This folder contains the tidy data used in The Tidynomicon: A Brief Introduction to R for Python Programmers. This README is modelled on, which was created for an article in The Pudding titled Women's Pockets Are Inferior, and describes each of the data files. See the README in the raw/
directory for a description of the raw data.
- infant_hiv.csv
- What is this?: tidied version of CSV export from spreadsheet.
- Source(s): UNICEF,
- Last Modified: September 2018
- Contact: Greg Wilson
- Spatial Applicability: global
- Temporal Applicability: 2009-2017
- Generated By: scripts/tidy-24.R
Header | Datatype | Description |
country | char | ISO3 country code of country reporting data |
year | integer | year CE for which data reported |
estimate | double/NA | estimated percentage of measurement |
hi | double/NA | high end of range |
lo | double/NA | low end of range |