This code is an independent implementation of Learning to Rank Short Text Pairs with Convolutional Deep Neural Networks SIGIR'15 in Keras.
- Evaluation done using TREC-Eval and without word overlap features.
- Trained the model for 20 epochs, setting the same parameters as mentioned in the paper.
- Used only a single dropout layer, after the Dense layer.
- Used
as the activation function, instead ofsoftmax
(mentioned in the paper).
For the provided data jacana-qa-naacl2013-..
Metric | Training Set | Score |
map | TRAIN-ALL | |
recip_rank(mrr) | TRAIN-ALL |
Reported in paper for qg-emnlp07-data
Metric | Test Set | Score |
map | TRAIN-ALL | 0.6709 |
recip_rank(mrr) | TRAIN-ALL | 0.7280 |
- Neural architecture as given in the paper, complete with regularization and adadelta, with optimal hyperparameters.
- Used
from the implementations in Other Implementations section. - Implemented
- Accuracy printed while training does not have any relevance.
- Tensorflow(not compiled to use SS4.1 et. al) is faster than theano on same hardware (77m vs 134m CPU time on E5-2680). But, it gave lower scores over the same epochs. Need to dump optimal weights and test on that.
- And almost identical timings on i7-5820K with TF compiled to use low level optimizations. Theano didn't use lblas here.
gives a division by zero error and is thus unable to compute the scores, returnnan
.- Add early stopping and store parameters with best MAP score on dev set (as per the paper). This will increase the scores a fair bit (The last iteration had a high loss, as compared to some of the previous ones.).
- Add dropout at a few other places.
- Use word overlap features.