collects various small helpers, which make your programming life easier (or arguably harder, as long you still have to figure out, how to use them).
Unfortunately we do not have the resources to provide any support for this library. Feel inspired, file bug reports for broken bits or better yet pull requests, but please do not ask for help, sorry!
A simple configuration file ~/.vresutils.config
allows to configure
several data related paths:
# data directory
data_dir = "<path to data discussed in the data section>"
# caching (functions decorated with @cachable persist their results in some directory)
cache_dir = "<path to writable empty directory>"
# entsoetransparency url (fill in the blanks from [13])
entsoeftp = 'ftp://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/export/export/'
The reatlas
module expects a configuration file ~/.reatlas.config
hostname = '<hostname with a running Aarhus Renewable Energy Atlas server>'
username = '<username>'
password = '<password>'
notify = False
Expected to be found below the data sub-directory.
Natura2000/Natura2000_end2016.* : Natura 2000 GIS data - the European network of protected sites [11] As a shapefile. corine/g250_clc06_V18_5.* : Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2012, Version 18.5.1 [12] 250m or 100m raster data.
Hydro_Inflow : Results from the RESTORE 2050 project [18].
germany.npy : German outline as sequence of points, again, extracted from vg250. vg250 : Geometry of various German divisions, for example Landkreise and Länder The geometry of these Landkreise must be available as shapefiles at data/vg250 in the UTM32 projection, they are available from the Bundesamt für Kartographie and Geodäsie at [1]. ne_10m_admin_countries : Worldwide country shapes from [2] World_EEZ : World wide Exclusive Economic Zones from [10], i.e. VLIZ (2014) NUTS_2010_60M_SH : EU shapes from Eurostat [3] plz-gebiete : The german postcode areas obtained from [4], based on OSM
- ::
- eu_ntc_2016.graphml
- ENTSO-E NTC values (hand-written from [14,15])
- links_de_power_150601.csv, vertices_de_power_150601.csv :
- For graph.read_scigrid the data csv files available at [5] must be present.
- entsoe_2009_final.gpickle :
- An networkx representation of the network published by Bialek at [6] with approximate geographical coordinates.
entsoe_country_packages : Country packages from ENTSO-E as xls files from [16]. time_series_60min_singleindex_filtered.csv : Load data for European countries from the OPSD Time series data package [17]. (Using filters to include only `load` of full countries, i.e. `DE` but not `DE hertz` and the time range from 2011 to end of 2015 is recommended). nama_10r_3popgdp.tsv.gz , nama_10r_3gdp.tsv.gz : Population and GDP data from EUROSTAT by NUTS3 regions ch_cantons.csv, je-e-21.03.02.xls : Population and GDP data per Kanton from the BFS in Switzerland.
Kraftwerksliste_CSV_deCP850ed.csv : A list of the German powerplants as published by BNetzA at [7]. The encoding of the CSV on their page is originally compatible to CP850 and has to be reencoded to UTF-8 (using recode f.ex.). global_energy_observatory_power_plants.sqlite : An sqlite dump of the page scraped using [8]. nrg_113a.xls : Extracted Eurostat dataset of the Electrical backup capacity per European country in the years 2012/13 from [9].
Copyright 2015-2017 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
[2] (Admin 0 - Countries)
[10] (World EEZ v8, Low res)
[14] Becker, Sarah. "Transmission grid extensions in renewable electricity systems." PhD thesis, 2015.
[15] ENTSO-E, Indicative values for Net Transfer Capacities (NTC) in Continental Europe. European Transmission System Operators, 2011,, accessed Jul 2014.