A library for Angular 8 that helps the user graphically build a CRON expression. It is a fork of the vincentjames501's angular-cron-gen for AngularJS 1.5+ and claudiuconstantin's [cron-editor(https://github.com/claudiuconstantin/cron-editor)].
The main additions of this fork is support for Angular 8+.
We also plan to move from Bootstrap to Material Design components for Angular.
A work-in-progress demo can be found here
Install the npm package:
$ npm i ngx-cron-editor -S
Import the module in your own module:
import { CronEditorModule } from "ngx-cron-editor"; @NgModule({ imports: [..., CronEditorModule], ... }) export class MyModule { }
Use the component in your html code:
<cron-editor [(cron)]="cronExpression"></cron-editor>
That's it, you're done!
<cron-editor [(cron)]="cronExpression" [options]="cronOptions"></cron-editor>
import { CronOptions } from "cron-editor/cron-editor";
export class MyComponent {
public cronOptions: CronOptions = {
formInputClass: 'form-control cron-editor-input',
formSelectClass: 'form-control cron-editor-select',
formRadioClass: 'cron-editor-radio',
formCheckboxClass: 'cron-editor-checkbox',
defaultTime: "00:00:00",
hideMinutesTab: false,
hideHourlyTab: false,
hideDailyTab: false,
hideWeeklyTab: false,
hideMonthlyTab: false,
hideYearlyTab: false,
hideAdvancedTab: true,
hideSpecificWeekDayTab : false,
hideSpecificMonthWeekTab : false,
use24HourTime: true,
hideSeconds: false,
cronFlavor: "quartz" //standard or quartz
Licensed under the MIT license