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Regarding exp_script/DARPAscript.py and DARPA.conf.sample... NOTE: We should renamed "test" to "validation" throughout. TODO: * We need a fast fast (10 min) script to test for diffs when we update code. * Debug output should include more information, like depth, #epochs, #trainsize. * Rename state.depth to state.maxdepth or something, throughout. (Except sometimes we add it?) * Add 'hg log | head' id to output. * If the work directory already exists, should we just remove it entirely? Currently we overwrite the files one by one. This is kind of dangerous because if we abort prematurely, we have stale later files. NOTE: * You should use have this Python library in your PYTHONPATH: http://github.com/turian/common mkdir work/ The simple command to lauch the script properly is: PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:.. THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu0,floatX=float32 jobman cmdline -w work/ DARPAscript.NLPSDAE DARPA-fast.conf - gpu0 means select the first GPU device. - DARPA-fast.conf is the conf file where your hyperparameters are specified. This is script that is fast to train. You can overwrite values specified by the .conf file by adding hyperparam choices to the end of the command-line. If you want to experiment over different *sets* of hyperparameters, you should create an SQL database with the different hyperparameter configurations that you want. - On the jobman command line, you can select a path to store the results. In order to make it work you need to install the Antoine version of the liblinear library (to do very very fast SVM learning). Antoine added the code in the preprocessor archive. In the first line of the script, a path to the lib/liblinear folder is hard coded, you should change it to yours. Also, you need to have jobman. And in your PYTHONPATH you should put the deepANN path. Then all the parameters needed to launch the experiments are in DARPA.conf. They are currently at the values of our best setting so far. The script does greedy layer-wise training on GPUs or CPU. Testing is performed periodically. There is a list of epochs (that you give as parameter 'epochstest' in the conf file), one per layer, that specifies which this testing is performed. Each time we perform testing, we evaluate an unsupervised and supervised criterion over test: * Unsupervised: we calculate the reconstruction error on the first 25000 examples of our test set. * Supervised: We train linear SVMs on the current layer representation with different numbers of labeled training examples: - 100 training examples (x20 different samples of 100 training examples) - 1000 training examples (x10 different samples of 1000 training examples) - 10000 training examples (x1 different sample of 10000 training examples) We evaluate these supervised models on the 'name_testdata' validation instances. For each different number of training examples, we also try different SVM C values, varying by a factor of 10. We evaluate the C value on the validation instances. We take the mean validation score over the different samples used at this # of training examples. We choose the C value that minimizes this mean validation score, and report this mean validation score. This entire supervised evaluation appears to be a time-consuming: (20 * 100 examples, 10 * 1000 examples, 1* 1000 examples) * number of C visited (at least 3) but in fact it takes about 30 minutes (thanks to Antoine and liblinear :). In principle, we could train the SVMs in parallel on a CPU with a thread (I've already done it to generate shapeset data on CPU while training on GPU). At the moment it is not implemented. For huge models (5000 hidden units per layer) the SVM might take up to 2 GB of RAM on the CPU. This model size fits also on the GPUs we tested (GTX480). jobman will write files of the form: * orig.conf - Original hyperparameters passed in to jobman, plus some jobman specific values. * current.conf - Current hyperparameters of the job. Typically, everything is identical but a few values are added: > besterr1000 = [(0.01, 51.558999999999997, 0.77183500000000005, 13.85, 1.57115), (0.001, 50.543999999999997, 0.79525100000000004, 22.52, 1.96306), (0.001, 50.497, 0.67183400000000004, 29.32, 1.8285499999999999)] For each layer, (best C, test err mean, test err stddev, train err mean, train err stddev) For each layer, specifically, the best test err mean that we ever saw at any point while we were training up to this layer. This is evaluated over the 1000 training example sets. > besterr100 and besterr10000 Like besterr1000, but with a different number of training examples. > besterr1000epoch = [4, 1, 2] For each layer, the training epoch at which the linear SVM achieved the best test err mean, which is the value we report. The following format might be easier to understand: best_scores_for_layer1 = [100: ..., 1000: ..., 10000: ...] best_scores_for_layer2 = [100: ..., 1000: ..., 10000: ...] * depth?pre?/ - Layer at some epoch number. TODO: Add zeroes so pretraining # of digits is always the same, for easier sorting. * depth?err.pkl (where ? is the depth level) First set of data: For a particular epoch (the dict key), the reconstruction error on the test (validation) data. Second set of data: With 100 labeled training examples, for a particular epoch (the dict key), for the best choice of C: (best C, test err mean, test err stddev, train err mean, train err stddev) Third set of data: As second set, but with 1000 labeled training examples. Fourth set of data: As second set, but with 10000 labeled training examples. NOTE: This should be rewritten as a JSON file. You can set an experiment that does all the layers in one job, or just add some layer to a previous trained model (you can give in the parameters the path of the model you want to load). I am currently testing the script to ensure it works well, at least now it seems to. You should use the GPU for this size of inputs to have results in approx 8h for 3 layers in our best setting, instead of 5 days with CPU. Don't forget that we still need RAM on the CPU (around 2Gig in the worst case).