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Fuzzy list anything with npm package, i.e. dependencies, installs, scripts, profile.

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npmlist or npl (npl for the sake of typing) fuzzifies all the lists it can find about a npm module using ipt, making it easier for search and execution. Its default feature is local dependencies listing, but can be changed with feature flags. It has clear advantages over painfully slow and cluttered npm list:

  1. Selecting a package on fuzzy list will automatically trigger npm info <package>
  2. npl -t gives a quick refresher on the recent global installs
  3. npl -g finds and prints global modules as fancy as brew list, and more than 10x faster than npm list -g
  4. npl -s lists and triggers npm scripts better than npm run-script
  5. A replacement for npm list --depth=0 --local and other annoyingly long npm list --@#$% commands with assumed configurations
  6. No need to leave terminal just for glancing at a package's npm profile


$ npm install -g @hankchanocd/npmlist


Usage: npl [option] [name]

Fuzzy list anything with npm package


-v, --version   output the version number
-l, --local     list local dependencies, which is also the default feature
-g, --global    list global modules
-d, --details   include details to each dependency, but disable the default fuzzy mode
-t, --time      show the latest global installs
-s, --scripts   list/execute npm scripts
-a, --all       a flavor flag that shows all available information on any feature flag
-F, --no-fuzzy  disable the default fuzzy mode and resort to stdout
-h, --help      output usage information


Global modules

More than 10x faster than npm list -g

$ npl -g

? (Use arrow keys or type to search)
  ├── @angular/cli@6.2.4
  ├── aerobatic-cli@1.1.4

Recent added global modules

A quick refresher on what the heck it's installed/upgraded globally in the recent past

$ npl -t

? (Use arrow keys or type to search)
@hankchanocd/npmlist  10-5 21:29
semantic-release      10-5 8:5

Execute module's npm scripts

Somewhat similar to ntl

$ npl -s

? run (Use arrow keys or type to search)
build: babel src/ -d build/ --quiet
test: mocha

Fetch from NPM registry

npl fetches the module's latest version by default, unless a version is specified

$ npl express

express@4.16.4 Dependencies:
? (Use arrow keys or type to search)
├── accepts@1.3.5
├── array-flatten@1.1.1

Turn off fuzzy mode

Fuzzy mode is turned on in most cases, except for --details, where fuzzy is not optimal for multi-line text. You can also opt for --no-fuzzy to turn off the default fuzzy mode.

$ npl -t --no-fuzzy
$ npl -g --no-fuzzy
$ npl -s --no-fuzzy

Details flag

Applied to both local dependencies and global installs

$ npl --details
$ npl -g --details


Build a Web or CLI tool on top of npl's API.


To perform unit tests and integration tests, simply run npm test.


2018-Oct-16: Fuzzy mode is now enabled by default. It can be turned off by --no-fuzzy.

2018-Oct-18: Give up on trying to pipe output to less. Nodejs simply does not have good control of TTY.

2018-Oct-19: Speed up npmlist -g 10x than npm list -g

2018-Oct-20: npmlist can also be accessed via npl

2018-Oct-21: The first official API guide released.

2018-Oct-29: Add autocomplete.


npl started off as a bunch of CLI aliases on top of npm list and npm info, but grew larger quickly. It's now very effective at checking a package's dependencies. Saying all these means we are not afraid of expanding npl features beyond the current realm.

The roadmap for npl now focuses on presenting a quick and concise report on terminal with minimal commands (it means no sub-commands), freeing developers from the burden of constant switching between terminal and browser. See Wiki for npl's code architecture, developments rules, and styles. See here on how to contribute.

If you like the idea of fuzzy list, check out ruyadorno's ipt.
