A geometric shotgun blast of Chia XCH coins.
Clone repository, go into it, make/activate a python virtualenv, install requirements, and check requirements.
$ git clone https://github.com/geraldneale/pyramid_coin.git
$ cd pyramid_coin
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ cdv --version
Rough early version. The clsp files and output amounts should all work at this point.
Output will look similar, but not exact depending on the quantity of your output addresses:
Level1- first address
Amount received: 0.557598039205 TXCH
Amount received: 0.145833333315 TXCH
Amount received: 0.145833333316 TXCH
Amount received: 0.087499999985 TXCH
Amount received: 0.087499999988 TXCH
Amount received: 0.087499999987 TXCH
Amount received: 0.087499999984 TXCH
Amount received: 0.087499999986 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111104 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111108 TXCH
Amount received: 0.0486111111 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111106 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111105 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111102 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111107 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111101 TXCH
Amount received: 0.048611111103 TXCH
Amount received: 0.025735294115 TXCH
Twitter @geraldneale
Instagram @gerald.neale
http://mojopuzzler.org - chialisp resources for the capable beginner.
Discord Mojo Puzzler - https://discord.gg/SMFHEE2Z
Donations : xch1hv4gj4vvdsyzn9hrhy9tn6hu6jwk82tyrs3t4r33468x642myjws8kh8xl