Extends the public transport UI with additional list views and toggles for bus, tram, metro and train. Nicely integrates with the native UI. Just press the bus, tram, metro or train panel in the public transport panel to bring up the extended UI.
- Toggle visibility of all lines with one click
- Toggle visibility of individual public transport lines
- Automatically hides transport lines of all other types
- Hover over line name to highlight
- Support for tram lines
- Original Version by AngelF!re
- Interface heavily inspired by mockup from reddit user jb2386
- ModTools - invaluable tool for devs
- Pastadiablo - Fix for reappearing lines
- permutation - Zebra stripe background, scrollpanel and help with the colorpicker
- LynxSnow - Helped getting the scrollpanel to work
- leeclemens - Sortable columns
- earalov - Delete buttons
- Reenable linename trimming
- Clean up code
- Remove unnecessary threading...
- Pullrequests welcome!