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Ruby Performance Optimization - Book abstract

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Ruby Performance Optimization

This notes are adapted from these sources:

  1. Ruby Performance Optimization
  2. SpeedShop

Table of content

What makes Ruby so slow

  1. Memory consumption and garbage collection are among the major reasons why Ruby is slow.
  2. Ruby has significant memory overhead See 001_gc.rb.

Performance Mind-set

  1. Ruby is a general-purpose programming language, but that doesn’t mean you should use it to solve all your problems. There are things that Ruby is not so good at. The prime example is large dataset processing. That needs memory: exactly the sort of thing that you want to avoid. This task is better done in a database or in background processes written in other programming languages. Twitter, for example, once had a Ruby on Rails front end backed by Scala workers. Another example is statistical computations, which are better done with, say, the R language.
  2. The less memory your code uses, the less work Ruby GC has to do. You already know some tricks to reduce memory consumption—the ones that we used in our example: line-by-line data processing and avoiding inter- mediate objects. I’ll show you more in subsequent chapters. 3- Once you’re sure the memory is used optimally, take a look at the algo- rithmic complexity of the code itself.

Optimize memory

Use GC::Profiler to get some GC runs information.

  1. 80% of performance optimization comes from memory optimization

See 002_memory.rb

  1. GC::Profiler has memory and CPU overhead

See wrapper.rb for custom wrapper example.

  1. Save memory by avoiding copying objects, modify them in place if it is possible (use ! bang-methods)

See 004_string_bang.rb

  1. If your String is less than 40 bytes - use << method instead of += to concatenate it and Ruby will not allocate an additional object

See 004_array_bang.rb (w/ GC)

  1. Read files line by line. And keep in mind not only total memory consumption but also peaks

See 005_files.rb (w/ and w/o GC)

  1. Callbacks (Procs & lambdas) cause its context (seized variables & object in which callback was created) to stay in memory until callback finalized. If you store callbacks, do not forget to remove them after they called.

See 006_callbacks_1.rb
See 006_callbacks_2.rb
See 006_callbacks_3.rb

  1. Try to avoid &block and use yield instead (former copies context stack while latter not)

  2. Iterators use block arguments, so use them carefully

Note following:

  1. GC will not collect iterable object (Array or Hash) before all iterations finished
  2. Iterators create temp objects


  1. Free objects from the collection during iteration & use each! pattern
See [007_iter_1.rb](007_iter_1.rb)
  1. Look at C code to find object allocations
See [007_iter_2.rb](007_iter_2.rb) (for Ruby `< 2.3.0`)

Table of `T_NODE` allocations per iterator item for ruby 2.1:

| Iterator         | Enum | Array | Range |  
| ---------------: | ---- | ----- | ----- |  
| all?             | 3    | 3     | 3     |  
| any?             | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| collect          | 0    | 1     | 1     |  
| cycle            | 0    | 1     | 1     |  
| delete_if        | 0    | —     | 0     |  
| detect           | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| each             | 0    | 0     | 0     |  
| each_index       | 0    | —     | —     |  
| each_key         | —    | —     | 0     |  
| each_pair        | —    | —     | 0     |  
| each_value       | —    | —     | 0     |  
| each_with_index  | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| each_with_object | 1    | 1     | 1     |  
| fill             | 0    | —     | —     |  
| find             | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| find_all         | 1    | 1     | 1     |  
| grep             | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| inject           | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| map              | 0    | 1     | 1     |  
| none?            | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| one?             | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| reduce           | 2    | 2     | 2     |  
| reject           | 0    | 1     | 0     |  
| reverse          | 0    | —     | —     |  
| reverse_each     | 0    | 1     | 1     |  
| select           | 0    | 1     | 0     |  
  1. Date parsing is slow, it is better to use defined date format and strptime method

See 008_date_parsing.rb

  1. Object#class, Object#is_a?, Object#kind_of? are slow when used inside iterators

  2. Use SQL for aggregation & calculation if it is possible

See 009_db/ (database query itself is only 30ms)

  1. Use native (compiled C) gems if possible

Optimize Rails

What is fast?

For App Server:

  • fast: <50ms
  • ok: <300ms
  • slow: >300ms

For API: 2 times faster!

For Frontend:

  • fast: <500ms
  • ok: <2s
  • slow: >2s


  1. ActiveRecord uses 3x DB data size memory and often calls GC
  2. Use #pluck, #select to load only necessary data
  3. Preload associations if you plan to use them
  4. Use #find_by_sql to aggregate associations data
  5. Use #find_each & #find_in_batches
  6. To perform simple operations use following methods:
  • ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute
  • ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query
  • ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values
  • #update_all
  1. Use render partial: 'a', collection: @col, which loads partial template only once
  2. Paginate large views
  3. You may disable logging to increase performance
  4. Watch your helpers, they may be iterators-unsafe


Use Rails cache(obj) {} method to cache ActiveRecord objects expired by either:

  • class
  • id
  • updated_at
  • view

Avoid 'Russian doll' (nested) cache blocks or cache 'id-arrays' like following:

<% cache(["list", items.maximum(:updated_at)]) do %>
    <% items.each do |item| %>
      <% cache(item) do %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

If you refer relations in views, do not forget to touch objects: belongs_to :obj, touch: true

Main Rails cache stores:

  • ActiveSupport::FileStore - shared between processes, and cheap, but has no LRU
  • ActiveSupport::MemoryStore - fast, but expensive and could not be shared
  • Memcache / dalli - shared and distributed, but expensive ,tough in config and has record size limits
  • Redis - shared & distributed, could persist and evict old records, but expensive and supports only strings
  • LRURedux - very fast, but not shared, expensive and low-level


You should avoid falling into swap on Heroku, so calculate number of workers carefully (128Mb for master and 256Mb for each worker).

If you have > 60 req/s, use unicorn / puma / passenger (not thin / webrick).

Try derailed_benchmarks to see memory consumption.

Check out 24-hours memory consumption graphs.

Worker killers may be useful if you have undefined memory leaks. Check that killer perform not more frequently than once an hour.

Serve assets from S3 / CDN or exclude them from monitoring.



Profiling = measuring CPU/Memory usage + interpreting results

For CPU profiling disable GC!


ruby-prof gem has both API (for isolated profiling) and CLI (for startup profiling) interfaces. It also has a Rack Middleware for Rails.

See 010_rp_1.rb

Some programs may spend more time on startup than on actual code execution.
Sometimes GC.disable may take a significant amount of time because of lazy GC sweep.

Use Rack::RubyProf middleware to profile Rails apps. Include it before Rack::Runtime to include other middlewares in the report.
To disable GC, use custom middleware (see 010_rp_rails/config/application.rb).

Rails profiling best practices:

  1. Disable GC
  2. Always profile in production mode
  3. Profile twice and discard cold-start results
  4. Profile w/ & w/o caching if you use it
  5. Profile with data of production DB size

The most useful report types for ruby-prof (see 011_rp_rep.rb):

  1. Flat (Shows which functions are slow)
  2. Call graph (Shows callers and callees)
  3. Stack report (Shows execution paths; good for small chunks of code)

You also should try rack-mini-profiler with flamegraphs.

Callgrind format

Ruby-prof can generate callgrind files with CallTreePrinter (see 011_rp_rep.rb).
Callgrind profiles have double counting issue!
Callgrind profiles show loops as recursion.
It is better to start from the bottom of Call Graph and optimize its leaves first.

Optimizing with Profiler

Always start optimizing with writing tests & benchmarks.
! Profiler adds up to 10x time to function calls.
If you optimized individual functions but the whole thing is still slow, look at the code at a higher abstraction level.

Optimization tips:

  1. Optimization with the profiler is a craft (not engineering)
  2. Always write test
  3. Never forget about the big picture
  4. Profiler obscures measurements, benchmarks needed

Profile Memory

80% of Ruby performance optimization comes from memory optimization.

You have 3 options for memory profiling:

  1. Massif / Stackprof profiles
  2. Patched Ruby interpreter & ruby-prof
  3. Printing GC#stat & GC::Profiler measurements

Specific tools

To detect if memory profiling needed you should use monitoring and profiling tools.

Good tool for profiling is Valgrind Massif but it shows memory allocations only for C/C++ code.

Another tool is Stackprof that shows number of object allocations (that is proportional to memory consumption) (see 014_stackprof.rb). But if your code allocates a small number of large objects, it won't help.
Stackprof could generate flamegraphs and it's OK to use it in production because it has no overhead.

Patched Ruby & RubyProf

You need RailsExpress patched Ruby (google it). Then set RubyProf measure mode and use one the of printers (see 015_rp_memory.rb). Don't forget to enable memory stats with GC.enable_stats.

Modes for memory profiling:

  • MEMORY - mem usage
  • ALLOCATIONS - # of object allocations
  • GC_RUNS - # of GC runs (useless for optimization)
  • GC_TIME - GC time (useless for optimization)

Memory profile shows only new memory allocations (not the total amount of memory at the time) and doesn't show GC reclaims.

! Ruby allocates temp object for string > 23 chars.

Manual way

We can measure current memory usage, but it is not very useful.

On Linux we can use OS tools:

memory_before = `ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i / 1024
memory_after = `ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i / 1024

GC#stat and GC::Profiler can reveal some information.


For adequate measurements, we should make a number of measurements and take median value.
A lot of external (CPU, OS, latency, etc.) and internal (GC runs, etc.) factors affect measured numbers. It is impossible to entirely exclude them.

Minimize external factors

  • Disable dynamic CPU frequency (governor, cpupower in Linux)
  • Warm up machine

Minimize internal factors

Two things can affect application: GC and System calls (including I/O calls).

You may disable GC for measurements or force it before benchmarking with GC.start (but not in a loop ! because of a new object being created in it).
On Linux & Mac OS process fork is able to fix that issue:

100.times do
  pid = fork do
    m = Benchmark.realtime { ... }


Analyze with Statistics

Confidence interval - interval within which we can confidently state the true optimization lies.
Level of confidence - the size of the confidence interval.

Analysis algorithm:

  1. Estimate means:

mx = sum(xs) / count(xs); my = sum(ys) / count(ys)

  1. Calculate standard deviation:

sdx = sqrt(sum(sqr(xi - mx)) / count(xs) - 1); sdy = sqrt(sum(sqr(yi - my)) / count(ys) - 1)

  1. Calculate optimization mean:

mo = mx - my

  1. Calculate standard error:

err = sqrt(sqr(sdx) / count(xs) + sqr(sdy) / count(ys))

  1. Get the confidence interval:

interval = (mo - 2 * err)..(mo + 2 * err)

Both lower and upper bounds of confidence interval should be > 0 (see 016_statistics.rb). Always make more than 30 measurements for good results.

For Ruby, round measures to the tenth of milliseconds (e.g. 1.23 s). For rounding use tie-breaking "round half to even" rule (round 5 to even number: 1.25 ~= 1.2, 1.35 ~= 1.4).

For better results, you may exclude outliers and first (cold) measure results.

Use benchmark tools

Test Rails performance

For Rails performance testing, use special gems (e.g. rails-perftest) or write your own custom assertions.


  • It is a good practice to create Rails performance integration tests
  • But don't forget to turn on caching and set log level to :info
  • Database size may affect your results, so rollback transactions or clear data
  • Write performance test for complex DB queries
  • Test DB queries count and try to reduce it (may use assert_value gem) (see 017_query_count.rb)
  • Generate enough data for performance test

Think Outside the Box

Ruby program may be optimized not only by optimizing its code. Application may use various dependencies, services, and third party software.

Restart long-running processes

Sometimes it is OK to restart long-running ruby processes. Memory consumption grows with time and GC slows down with more memory allocated.

! In most cases ruby won't give objects heap memory back to OS.

Applications cycling ways:

  1. Hosting platform tools (Heroku, etc.)
  2. Process management tools (monit, god, runit, systemd, etc.)
  3. OS limits (setrlimit)
  4. Cycle Unicorn workers

Use process forks & background jobs

Objects-heavy calculations should be started in forks, so when forked process exits, heap memory will be returned to OS (see 018_heavy_forks.rb). There are 3 common ways to return result from fork: files, DB, I/O pipe.

! Doesn't work with threads, only forks (threads share ObjectSpace).

For Rails use background jobs (delayed_job) and workers (sidekiq).

! Sidekiq uses threads, so you should monitor and restart Sidekiq workers yourself.

Do OOBGC (Out-of-Band GC)

Not useful since Ruby 2.2.

OOBGC - starting GC when an application has a low workload.
Unicorn has the direct support of OOBGC via unicorn/oob_gc middleware.

For Ruby 2.1+ you can use gem gctool. But be careful with threads: starting GC in one thread will affect all other threads of the process.

Tune your Database

For PostgreSQL:

  • Let DB use maximum memory
  • DB should have enough space for sorts and aggregations
  • Log slow queries to reproduce problem

PostgreSQL configuration best practives:

effective_cache_size <RAM * 3/4>
shared_buffers <RAM * 1/4>
# aggregations memory
work_mem <2^(log(RAM / MAX_CONN)/log(2))>
# vacuum & indices creation
maintenance_work_mem <2^(log(RAM / 16)/log(2))>
log_autovacuum_min_duration 1000ms
log_min_duration_statement 1000ms
auto_explain.log_min_duration 1000ms
shared_preload_libraries 'auto_explain'
custom_variable_classes 'auto_explain'
auto_explain.log_analyze off

Buy more resources

Most important criteria:

  1. RAM
  2. I/O performance (disk)
  3. Database config
  4. Other

Tune Up the GC

Ruby stores objects in its own heap (objects heap) and uses OS heap for data that doesn't fit into objects.

Every object in Ruby is RVALUE struct. Its size:

  • 20 bytes for 32-bit OS (4-byte aligned)
  • 24 bytes for 32-bit OS (8-byte aligned)
  • 40 bytes for 64-bit OS

Check RVALUE size with following commands:

gdb `rbenv which ruby`
p sizeof(RVALUE)

! A medium-sized Rails App allocates ~ 0.5M objects at startup.

Ruby heap space (objects heap) -> N heap pages -> M heap slots. Heap slot contains one object.
To allocate a new object, Ruby takes an unused slot. If no unused slot found, interpreter allocates more heap pages.

Ruby 1.8

Allocates 10_000 slots at startup (1 page) and then adds by 1 page (page = prev_page * 1.8)

Ruby 1.9 - 2.0

Heap page = 16kB (~ 408 objects).
Allocates 10_000 slots (24 pages) and then adds by N 16kB pages (N = prev_pages * 1.8 - prev_pages).

Some GC stats (GC.stat) for Ruby 1.9:

  • count - GC runs
  • heap_used - pages allocated (heap_used * 408 * 40b = memory allocated)
  • heap_increment - more pages to allocate before GC run
  • heap_length = heap_used + heap_increment
  • heap_live_num - live object in heap
  • heap_free_num - free slots in heap
  • heap_final_num - object to finalize by GC

Ruby 2.1

GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR - growth factor (default = 1.8)
GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS - slots growth constraint

Allocates 1 page + 24 pages and then adds by N pages (N = prev_nonempty_pages * GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR - prev_nonempty_pages).

In Ruby 2.1 pages added on demand (heap_length != N of allocated pages, it's just counter).

Some GC stats (GC.stat) for Ruby 2.1:

  • heap_free_num - free slots in allocated heap pages
  • heap_swept_slot - slots swept (freed) on last GC

Eden - occupied heap pages.
Tomb - empty heap pages.

To allocate a new object Ruby first looks for free space in eden and only then in tomb.

! Ruby frees (gives it back to OS) objects heap memory by pages.

Algorithm to determine number of pages to free:

  1. sw, - number of pages touched on sweep (number of objects / HEAP_OBJ_LIMIT)
  2. rem = max(total_heap_pages * 0.8, init_slots), - pages that should stay
  3. fr = total_heap_pages - rem, - pages to free

Usually objects heap growth is 80% while reduction is 10%.

Ruby 2.2

Some GC stats (GC.stat) for Ruby 2.2:

  • heap_allocated_pages = heap_used
  • heap_allocatable_pages = heap_increment
  • heap_sorted_pages = heap_length
  • heap_available_slots = heap_live_slots + heap_free_slots + heap_final_slots

Growth is the same as in Ruby 2.1 but relative to eden pages, not allocated pages.

Object Memory

If Ruby object is bigger than half of 40 bytes (on 64-bit OS) it will be stored entirely outside the objects heap. This object memory will be freed and returned to OS after GC (see 019_obj_memory.rb).

Ruby string (RSTRING struct) can store only 23 bytes of payload.
ObjectSpace.memsize_of(obj) - shown object size in memory in bytes.

For example, 24 chars String will have a size of 65 bytes (24 outside the heap + 1 for upkeep + 40 bytes inside heap).

It may be OK to allocate a big object in memory because it doesn't affect GC performance (but may lead to GC run), but it is crucial to allocate a large amount of small objects in objects heap.

What triggers GC

Two main purposes are:

  • No more free slots in the objects heap space
  • Current memory allocation limit (malloc) has been exceeded

Heap Usage

If there are no more free slots in objects heap, Ruby invoces GC to free enough slots, which is max(allocated_slots * 0.2, GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS) (see 020_heap_gc.rb).

Malloc Limit

GC will be triggered when you allocate more than the current memory limit (Ruby <= 2.0 GC_MALLOC_LIMIT ~= 8M bytes (7.63 Mb)) (see 021_malloc_gc.rb).

Malloc limit adjusted in runtime proportional to memory usage by an application, but not any good.

Ruby 2.1 introduced generational GC - it divides all objects into new and old (survived a GC) generations with own limits GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MIN, GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT_MIN (both 16 Mb initially).
They can grow up to GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_MAX, GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT_MAX (32 Mb and 128 Mb by default).
Growth factors are GC_MALLOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR and GC_OLDMALLOC_LIMIT_GROWTH_FACTOR (1.4 and 1.2 by default). And reduction factor is 0.98.

Ruby 2.2 introduced incremental GC - several mark steps followed by several sweeps (smaller "stop the world").

Ruby uses mark & sweep GC and stops the world for mark steps.
Generational GC divides all GC invocations to minor (only for new objects) and major (for both new and old ones).

Some related GC.stat params:

  • malloc_limit - malloc limit for the new generation
  • malloc_increase - memory allocated by the new generation since the last GC
  • oldmalloc_limit
  • oldmalloc_increase

GC Tuning

Ruby >= 2.1

Tune up following env vars:

  • RUBY_GC_HEAP_INIT_SLOTS - initial slots number (default is 10_000)
  • RUBY_GC_HEAP_FREE_SLOTS - minimum number of slots to free (default is 4096)
  • RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR - (default is 1.8)
  • RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_MAX_SLOTS - (default is 0 = unlimited)
  • RUBY_GC_HEAP_OLDOBJECT_LIMIT_FACTOR - affects major GC invocation time (default is 2)
  • RUBY_[parameters for malloc limits]

Ruby <= 2.0

Tune up following env vars:

  • RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS - initial slots number
  • RUBY_FREE_MIN - minimum number of slots to free
  • RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT - change it to 16 Mb + (default is 8 Mb)

To change other Ruby GC parameters for versions below 2.0, you have to recompile interpreter.

Static Analysis Tools

  • fasterer - gives performance suggestions


  • Fast Ruby - awesome collection of useful tips & tricks


Ruby Performance Optimization - Book abstract






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