This is a list of potentially useful icons that we could add to the product in the future.
- align-center - it's not really centered
- chart - rename to pie-chart
- text-columns - rename to text-columns-2
- menu - rename to dots-horizontal
- folder - rename to folder-full
- hamburger-menu - rename to hamburger-menu-horizontal
- line-chart
- bar-chart
- play-video
- camera
- text-columns-3
- document-txt
- document
- print-inverted
- insert-chart
- more-fonts
- insert-row
- insert-row-before
- insert-row-after
- remove-row
- insert-column
- insert-column-before
- insert-column-after
- remove-column
- binoculars
- keyboard-inverted
- calculator
- task-list
- bookmark
- header-text
- invisible (eye)
- select-all
- freeze-panes
- freeze-column
- freeze-row
- enter-fullscreen
- exit-fullscreen
- gridlines-toggle
- validate-data
- text-to-columns
- history-of-changes
- bluetooth
- wifi
- dots-vertical
- folder-outline
- hamburger-menu-vertical
- open-new-window
- discussion
- youtube
- medium
- mute
- unmute
- thumb-up
- thumb-down
- emot-smile
- emot-sad
- emot-neutral
- hooray
- heart
- broken-heart
- bell
- add-bookmark
- remove-bookmark
- exclamation-mark-circle
- information-circle
- question-mark-circle
- pull-request
- fork
- bug