- summary Tips for developers
This project is based on odk Manager and uses much of the code base. It would be useful to review that project.
The application lives in two pieces, one is the !AppEngine piece which supports the manager view and is a service for the the second piece, the Android based worker view. The server portion currently lives on http://requestfollowupmanager.appspot.com but can also be deployed locally.
* Both pieces were developed in eclipse and the source tree includes the eclipse 3.5 configuration files. Whether it can be directly imported into your installation is not guaranteed. * Note that what is flagged as an error in Eclipse is a configuration setting. What may show up as an error in one installation may be set as a warning or to ignore in another installation. * The !AppEngine SDK can be found at http://code.google.com/appengine/ * The Android SDK can be found at http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html * The Android target is 1.5 * If you use an Android Virtual Device and the server is also running on your local machine then the setting for the URL in odkTask settings should be * Eclipse integrates many of the Android SDK tools into Eclipse and they are easier to use.
This code was written from scratch and has little legacy code from odk Manage.
The android code used odk Manage as a starting point. There is some unused code which is still present but it will be incorporated as further development continues. <br/> !OdkManageService is the central class in the application. If you are wondering about the flow of control and how the different activities are generated this is a good place to start. * Synchronizing the tasks with the server # The worker writable parts of modified tasks are sent to the server. i.e. The notes and the 'Done' flag # All tasks for the worker which are not done are sent from the server. # The current tasks in the DB are deleted # The newly uploaded tasks are written to the DB.