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Face tracking, bg removal, crop, zoom, record & replay, and more webcam mods


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Webcam Mods

Tested on Arch Linux.

Checkout my other repository for some ffmpeg-only solutions here

Find installation and a work-in-progress demos here:

Included Mods

Face Tracking

Setup your webcam to focus and follow your face by cropping and resizing the frames it receives from your main webcam.

Person Segmentation

Separate the people in the frame from the background using a fast real-time prediction model. The model outputs a mask values between 0 to 1. We have mods based on this to swap the background with:

  • a solid color
  • another image
  • blurred version of the input frame (aka blur my background)


Interactively move your camera around with arrow keys ctrl+arrowkeys Resize the cropped frame using ctrl+shift+arrowkeys You can disable this control by defining the environment variable PAN_CONTROL=False.


Interactively pad your camera output with arrow keys alt+arrowkeys while keeping the output framesize fixed. You can disable this control by defining the environment variable PADDING_CONTROL=False.

Record & Replay

Record and replay your camera feed on the fly. While you're in any of the other modes above press r to start recording and press p to stop recording and start replaying in a loop.

For entertainment purposes only


Depending on your python setup you might need to include the current directory in your $PYTHONPATH. To do so run the following: export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:./"


System dependencies:

If you're just interested in running the released features install the project as a python package using: pip install git+ (python 3.8 environment) and access the offered features using webcam_mods CLI. This would replace the mentions in the rest of the documentation.

Python dependencies are listed in Pipfile. Install them using Pipenv (recommended)

[WARN] If you don't use pipenv for dependency and virtual env management you'd need to find replacements wherever you see pipenv mentioned => grep -R pipenv .

  1. create a virtual environment: pipenv --python 3.8
  2. activate it pipenv shell
  3. install the dependencies pipenv install --skip-lock

Setting up a virtual webcam device on Linux

On Linux once you have the v4l2 module installed you can run sudo make add-video-dev to add a virtual camera device with some pre-set flags.

Which executes the following to remove and re-insert the module. You might need root access for this.

pkill gst-launch &> /dev/null || true
rmmod v4l2loopback &> /dev/null || true
modprobe v4l2loopback devices=1 max_buffers=2 exclusive_caps=1 video_nr=10 card_label="v4l2-cam"


If you run into an issue upgrading try removing the old config file at .webcam.conf

Running the Mods

After you've successfully followed installation steps, you can run the different modes by calling python webcam_mods/ --help from within the src directory .


When you use the interactive controls to move the camera around the resulting parameters are saved in a text file to your disk which is by default located at $HOME/.webcam-mods.conf

Environment Variables

Environment variables are used to configure different parameters. Read more about how to set or persist them here These are mostly defined in the file. To see their default values take a look at that file.

  • VIDEO_IN & VIDEO_OUT: If you have multiple video input devices, aka webcams, you can pick the one you want by providing its index through by setting the VIDEO_IN environment variable. eg export VIDEO_IN=0. Same if you have multiple output devices.

  • MAX_OUT_FPS: [Default: 30] set an upper limit for output FPS.

  • IN_WIDTH [Default: 640], IN_HEIGHT [Default: 480]: Your video input device likely support multiple resolution and FPS settings use these env variables to pick and persist the one you want. v4l2-ctl can list out the different settings your webcam driver supports: v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext | less

  • OUT_WIDTH [Default: 640], OUT_HEIGHT [Default: 480]: similar to IN_HEIGHT and OUT_HEIGHT but for your output device.

  • ON_DEMAND [Default: False, Linux only]: set to True to lower cpu usage while the output camera device isn't actively used.

  • IN_FORMAT: input video format. This dictates the requested video format from the input video device (webcam) which directly affects picture quality and FPS. If you're looking to get higher a resolution or FPS out of your webcam it's crucial to inspect your camera and driver capabilities and set the appropriate format here.

  • PAN_CONTROL [Default True]: Set to False to disable panning/resizing with ctrl+arrowkeys/ctrl+shift+arrowkeys.

  • PADDING_CONTROL [Default True]: Set to False to disable padding with alt+arrowkeys.


house cleaning:

  • clean and reorganize the code
  • set up a code formatter
  • set up a language server for development with Vim and VSCode
  • replace the facetracking model with mediapipe
  • move the config file to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
  • cli support for settings currently supported by env variables


  • more stable edges for person segmentation
  • support other video feed formats from webcam eg mjpeg, h264 for higher resolution
  • including headphones in the mask
  • visualize interactive camera control settings
  • zoom support. done through resizing.
    • the controls could be more intuitive
  • MacOS support
    • disable ionotify. quartz install
  • Windows support? should be there with pyvirtualcam
  • hot swap inputs
  • [~] add screen as an input
  • convert/migrate env variables to cli arguments
  • brightness control. (and hue, saturation?)
  • [~] smooth bounding box tracking (for facetracking and more)
    • camera/crop size change transition
  • overlay on top of video


  • bug what?

a demo video showcasing the features


Are you interested in helping improve this tool (hint: look at the TODO section)? Are you looking for a specific feature, or have you found a bug? Use GitHub Issues to reach out to me.



Face tracking, bg removal, crop, zoom, record & replay, and more webcam mods







Contributors 3
