Manifest to manage MongoDB. It supports only Linux, because I don't believe in running Windows or MacOS in production servers.
Edit the file manifests/params.pp and specify mongoDB's version and linux architecture ( i686, x86_64 or i386 )
Just declare for your node:
node "" {
class { 'mongodb':
disablenuma => 'yes',
replicaset => 'myReplSet'
- disablenuma - Indicates if NUMA should be turned off (See for more details)
- replicaset - The name of the replicaSet that the server will be part (See
- /etc/conf/mongodb.conf - Configuration file. For a detailed syntax see
- /etc/init.d/mongodb - Init script. MongoDB runs under 'mongodb' user and group
- /opt/mongodb - Installation folder
- /data/mongodb - data files
- /data/mongodb/logs - log files
- Make the init script generic - currently is for Suse Linux only
- Support sharding
- Externalise the version as a parameter