A Node module for remotely accessing an OctoPrint instance
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code server-side.
OctoPrint is the leading web software for controlling 3D printers, created/maintained by Gina Häußge
OctoPi is a Raspberry-specific distro of OctoPrint, maintained by Guy Sheffer
OctoPrint's REST API allows the printer to be queried and activities managed. This Node module is a wrapper for making those calls.
This module is intended to be added like you would any other as found on npmjs.com.
cd ~/MyNodeApp
npm install --save octo-client
Next, you'll need to edit your appdir's node_modules/octo-client/config.js
file to enter your printer's hostName
("octopi.local" by default) and apiKey
(found under OctoPrint -> Settings -> API). Optionally, change the port
as well from the default 80 to something else like 5000, for example.
Review the examples.js
file for the various calls to the interface.
var OctoPrint = require('octo-client');
Assuming that the printer is up and available on your network by its hostname, running the code snippet above should display something like:
{ state:
{ flags:
{ cancelling: false,
closedOrError: false,
error: false,
operational: true,
paused: false,
pausing: false,
printing: false,
ready: true,
sdReady: false },
text: 'Operational' },
temperature: { tool0: { actual: 27.5, offset: 0, target: 0 } } }
Programmatically then, it should be possible to do more interesting things like the following...
var OctoPrint = require('octo-client');
if (ptr.state.flags.operational) {
var targetHotend1 = ptr.temperature.tool0.target;
{ api: '0.1', server: '1.3.8' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
When the printer is on but not in the Connected state:
{ current:
{ baudrate: null,
port: null,
printerProfile: '_default',
state: 'Closed' },
{ baudratePreference: null,
baudrates: [ 250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600 ],
portPreference: null,
ports: [ '/dev/ttyACM0' ],
printerProfilePreference: '_default',
printerProfiles: [ [Object] ] } }
...and when the printer is in the Connected state:
{ current:
{ baudrate: 0,
port: 'AUTO',
printerProfile: '_default',
state: 'Operational' },
{ baudratePreference: null,
baudrates: [ 250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600 ],
portPreference: null,
ports: [ '/dev/ttyACM0' ],
printerProfilePreference: '_default',
printerProfiles: [ [Object] ] } }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
OctoPrint.files(bRecursive = false, callback);
A true
value as the first argument will include all subfolders under the local
directory which is a synonym for uploads
. A false
or null
value only shows the files in that folder.
{ files:
[ { date: 1528902279,
display: 'TC-MoldFront.gcode',
gcodeAnalysis: [Object],
hash: 'f5db9f02283d75fc73dc3c1b310dc3415709ff42',
name: 'TC-MoldFront.gcode',
origin: 'local',
path: 'TC-MoldFront.gcode',
prints: [Object],
refs: [Object],
size: 11674021,
statistics: [Object],
type: 'machinecode',
typePath: [Array] },
{ date: 1528846521,
display: 'Totoro-Lego.gcode',
gcodeAnalysis: [Object],
hash: '45ad15262ca44eca5d7d92dd58ca239fd27174fb',
name: 'Totoro-Lego.gcode',
origin: 'local',
path: 'Totoro-Lego.gcode',
prints: [Object],
refs: [Object],
size: 1986739,
statistics: [Object],
type: 'machinecode',
typePath: [Array] },
{ date: 1528989933,
display: 'TC-MoldBack.gcode',
gcodeAnalysis: [Object],
hash: '9c910fb3790794b67599b180f291379d2085bdae',
name: 'TC-MoldBack.gcode',
origin: 'local',
path: 'TC-MoldBack.gcode',
prints: [Object],
refs: [Object],
size: 9156225,
statistics: [Object],
type: 'machinecode',
typePath: [Array] } ],
free: 4231987200,
total: 7543226368 }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
OctoPrint.file(path, callback);
A filename
value as the first argument will query information about that file. A typical value might be 3DBenchy.gcode
. The path is relative to the uploads
folder as the root; a beginning slash is unnecessary.
{ date: 1524088861,
display: '3DBenchy.gcode',
{ dimensions:
{ depth: 15.599999999999994,
height: 4.8,
width: 17.59899999999999 },
estimatedPrintTime: 305.82916377222693,
filament: { tool0: [Object] },
{ maxX: 76.817,
maxY: 109.166,
maxZ: 5.1,
minX: 59.218,
minY: 93.566,
minZ: 0.3 } },
hash: '8673bbd4c298627bf74a057afbbf7f4a136ca81f',
name: '3DBenchy.gcode',
origin: 'local',
path: '3DBenchy.gcode',
{ failure: 12,
{ date: 1528300170.830957,
printTime: 442.8355870246887,
success: true },
success: 2 },
{ download: 'http://octopi.local/downloads/files/local/3DBenchy.gcode',
resource: 'http://octopi.local/api/files/local/3DBenchy.gcode' },
size: 180153,
{ averagePrintTime: { _default: 404.68370950222015 },
lastPrintTime: { _default: 442.8355870246887 } },
type: 'machinecode',
typePath: [ 'machinecode', 'gcode' ] }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
OctoPrint.file(path, bPrint, callback);
A filename
value as the first argument will select that file. A typical value might be 3DBenchy.gcode
. The path is relative to the uploads
folder as the root; a beginning slash is unnecessary.
The second argument as true
will start the print. A value of false
does not automatically start the print.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ job:
{ averagePrintTime: null,
estimatedPrintTime: null,
filament: null,
{ date: null,
display: null,
name: null,
origin: null,
path: null,
size: null },
lastPrintTime: null },
{ completion: null,
filepos: null,
printTime: null,
printTimeLeft: null,
printTimeLeftOrigin: null },
state: 'Operational' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ language_packs:
{ _core: { display: 'Core', identifier: '_core', languages: [] } } }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ api:
{ allowCrossOrigin: false,
enabled: true,
key: 'REDACTED' },
{ color: 'default',
colorTransparent: false,
defaultLanguage: '_default',
name: 'OctoPi',
showFahrenheitAlso: false },
{ autoUppercaseBlacklist: [ 'M117' ],
g90InfluencesExtruder: false,
gcodeViewer: true,
keyboardControl: true,
legacyPluginAssets: false,
mobileSizeThreshold: 2097152,
modelSizeDetection: true,
pollWatched: false,
printCancelConfirmation: true,
sdSupport: false,
sizeThreshold: 20971520,
temperatureGraph: true },
{ logs: '/home/pi/.octoprint/logs',
timelapse: '/home/pi/.octoprint/timelapse',
timelapseTmp: '/home/pi/.octoprint/timelapse/tmp',
uploads: '/home/pi/.octoprint/uploads',
watched: '/home/pi/.octoprint/watched' },
{ announcements:
{ channel_order: [Array],
channels: [Object],
display_limit: 3,
enabled_channels: [Array],
forced_channels: [Array],
summary_limit: 300,
ttl: 360 },
{ command: 'G29 T1',
flipX: false,
flipY: false,
mesh_timestamp: '5/2/2018, 2:48:24 PM',
save_mesh: true,
stored_mesh: [Array],
stored_mesh_x: [Array],
stored_mesh_y: [Array],
stored_mesh_z_height: 145,
stripFirst: false },
{ cura_engine: '/usr/local/bin/cura_engine',
debug_logging: false,
default_profile: null },
{ httpPassword: null,
httpUsername: null,
model: [Object],
pathPrefix: null,
publicHost: null,
publicPort: 80,
upnpUuid: 'REDACTED',
zeroConf: [] },
gcodesystemcommands: { command_definitions: [Array] },
navbartemp: { displayRaspiTemp: true },
{ dependency_links: false,
hidden: [],
notices: 'https://plugins.octoprint.org/notices.json',
notices_ttl: 360,
pip_args: null,
pip_force_user: false,
repository: 'https://plugins.octoprint.org/plugins.json',
repository_ttl: 1440 },
{ cache_ttl: 1440,
notify_users: true,
octoprint_branch_mappings: [Array],
octoprint_checkout_folder: '/home/pi/OctoPrint',
octoprint_method: 'pip',
octoprint_release_channel: 'master',
octoprint_type: 'github_release',
pip_command: null },
{ color: [Array],
customRules: [Array],
enableCustomization: true,
enabled: true,
tabs: [Object],
theme: 'discorded' } },
printer: { defaultExtrusionLength: 5 },
{ gcode:
{ afterPrintCancelled: 'G92 E1\nG1 E-1 F300\nG28 Z\nG28 X Y\n; disable motors\nM84\n;disable all heaters\n{% snippet \'disable_hotends\' %}\n{% snippet \'disable_bed\' %}\n;disable fan\nM106 S0',
afterPrintDone: 'G92 E1\nG1 E-1 F300\nG28 X Y Z\nM104 S0\nM140 S0\nM84\nOCTO801',
afterPrintPaused: 'M117 Print Paused\nG91 Z\nG1 Z15\nG90 Z',
beforePrintResumed: 'M117 Print Resumed\nG91 Z\nG1 Z-15\nG90 Z',
beforePrintStarted: 'OCTO801\nG91\nG28 X0 Y0 Z0\nG90\nG92 E0\nG29\n',
'snippets/disable_bed': '{% if printer_profile.heatedBed %}M140 S0\n{% endif %}',
'snippets/disable_hotends': '{% for tool in range(printer_profile.extruder.count) %}M104 T{{ tool }} S0\n{% endfor %}' } },
{ additionalBaudrates: [],
additionalPorts: [],
alwaysSendChecksum: false,
autoconnect: true,
baudrate: null,
baudrateOptions: [ 115200, 250000, 230400, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600 ],
blockWhileDwelling: false,
capAutoreportSdStatus: true,
capAutoreportTemp: true,
capBusyProtocol: true,
checksumRequiringCommands: [ 'M110' ],
disconnectOnErrors: true,
externalHeatupDetection: true,
firmwareDetection: true,
helloCommand: 'M110 N0',
ignoreErrorsFromFirmware: false,
ignoreIdenticalResends: false,
log: false,
logPositionOnCancel: true,
logPositionOnPause: true,
longRunningCommands: [ 'G4', 'G28', 'G29', 'G30', 'G32', 'M400', 'M226', 'M600' ],
maxTimeoutsIdle: 2,
maxTimeoutsLong: 5,
maxTimeoutsPrinting: 5,
neverSendChecksum: false,
port: null,
portOptions: [ '/dev/ttyACM0' ],
repetierTargetTemp: false,
sdAlwaysAvailable: false,
sdRelativePath: false,
supportResendsWithoutOk: 'detect',
swallowOkAfterResend: true,
timeoutCommunication: 30,
timeoutCommunicationBusy: 3,
timeoutConnection: 10,
timeoutDetection: 0.5,
timeoutSdStatus: 1,
timeoutSdStatusAutoreport: 1,
timeoutTemperature: 5,
timeoutTemperatureAutoreport: 2,
timeoutTemperatureTargetSet: 2,
triggerOkForM29: true,
waitForStart: false },
{ commands:
{ serverRestartCommand: 'sudo service octoprint restart',
systemRestartCommand: 'sudo shutdown -r now',
systemShutdownCommand: 'sudo shutdown -h now' },
diskspace: { critical: 209715200, warning: 524288000 },
onlineCheck: { enabled: false, host: '', interval: 15, port: 53 },
{ enabled: true,
ttl: 15,
url: 'https://plugins.octoprint.org/blacklist.json' } },
system: { actions: [], events: null },
{ cutoff: 30,
profiles: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
sendAutomatically: false,
sendAutomaticallyAfter: 1 },
[ { name: 'Suppress temperature messages',
regex: '(Send: (N\\d+\\s+)?M105)|(Recv:\\s+(ok\\s+)?(B|T\\d*):)' },
{ name: 'Suppress SD status messages',
regex: '(Send: (N\\d+\\s+)?M27)|(Recv: SD printing byte)|(Recv: Not SD printing)' },
{ name: 'Suppress wait responses', regex: 'Recv: wait' } ],
{ bitrate: '5000k',
ffmpegPath: '/usr/bin/avconv',
ffmpegThreads: 1,
flipH: false,
flipV: false,
rotate90: false,
snapshotSslValidation: true,
snapshotTimeout: 5,
snapshotUrl: '',
streamRatio: '16:9',
streamTimeout: 5,
streamUrl: '/webcam/?action=stream',
watermark: false } }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
OctoPrint.systemCommands(bCustom, callback);
A true
value as the first argument will include only the custom system commands. A false
or null
value shows both core and custom.
{ core:
[ { action: 'shutdown',
confirm: '<strong>You are about to shutdown the system.</strong></p><p>This action may disrupt any ongoing print jobs (depending on your printer\'s controller and general setup that might also apply to prints run directly from your printer\'s internal storage).',
name: 'Shutdown system',
resource: 'http://octopi.local/api/system/commands/core/shutdown',
source: 'core' },
{ action: 'reboot',
confirm: '<strong>You are about to reboot the system.</strong></p><p>This action may disrupt any ongoing print jobs (depending on your printer\'s controller and general setup that might also apply to prints run directly from your printer\'s internal storage).',
name: 'Reboot system',
resource: 'http://octopi.local/api/system/commands/core/reboot',
source: 'core' },
{ action: 'restart',
confirm: '<strong>You are about to restart the OctoPrint server.</strong></p><p>This action may disrupt any ongoing print jobs (depending on your printer\'s controller and general setup that might also apply to prints run directly from your printer\'s internal storage).',
name: 'Restart OctoPrint',
resource: 'http://octopi.local/api/system/commands/core/restart',
source: 'core' },
{ action: 'restart_safe',
confirm: '<strong>You are about to restart the OctoPrint server in safe mode.</strong></p><p>This action may disrupt any ongoing print jobs (depending on your printer\'s controller and general setup that might also apply to prints run directly from your printer\'s internal storage).',
name: 'Restart OctoPrint in safe mode',
resource: 'http://octopi.local/api/system/commands/core/restart_safe',
source: 'core' } ],
custom: [] }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ status: 'Success' }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ config: { type: 'off' },
[ { bytes: 495616,
date: '2018-05-03 10:26',
name: '3DBenchy_20180503102406.mpg',
size: '484.0KB',
url: '/downloads/timelapse/3DBenchy_20180503102406.mpg' },
{ bytes: 21891072,
date: '2018-05-01 14:43',
name: '3DBenchy_20180501113430.mpg',
size: '20.9MB',
url: '/downloads/timelapse/3DBenchy_20180501113430.mpg' } ] }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ profiles:
{ _default:
{ axes: [Object],
color: 'default',
current: true,
default: true,
extruder: [Object],
heatedBed: false,
id: '_default',
model: 'Model Name',
name: 'octopi',
resource: 'http://octopi.local/api/printerprofiles/_default',
volume: [Object] } } }
See the printerState
documentation below for error conditions.
{ state:
{ flags:
{ cancelling: false,
closedOrError: false,
error: false,
operational: true,
paused: false,
pausing: false,
printing: false,
ready: true,
sdReady: false },
text: 'Operational' },
temperature: {} }
...and when the printer can be reached but is not in the Connected state...
{ status: 'Printer is not operational' }
...and when the printer is off:
{ status: 'Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND octopi.local' }
...and if the node_modules/octo-client/config.js
has the wrong apiKey
{ status: 'Invalid API key' }
...or the value is empty:
{ status: 'Config error: No apiKey set in node_modules/octo-client/config.js file' }
Please set the config.apiKey
value as described in the Configuration section above.
If you have changed the default name of the OctoPi-imaged printer, then you should also edit this entry in the node_modules/octo-client
folder. Remember to append .local
after the hostname's value.
If you aren't running from the OctoPi image or if you haven't installed haproxy
, you may need to update the port
variable to 5000 by editing this entry in the node_modules/octo-client
If the config.hostName
as given isn't found on the network due to the printer being off or due to a name resolution failure, any of the methods will return, for example:
{ status: 'Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND octopi.local' }
Microsoft clients do not have the Bonjour protocol loaded by default and may have difficulty finding an OctoPrint instance by its hostname. This module supports using the local IP address for the config.hostName
Description | Version | Author | Last Update |
octo-client | v1.1.4 | OutsourcedGuru | April 23, 2019 |
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