Hello! I'm Grisha, a passionate developer from Russia with a strong focus on Python and automation. I enjoy creating tools that make life easier and more efficient.
1. tgfuse
Tg UserBot that allows you to mount a telegram channel as a drive in linux using fuse.
Telegram bot that allows you to download videos and other files using links.
3. gpt4tg
My implementation of the gpt4free project and gemini as telegram bot.
A Telegram bot designed to transcribe voice messages, making communication more accessible and versatile.
5. game_tg_bot
A gaming bot for telegram.
6. check-host
The project provides backend and frontend for checking ip address and port.
7. catacli
A command-line launcher for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead on Linux, requiring several dependencies like curl, wget, and SDL2.