Support plan
- is this issue currently blocking your project? (yes/no): no
- is this issue affecting a production system? (yes/no): no
- node version: 14
- module version: lab 24.7.0
- environment (e.g. node, browser, native): node
- used with (e.g. hapi application, another framework, standalone, ...): standalone
- any other relevant information: inside docker-compose
What problem are you trying to solve?
I wanted to run the lab runner inside a docker and to attach to it a debugger.
The problem is by default, node listen to and we require to be to go through network of docker-compose.
Hapi/lab is just a little too restrictive to pass the argument to node.
Do you have a new or modified API suggestion to solve the problem?
Solution is to allow to pass [HOST]:[PORT] to node ( e.g. --inspect= )
in file bin/lab
, replace line 5 by:
const inspectPattern = /^(--inspect|--inspect-brk)(=.+)?$/;