coverage-predicates does not work with anonymous functions #1067
Support plan
- is this issue currently blocking your project? (yes/no): no
- is this issue affecting a production system? (yes/no): yes
- node version: v18.x
- module version with issue:
- last module version without issue: NA
- environment (e.g. node, browser, native): node.js
- used with (e.g. hapi application, another framework, standalone, ...): standalone
- any other relevant information: using typescript
What are you trying to achieve or the steps to reproduce?
1 Create a bug.ts
file with the content:
bug.ts file
class Operation {
a: number;
b: number;
constructor(a, b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public calculate(funcA, funcB) {
// $lab:coverage:off$
return process.env.WHAT === 'sum' ? funcA(this.a, this.b) : funcB(this.a, this.b);
// $lab:coverage:on$
export default function fooBar(a, b) {
const c = new Operation(a, b);
return c.calculate(
// $lab:coverage:off$ $not:isSum$
(a, b) => {
return a + b;
// $lab:coverage:on$
// $lab:coverage:off$ $not:isMulti$
(a, b) => {
return a * b;
// $lab:coverage:on$
2 Create a bug.test.ts file with:
bug.test.ts file
import * as Lab from '@hapi/lab';
import * as Code from '@hapi/code';
const { describe, it } = (exports.lab = Lab.script());
const expect = Code.expect;
import fun from './bug';
describe('Foo', () => {
it('operation', async () => {
const result = fun(2, 2);
3 Create a .labrc.js file with the content:
.labrc.js file
module.exports = {
typescript: true,
assert: '@hapi/code',
'coverage-predicates': {
isSum: process.env.WHAT === 'sum',
isMulti: process.env.WHAT !== 'sum',
What was the result you got?
If I run the code with:
WHAT=sum lab --threshold 100 --verbose bug.test.ts
I get:
✔ 1) operation (4 ms and 1 assertions)
1 tests complete
Test duration: 5 ms
Assertions count: 1 (verbosity: 1.00)
Leaks: No issues
Coverage: 96.77% (1/31)
bug.ts missing coverage from file(s):
bug.ts on line(s): 28
Code coverage below threshold: 96.77 < 100
What result did you expect?
I would expect a 100% coverage thanks to the coverage-predicates
Note that if I change the bug.ts > fooBar
to a named functions like this:
export default function fooBar(a, b) {
const c = new Operation(a, b);
// $lab:coverage:off$ $not:isSum$
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
// $lab:coverage:on$
// $lab:coverage:off$ $not:isMulti$
function multi(a, b) {
return a * b;
// $lab:coverage:on$
return c.calculate(sum, multi);
With the same command I get:
> lab --threshold 100 --verbose bug.test.ts
✔ 1) operation (4 ms and 1 assertions)
1 tests complete
Test duration: 4 ms
Assertions count: 1 (verbosity: 1.00)
Leaks: No issues
Coverage: 100.00%