UUIDv7 was shipped in #139 (and is included in v1.5.0), but appears to have skipped the part of the spec that expects monotonic ordering for batch creation.
Additionally, care MUST be taken to ensure UUIDs generated in batches are also monotonic. That is, if one-thousand UUIDs are generated for the same timestamp; there is sufficient logic for organizing the creation order of those one-thousand UUIDs. For batch UUID creation implementions MAY utilize a monotonic counter which SHOULD increment for each UUID created during a given timestamp.
In the following code sample, the output is always:
➜ go run main.go
uuidv7 false
package main
import (
func main() {
length := 10000
uuids := make([]string, length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
uuidString, _ := uuid.NewV7()
uuids[i] = uuidString.String()
fmt.Println("uuidv7", isSorted(uuids))
func isSorted[T constraints.Ordered](collection []T) bool {
for i := 1; i < len(collection); i++ {
if collection[i-1] > collection[i] {
return false
return true
Can this implementation be modified to support monotonically increasing UUIDs?
Thank you!
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