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Cloud Spanner C++ Client Library Benchmarks

This directory contains end-to-end benchmarks for the Cloud Spanner C++ client library. The benchmarks execute experiments against the production environment. You need a working Google Cloud Platform project and Cloud Spanner instance to run these benchmarks. We recommend that you use an isolated instance, that is one without any other workloads, to run each experiment, and that you do not run more than one experiment at a time in said instance.

Creating an instance

Assuming you have an existing Google Cloud Project you can create a Cloud Spanner instance using the console or:

GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=...                      # Your project ID
GOOGLE_CLOUD_CPP_SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE_ID=benchmarks  # Choose your instance ID
INSTANCE_CONFIG=regional-us-central1          # Choose the instance location(s)
gcloud spanner instances create ${GOOGLE_CLOUD_CPP_SPANNER_TEST_INSTANCE_ID} \
    --config=${INSTANCE_CONFIG} --description="An instance to run Benchmarks" \

CPU Overhead Experiment

This experiment measures the CPU overhead of the client library vs. raw gRPC. This overhead is never expected to be zero, the library is performing useful work, but we want it to be low, unsurprising, and (once a baseline is established) to remain stable unless there is good reason to add overhead.

We recommend that you compile and run these experiments on a VM running on the same region as the spanner instance you will use for the tests. Create and configure the VM instance, and then install the development tools for whatever platform you chose. See doc/ for install instructions for your platform.

Compiling the library

You must compile both the library and its dependencies with optimization. The contributor documentation has the relevant information.

Configuring Authentication

You need to configure the Cloud Spanner client library so it can authenticate with Cloud Spanner. While covering authentication in detail is beyond the scope of this README, we assume the reader is familiar with the topic, and refer them to the Authentication Overview if they need a more in-depth discussion.

Save the credentials you want to use to a file. Then set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the path of this file.

If you are running the benchmarks in a virtual machine, the library can automatically use the GCE instance service account (when you do not set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS). You may need to grant this service account permissions to work with Cloud Spanner. Examine the spanner roles to chose a role for this account, the principal used to run these benchmark should have (at least) the permissions granted by the roles/spanner.databaseAdmin role.

Running the benchmark

By default the benchmarks run simple smoke tests, the intention is for these benchmarks to run as part of the CI build, where we want them to finish quickly. You must specify some options to control for how long the experiments run, for example, to perform the experiment measuring the CPU overhead of reading columns of type STRING you would run:

.build/google/cloud/spanner/benchmarks/multiple_rows_cpu_benchmark \
    --project=${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT} \
    --table-size=1000000 \
    --maximum-channels=8 \
    --maximum-threads=16 \
    --iteration-duration=5 \
    --samples=60 --experiment=read-string | tee mrcb-read-string.csv

The program can run the same experiment with other data types:

for exp in read-bool read-bytes read-date read-float64 \
           read-int64 read-string read-timestamp; do \
  .build/google/cloud/spanner/benchmarks/multiple_rows_cpu_benchmark \
    --project=${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT} \
    --table-size=1000000 \
    --maximum-channels=8 \
    --maximum-threads=16 \
    --iteration-duration=5 \
    --samples=60 --experiment=${exp} | tee mrcb-${exp}.csv; \

Inspecting the results

At this time we have not developed scripts to analyze the benchmark results, but some simple R commands can help, start R in your command line and then issue the following commands:

require(ggplot2) # may require install.packages("ggplot2") the first time
df <- data.frame()
for(file in Sys.glob("mrcb-read-*.csv")) {
    t <- read.csv(file, comment.char='#');
    name <- gsub('mrcb-([a-z-]+).*', '\\1', file);
    t$experiment = factor(name);
    df <- rbind(df, t);

df$CpuTimePerRow <- df$CpuTime / df$RowCount

aggregate(CpuTimePerRow ~ UsingStub + experiment, data=df, FUN=mean)

ggplot(data=df, aes(color=UsingStub, x=experiment, y=CpuTime)) + geom_boxplot()

Single Row Throughput Experiment

This experiment measures the throughput of either single-row inserts or single-row reads using different numbers of channels and threads. The objective is to verify the client library scales well with more threads and those not introduce bottlenecks.

To run the experiment reading data for approximately 5 minutes use 20 samples of 15 seconds each:

.build/google/cloud/spanner/benchmarks/single_row_throughput_benchmark \
    --project=${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT} \
    --iteration-duration=15 \
    --table-size=10000000 \
    --maximum-channels=32 \
    --maximum-threads=1024 \
    --samples=20 2>&1 \
    --experiment=read | tee srtp-read.csv