This guide demonstrates using Asylo to protect secret data from an attacker with root privileges.
On traditional systems, the Operating System (OS) kernel has unrestricted access to a machine's hardware resources. The kernel typically exposes most of its access permissions to a root user without any restrictions. Additionally, a root user can extend or modify the kernel on a running system. As a result, if an attacker can execute code with root privileges, they can compromise every secret and bypass every security policy on the machine. For instance, if an attacker obtains root access on a machine that manages TLS keys, those keys may be compromised.
Enclaves are an emerging technology paradigm that changes this equation. An enclave is a special execution context where code can run protected from even the OS kernel, with the guarantee that even a user running with root privileges cannot extract the enclave's secrets or compromise its integrity. Such protections are enabled through hardware isolation technologies such as Intel SGX or ARM TrustZone, or even through additional software layers such as a hypervisor. These technologies enable new forms of isolation beyond the usual kernel/user-space separation.
New security features are exciting for developers building secure applications, but in practice there is a big gap between having a raw capability and developing applications that leverage that capability. Building useful enclave applications requires tools to construct, load, and operate enclaves. Doing useful work in an enclave requires programming-language support and access to core platform libraries.
Asylo is an open source framework for developing enclave applications. It defines an abstract enclave model that can be mapped transparently onto a variety of enclave technologies (a.k.a., enclave backends). Asylo provides a software-development platform that supports a growing range of use cases. In a sense, the enclave backend can be viewed as a special-purpose embedded computer running inside a conventional machine, with Asylo providing the necessary runtime for that embedded computer.
Below, we walk through building a simple example enclave. The example demonstrates initializing an enclave, passing arguments to code running inside the enclave, encrypting those arguments inside the enclave, and returning the processed results. Even though this is a very simple example, it demonstrates the basic functionality provided by Asylo and the steps required to utilize that functionality.
Run the following commands to grab our Docker container and download the example source code used in this guide. See our README for additional instructions on Docker usage.
docker pull
mkdir -p "${MY_PROJECT}"
wget -q -O - | \
tar -zxv --strip 1 --directory "${MY_PROJECT}"
Note that you can set MY_PROJECT
to any directory of your choice. This
environment variable is later used in the instructions for
building and running the enclave
application in this example.
The example source code can be found in the Asylo SDK on GitHub.
In Asylo, an enclave runs in the context of a user-space application. However, for security and portability reasons, Asylo does not support direct interactions between the enclave code and the OS. Instead, all enclave-to-OS interactions must be mediated through code that runs outside the enclave. We refer to the code running outside the enclave as the untrusted application and the code running inside the enclave as the trusted application, or simply the enclave.
Here, we focus on a model where a majority of the user-developed logic lives inside the enclave. In this model, users may have to write some boiler-plate (similar to what is presented later in this guide), but most of the code needed for creating, launching, and interacting with enclaves is provided by the Asylo framework.
Asylo takes an object-oriented approach to enclave application development.
Conceptually, an enclave is a collection of private data and private logic,
along with public methods to access it. To this end, Asylo models an enclave
using TrustedApplication
, an abstract class that defines various enclave
entry-points. To implement an enclave application, a developer creates a
subclass of TrustedApplication
and implements the appropriate methods.
Throughout this guide, we use both trusted application and enclave to refer
to an instance of TrustedApplication
In Asylo, enclaves operate on protocol-buffer messages; all enclave inputs and outputs are protocol buffers.
We refer to the process of switching from an untrusted application to an enclave as entering the enclave and the process of switching from an enclave to an untrusted application as exiting an enclave.
In Asylo, all enclave interactions are handled through an abstract class called
. The Asylo framework provides concrete implementations of this
class for each supported enclave technology. The EnclaveClient
class defines
several methods for entering an enclave. Enclave exits, on the other hand, are
implicit—they either happen automatically when an enclave entry finishes its
work, or they happen when an enclave requests services from the operating
Of the various enclave-entry methods defined by the EnclaveClient
three are of particular interest to Asylo users:
: This method takes anEnclaveConfig
message containing basic enclave configuration settings and passes it to the enclave. This is a private method, and is implicitly invoked by the Asylo framework when an enclave binary image is loaded.EnterAndRun
: This method takes anEnclaveInput
message, passes it to the enclave, which can populate theEnclaveOutput
result. TheEnclaveInput
messages can be extended with protobuf extensions by the developer to meet the data-processing requirements of the application. This method is a public method, and may be called an arbitrary number of times with different inputs after the enclave is initialized.EnterAndFinalize
: This method takes anEnclaveFinal
message, which may contain any information needed by the enclave for finalization, and passes that message to the enclave just before it is destroyed. This method is also a private method of theEnclaveClient
class, and is implicitly invoked by the Asylo framework on enclave tear-down.
Each EnclaveClient
is associated with exactly one enclave, and the Asylo
framework forwards calls to the above EnclaveClient
methods to appropriate
enclave methods on the corresponding TrustedApplication
instance, which can be
overridden by the enclave developer.
The TrustedApplication
interface declares methods corresponding to the three
entry methods defined by the EnclaveClient
abstract class:
: This method takes anEnclaveConfig
message fromEnclaveClient::EnterAndInitialize
, and initializes the enclave with the configuration settings in theEnclaveConfig
: This method takes anEnclaveInput
message fromEnclaveClient::EnterAndRun
, populates anEnclaveOutput
message, and performs trusted execution.Finalize
: This method takes anEnclaveFinal
message fromEnclaveClient::EnterAndFinalize
, and prepares the enclave for destruction.
Entering an enclave is analogous to making a system call. The enclave entry point represents a gateway to protected code with access to the enclave's resources. Arguments are copied into the enclave's protected memory on entry and results are copied out on exit.
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, enclave_path, "",
"Path to enclave binary image to load");
ABSL_FLAG(std::string, message, "", "Message to encrypt");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
absl::ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);
constexpr char kEnclaveName[] = "demo_enclave";
const std::string message = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_message);
LOG_IF(QFATAL, message.empty()) << "Empty --message flag.";
const std::string enclave_path = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enclave_path);
LOG_IF(QFATAL, enclave_path.empty()) << "Empty --enclave_path flag.";
// Part 1: Initialization
// Prepare |EnclaveManager| with default |EnclaveManagerOptions|
auto manager_result = asylo::EnclaveManager::Instance();
LOG_IF(QFATAL, !manager_result.ok()) << "Could not obtain EnclaveManager";
// Prepare |load_config| message.
asylo::EnclaveLoadConfig load_config;
// Prepare |sgx_config| message.
auto sgx_config = load_config.MutableExtension(asylo::sgx_load_config);
auto file_enclave_config = sgx_config->mutable_file_enclave_config();
// Load Enclave with prepared |EnclaveManager| and |load_config| message.
asylo::EnclaveManager *manager = manager_result.value();
auto status = manager->LoadEnclave(load_config);
LOG_IF(QFATAL, !status.ok()) << "LoadEnclave failed with: " << status;
// Part 2: Secure execution
// Prepare |input| with |message| and create |output| to retrieve response
// from enclave.
asylo::EnclaveInput input;
SetEnclaveUserMessage(&input, message);
asylo::EnclaveOutput output;
// Get |EnclaveClient| for loaded enclave and execute |EnterAndRun|.
asylo::EnclaveClient *const client = manager->GetClient(kEnclaveName);
status = client->EnterAndRun(input, &output);
LOG_IF(QFATAL, !status.ok()) << "EnterAndRun failed with: " << status;
// Part 3: Finalization
// |DestroyEnclave| before exiting program.
asylo::EnclaveFinal empty_final_input;
status = manager->DestroyEnclave(client, empty_final_input);
LOG_IF(QFATAL, !status.ok()) << "DestroyEnclave failed with: " << status;
return 0;
The three enclave entry points are shown in the above code. Let's go through each part of the code.
The untrusted application performs the following steps to initialize the trusted application:
- Configures an instance of
with default options. TheEnclaveManager
handles all enclave resources in an untrusted application. - Configures a
object to specify options for the SgxLoadConfig to fetch the enclave binary image from disk. - Calls
to bind the enclave to the name"demo enclave"
. This call implicitly invokes the enclave'sInitialize
The untrusted application performs the following steps to securely execute a workload in the trusted application:
- Provides arbitrary input data in an
. This example uses a single string protobuf extension to theEnclaveInput
message. This extension field is used to pass data to the enclave for encryption. - Gets a handle to the enclave via
. - Invokes the enclave by calling
. This method is the primary entry point used to dispatch messages to the enclave. It can be called an arbitrary number of times. - Receives the result from the enclave in an
. Developers can add protobuf extensions to theEnclaveOutput
message to provide arbitrary output values from their enclave.
The untrusted application performs the following steps to finalize the trusted application:
- Provides arbitrary finalization data to the enclave and destroys the enclave
. - Runs the enclave's
method. The Asylo framework performs this step implicitly during enclave destruction.
We just saw how to initialize, run, and finalize an enclave using the Asylo framework. These calls happened on the untrusted side of the enclave boundary. Now, let us take a look at the code on the trusted side.
constexpr size_t kMaxMessageSize = 1 << 16;
// Dummy 128-bit AES key.
constexpr uint8_t kAesKey128[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05,
0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11,
0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15};
// Encrypts a message against `kAesKey128` and returns a 12-byte nonce followed
// by authenticated ciphertext, encoded as a hex string.
const StatusOr<std::string> EncryptMessage(const std::string &message) {
std::unique_ptr<AeadCryptor> cryptor;
std::vector<uint8_t> additional_authenticated_data;
std::vector<uint8_t> nonce(cryptor->NonceSize());
std::vector<uint8_t> ciphertext(message.size() + cryptor->MaxSealOverhead());
size_t ciphertext_size;
message, additional_authenticated_data, absl::MakeSpan(nonce),
absl::MakeSpan(ciphertext), &ciphertext_size));
return absl::StrCat(BytesToHexString(nonce), BytesToHexString(ciphertext));
class EnclaveDemo : public TrustedApplication {
EnclaveDemo() = default;
Status Run(const EnclaveInput &input, EnclaveOutput *output) {
std::string user_message = GetEnclaveUserMessage(input);
std::string result;
ASYLO_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(result, EncryptMessage(user_message));
std::cout << "Encrypted message:" << std::endl << result << std::endl;
return absl::OkStatus();
const std::string GetEnclaveUserMessage(const EnclaveInput &input) {
return input.GetExtension(guide::asylo::enclave_input_demo).value();
The above snippet defines a class EnclaveDemo
, which derives from
, and implements the enclave's secure execution logic in its
method. This method encrypts the input message and prints the resulting
The TrustedApplication
base class provides default implementations for the
, Run
, and Finalize
methods. The enclave author is expected to
override these methods as needed to implement their enclave's logic. As
demonstrated in this example, an enclave author typically would override the
method to provide the core logic for their enclave,
and use that method to interact with their enclave. Alternatively, the enclave
author may launch an RPC server (e.g., a gRPC server) in the
method, and then interact with their enclave
via RPCs. In this case, the developer may choose not to override the
method. The Asylo framework is flexible, and allows
developers to use enclaves in a way that is most suitable to their needs.
To build our enclave application, we define several targets that utilize a simulated backend. See the overview for details on all supported backends.
name = "demo_proto",
srcs = ["demo.proto"],
deps = ["//asylo:enclave_proto"],
name = "demo_cc_proto",
deps = [":demo_proto"],
name = "",
srcs = [""],
deps = [
name = "",
unsigned = "",
name = "quickstart",
srcs = [""],
enclaves = {"enclave": ""},
loader_args = ["--enclave_path='{enclave}'"],
deps = [
The Bazel BUILD file shown above defines our enclave's
logic in a cc_unsigned_enclave
. This target
contains our implementation of TrustedApplication
and is linked against the
Asylo runtime. We use a debug_sign_enclave
rule to generate an enclave that
has been signed with a debug key, and can be run in supported backends (e.g.,
SGX simulation mode or on SGX hardware in debug mode).
The untrusted component is the target :quickstart
, which contains code to
handle the logic of initializing, running, and finalizing the enclave, as well
as sending and receiving messages through the enclave boundary. In a non-enclave
application, we would write :quickstart
as a cc_binary target, but the
rule streamlines the combination of driver and enclave targets.
Specifically, it ensures that is compiled with the host
crosstool, :demo_enclave
is compiled with the enclave-backend-specific
crosstool, and that the untrusted enclave loader is invoked with a flag that
specifies the enclave's path.
Let us now run the demo enclave inside the Docker image we downloaded
above. You can set the --message
flag passed to the //quickstart:quickstart_sgx_sim
target to contain any
string that you would like to encrypt.
Note: The following command runs the enclave in simulation mode.
docker run -it --rm \
-v bazel-cache:/root/.cache/bazel \
-v "${MY_PROJECT}":/opt/my-project \
-w /opt/my-project \ \
bazel run //quickstart:quickstart_sgx_sim -- --message="Asylo Rocks"
Encrypted message:
Congratulations on building and running your first enclave application!
Now you know enough about Asylo to begin modifying an enclave application. Here are some things to try:
- Note that our current example does not make use of the
variable passed toEnterAndRun
. UseSetEnclaveOutputMessage
, andGetEnclaveOutputMessage
, to return the encrypted message from the enclave to the driver, and print it there. The application output should remain unchanged. - The
function can be called multiple times once the enclave is initialized.
to add another call toEnterAndRun
, in order to re-enter enclave with a different message to encrypt. - Use
protobuf extensions
in the
message to support sending ciphertext into the enclave for decryption, using the providedDecryptMessage
A sample solution is available on GitHub.