#Logger System ##initial time: 2016.9.5 ##author: frankGao
Project objective: Build a log system to promote the working efficiency.
Project basic idea: Break the working schedule into time intervals. At the end of each time interval, a window jumps out and music plays. User need to record what he or she did in the previous time intervals. The program will automatic record the information into log, which is represented as text file named by the current date.
In brief, the program will work as following steps:
start the program.
pick up a song for each break to play
set up how long the intervals should be
start to run.
Then each time the window jumps out. User need to record what he or she has done in the prevous passed intervel. The program will write those into the log.
Language intended to use to implement: Java Music format: MP3 Log format: text file
###Design notes:
####Use cases
at the beginning of the program, a setting up window shows to set up three parameters: *interval length *music file *today's work objective
begin from the start of the program, remindering window will jump out at the end of each time intervals.
each remindering window give 4 options:
*continue work *record work progress. *change interval length *change music
so 4 button will shows and a music play window shows.
#####Setting up window
one text field for setting how long the interval should be
one button to chooce the music file.
one test field for list today's goal.
#####Remindering window
Continue work -> Button
record Work progress -> Button
modify interval -> Button
modify music -> Button
######Record Work Progress
*Progress text -> Text Field *Save -> Button
######Modify interval
*interval length setting -> Text Field *save setting -> Button
######Modify Music
*music choose -> Dir Button *save setting -> Button
| |
v |
set up time and music -> break -> continue __________ |
-> record note________| |
-> change interval____|____|
-> change music_______|