Assistant. The formalisation also includes a definition of the module system in Core Erlang.
Necessary requirements: Coq v8.20.0, stdpp v1.11.0 and Erlang/OTP v23.0 (not necessary for the Coq developments). The library is compilable by using make
. In the following list, we give a brief description about the contents of the files.
The main module CoreErlang
includes the common features for all semantics:
: fundamental types, and lemmas about them and the built-in features of Coq;src/Syntax.v
: the abstract syntax of Core Erlang;src/Induction.v
: induction principles for the syntax;src/Equalities.v
: decidable and boolean equalities and comparison based on the abstract syntax;src/SideEffects.v
: side effect tracing concepts;src/Scoping.v
: the static semantics (scoping relation) of Core Erlang;src/Auxiliaries.v
: functions simulating built-in features of the standard library of Erlang, and corresponding tests and lemmas;src/Maps.v
: concepts supporting the syntax of Core Erlang's maps;src/Manipulation.v
: definition of substitution, and corresponding theorems;src/ScopingLemmas.v
: theorems and lemmas about the connection between the static semantics and substitutions;src/Matching.v
: concepts describing pattern matching for Core Erlang.
The submodule FrameStack
includes a frame stack semantics for Core Erlang:
: the syntax of frames (which express continuation);src/FrameStack/SubstSemantics.v
: the definition of a substitution-based frame stack semantics;src/FrameStack/Tests/Tests.v
: tests about the frame stack semantics;src/FrameStack/Tests/ExceptionTests.v
: tests about the frame stack semantics;src/FrameStack/Termination.v
: the definition of an inductive frame stack termination relation;src/FrameStack/SubstSemanticsLemmas.v
: lemmas and theorems about the properties of the semantics and termination;src/FrameStack/LogRel.v
: the definition of program equivalence based on logical relations;src/FrameStack/Compatibility.v
: the compatibility property (a form of congruence) of the logical relations;src/FrameStack/CIU.v
: the definition of CIU equivalence, and a proof that this definition coincides with the definition based on logical relations;src/FrameStack/Examples.v
: example program equivalence proofs (based on CIU equivalence);src/FrameStack/CTX.v
: the definition of contextual equivalence.
Natural and functional big-step semantics are included in the submodule BigStep
. We note that in the future the syntax for the big-step semantics (listed below) will be removed, and these semantics will also use the syntax defined in the main module.
: the abstract syntax of Core Erlang for the big-step approaches;src/BigStep/Induction.v
: the induction principle for this syntax;src/BigStep/Equalities.v
: decidable and boolean equalities and comparison based on the abstract syntax;src/BigStep/Helpers.v
: helper functions for the semantics;src/BigStep/Environment.v
: evaluation environment;src/BigStep/SideEffects.v
: side effect concepts;src/BigStep/Auxiliaries.v
: the semantics of natively implemented functions and primitive operations;src/BigStep/ModuleAuxiliaries.v
: auxiliary definitions for handling modules;src/BigStep/FunctionalBigStep.v
: a functional big-step semantics for testing purposes;src/BigStep/BigStep.v
: the traditional natural semantics itself;src/BigStep/Coverage.v
: the previous functional big-step semantics equipped with an additional configuration cell to enable coverage measuring;src/BigStep/Tactics.v
: evaluation tactic for the traditional big-step semantics.src/BigStep/DeterminismHelpers.v
: helper lemmas for the proof of determinism;src/BigStep/SemanticsProofs.v
: some proofs about the properties of the big-step semantics (e.g. determinism);src/BigStep/SemanticsEquivalence.v
: proof of equivalence of big-step and functional big-step semantics.src/BigStep/FullEquivalence.v
: a strict program equivalence concept;src/BigStep/WeakEquivalence.v
: a weakened program equivalence concept;src/BigStep/WeakEquivalenceExamples.v
: example program equivalences;src/BigStep/EquivalenceProofs.v
: further example program equivalences.
Tests about the natural and functional big-step semantics:
Concurrent semantics based on the sequential semantics of FrameStack
is defined in the submodule Concurrent
: the defintion of renaming for process identifiers and theorems about its properties (w.r.t. the sequential semantics);src/Concurrent/ProcessSemantics.v
: the semantics for processes (process-local semantics) based on actions propagated from the inter-process semantics;src/Concurrent/NodeSemantics.v
: the semantics of nodes consisting of processes (inter-process semantics);src/Concurrent/NodeSemanticsLemmas.v
: theorems about the properties of the concurrent (both process-local and inter-process) semantics;src/Concurrent/StrongBisim.v
: a definition of program equivalence based on strong bisimulation;src/Concurrent/WeakBisim.v
: a definition of program equivalence based on weak bisimulation;src/Concurrent/BarbedBisim.v
: a definition of program equivalence expressed as a barbed bisimulation (which is less restrictive than weak bisimulations);src/Concurrent/BisimRenaming.v
: a proof that process idenfier renaming is a barbed bisimulation;src/Concurrent/BisimReductions.v
: further properties of barbed bisimulations, proof of silent evaluation being a bisimulation;src/Concurrent/MapPmap.v
: a case study about the equivalence of sequential and concurrent list transformation;- experimental/work-in progress features are included in
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson, A Proof Assistant Based Formalisation of Core Erlang, 2020,
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi and Simon Thompson, Machine-Checked Natural Semantics for Core Erlang: Exceptions and Side Effects, 2020, In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Erlang,
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Judit Kőszegi, Soma Szeier, and Simon Thompson, Validating Formal Semantics by Property-Based Cross-Testing, 2020, In Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL 2020). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 150–161.
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Simon Thompson, A Comparison of Big-step Semantics Definition Styles, 2024,
- Dániel Horpácsi, Péter Bereczky, Simon Thompson, Program equivalence in an untyped, call-by-value functional language with uncurried functions, 2023, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, Volume 132, 100857,
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Simon Thompson, A Formalisation of Core Erlang, a Concurrent Actor Language, 2024, Acta Cybernetica,
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Simon Thompson, A frame stack semantics for sequential Core Erlang, 2023,
- Péter Bereczky, Dániel Horpácsi, Simon Thompson, Program Equivalence in the Erlang Actor Model, 2024,
This project has been supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social fund (EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00013, Thematic Fundamental Research Collaborations Grounding Innovation in Informatics and Infocommunications).
Supported by the project "Integrált kutatói utánpótlás-képzési program az informatika és számítástudomány diszciplináris területein (Integrated program for training new generation of researchers in the disciplinary fields of computer science)", No. EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00002. The project has been supported by the European Union and co-funded by the European Social Fund.
The project has been supported by ÚNKP-21-3, ÚNKP-22-3 and ÚNKP-23-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation of Hungary.