This repository contains Dockerfile of deb builder running on Ubuntu Linux for building deb packages in Ubuntu container.
This is built on top of ubuntu:16.04
, so make sure you're building against
the latest version of that:
$ docker pull gleez/debbuild
docker run -it gleez/debbuild /bin/bash
docker run -v /home/gleez/Projects/Docker/nginx/src:/build -it gleez/debbuild /bin/bash
You can add a workspace as a volume directory with the argument -v /your-path/build/:/build/ like this :
docker run -it -v "$PWD":/build gleez/debbuild /bin/bash
Get the latest version from github
git clone
cd docker-images/debbuild
Build it
sudo docker build --force-rm=true --tag="$USER/debbuild" .
Enjoy !!