Marketplace smart contract and UI for SGP-BTC EthGlobal Singapore 2024 project.
- nodejs for backend smart contract deploy
- MetaMask Chrome extension installed in your browser
- Hardhat for local smart contracts deployement and testing
- account for IPFS storage (free account).
- Step1: Clone GitHub Project on your PC
<p>npm install</p>
<p>npm run dev</p>
<p>Open your Project in browser (http://localhost:3000/)</p>
The front end is built with Next JS it's framework of React, it allows users to mint new NFTS and they can find on the home page a complete roadmap for the entire NFT project, the app also give a simple admin dashboard for setting minting prices and managing the sales period.
The front-end is built using the following libraries:
- Next.js: fronted Framework of develope UI
- Ethers.js: used as interface between the UI and the deployed smart contract
- RainbowKit: Connecting a Wallet
- Tailwind CSS: Styles using TailwindCss