I was wondering if PJON's support for ESP-NOW could be extended to the esp8266 platform. On the surface it appears it may be currently available for the esp32.
Quick test using platformIO and sample code from I get errors such as:
.piolibdeps/PJON_ID245/src/strategies/ESPNOW/../../interfaces/ARDUINO/ESPNOWHelper.h:4:4: error: #error "ESP32 constant is not defined."
I can define said constant, but I'm not sure what the repercussions would be. Then we have another error regarding support for freertos library. Not sure which FreeRTOS library it expects:
.piolibdeps/PJON_ID245/src/strategies/ESPNOW/../../interfaces/ARDUINO/ESPNOWHelper.h:12:31: fatal error: freertos/FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
Using the sample code above on esp8266 one has to change
#include <WiFi.h> to
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>