Tags: gluster/gdeploy
Toggle v3.0.0-10's commit message
Merge pull request #566 from rchikatw/3.0.0
minor changes to when stopping the gluster volume
Toggle v3.0.0-9's commit message
Merge pull request #565 from rchikatw/3.0.0
Added changes to create disperse volume
Toggle v2.0.11's commit message
Merge pull request #521 from sac-urs/2.0.3
Handle LANG gracefully
Toggle v2.0.10's commit message
Merge pull request #521 from sac-urs/2.0.3
Handle LANG gracefully
Toggle v2.0.9's commit message
Merge pull request #514 from sac-urs/2.0.3
Removed unnecessary dependencies
Toggle v2.0.7's commit message
Toggle v2.0.8's commit message
Addition changes to boolean errors
Toggle v2.0.6's commit message
Add VDO feature to gdeploy
* VDO can be created and deleted from gdeploy
Toggle v2.0.5's commit message
Merge branch 'rhgs-3.3.1' into rhgs-3.4.0
Toggle v2.0.4's commit message
Remove the display feature in gdeploy
This feature breaks if gdeploy is used with Ansible-2.4 and above
due to backward compatibility issues.
You can’t perform that action at this time.