GTFS command-line tool and Python GTFS utility library
To install the development version from GitHub:
git clone
cd gtfsutils
pip install -e . # Install in editable mode
The usage of the Python package is illustrated in quickstart.ipynb.
The package can be also used as a command-line tool. There are three sub-tools available.
The filter tool applies a filter to a GTFS file. You can either spatially filter based on stop locations or on trip shapes or filter by a daterange considering calendar and calendar_dates. The spatial filter can be specified either as a bounding box (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) or as a file path (e.g. to a GeoJSON or GPKG file). The daterange filter can be specified by a start and end date ('{"start_date": "YYYYMMDD", "end_date": "YYYYMMDD"}').
Here is how to spatially filter a GTFS file based on stop locations, using a bounding box:
gtfsutils filter -t stops data/ data/ "[16.197, 47.999, 16.549, 48.301]"
Here is how to spatially filter a GTFS file based on stop and station locations returning complete stations only, using a bounding box. All parent station and child stops are returned if one of them is located within the filter boundary:
gtfsutils filter -t stations data/ data/ "[16.197, 47.999, 16.549, 48.301]"
Here is how to spatially filter a GTFS file based on trip shapes, using a GeoJSON file:
gtfsutils filter -t shapes data/ data/ data/area.geojson
Here is how to filter a GTFS file based on calendar and calendar_dates, using a start and end date:
gtfsutils filter -t calendar data/ data/ '{"start_date": "20240121", "end_date": "20240129"}'
For more information, type:
gtfsutils filter --help
usage: gtfsutils filter [-h] [-t TARGET] [-o OPERATION] [--overwrite] [-v] src dst bounds
positional arguments:
src Input GTFS filepath
dst Output GTFS filepath
bounds Filter boundary
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
Filter target (stops, shapes)
Filter operation (within, intersects)
--overwrite Overwrite if exists
-v, --verbose Verbose output
The bounds tool computes the bounding box (based on stop locations) of a GTFS file:
gtfsutils bounds data/
[16.1977025532707, 47.9995020902886, 16.5494019702052, 48.3011051975429]
For more information, type:
gtfsutils bounds --help
usage: gtfsutils bounds [-h] src
positional arguments:
src Input GTFS filepath
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The info tool print general information about a GTFS file:
gtfsutils info data/
GTFS files:
agency.txt 2 rows
calendar.txt 186 rows
calendar_dates.txt 9,575 rows
routes.txt 441 rows
shapes.txt 401,371 rows
stop_times.txt 3,733,781 rows
stops.txt 4,510 rows
trips.txt 201,042 rows
Calender date range:
11.12.2022 - 09.12.2023
Bounding box:
[16.1977025532707, 47.9995020902886, 16.5494019702052, 48.3011051975429]
For more information, type:
gtfsutils info --help
usage: gtfsutils info [-h] src
positional arguments:
src Input GTFS filepath
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Prepare dev environment with:
# Create virtual environement
python -m venv ./venv
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
To run unit tests, type:
pytest -v
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.